Kambo Protocol's > The Process

Puke purge colours, what do they suggest / signify?


Hi, can anyone offer advice and/or information/sources on what these different colours of puking from kambo signify or might signify?

Ive puked yellow, green, pinkish/reddish, dull purplish, in that order at the same ceremony.

Ceremony after this was more painful, starting with a bit of yellow/green then the painful almost black puke came, it literally looked the colour of soy sauce or oil, like black with that darkish brown tinge around the edges of where it sits or is in small amounts.

This was also quite painful on the throat and I still had a sore throat and uncomfortable feelings in my abdomen organs hours after the ceremony. I think I didnt have enough water perhaps, which may have led to the burning painful purging, probably had around 1.5L.

Im new to Kambo so any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Yellow is stomach bile and yellow is also associated with the liver, the liver and gallbladder produce bile.

There's a thread on the subject. http://kambo.me/smf/index.php?topic=126

Thanks very much for the info and for posting that link.  :)


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