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Messages - GiantMonkeyTreeFrog

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: KAMBO ceremonies around the world
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:08:58 AM »

Hello Mudhen,

Just saw your post and I'm a little late getting back to you.  I have since moved to Topanga Canyon and I'd welcome a visit if you're ever in the area. 

Sending much love,


General Discussion / KAMBO ceremonies around the world
« on: June 10, 2014, 05:11:53 PM »


We hold regular Kambo Circles each Saturday here in Venice Beach, California.

We limit each weeks circle to 8 people and afterwards we generally socialise and eat a very light organic meal.

It's been my pleasure to work with Kambo for 3 1/2 years, I have facilitated for 100's of people both in North and South America.

Please feel free to email me if you are interested.


General Discussion / Testimonials
« on: June 10, 2014, 04:59:24 PM »


As a Kambo practitioner for three and a half years,  I have seen so many people benefit from their relationship with Kambo and I'm a huge advocate for this wonderful gift from the Amazon. 

Personally I managed to shift a stubborn depression, eczema, allergies and brain fog in only 5 applications.  If you have a personal story about your relationship with Kambo I'd be honored to share it on the Kambo Community Facebook page and also the Kambo Cleanse Website. 

I look forward to hearing from you:

Thank you,


General Discussion / Kambo Songs ?
« on: June 10, 2014, 04:47:26 PM »

I recently received a request on the Kambo Community Facebook page for some traditional Kambo songs.

"hi, please i'm looking for the kambo traditional song ! someone can help me ?
thx you "

Does anybody have any to share in either English or Spanish?

Much Appreciated,


Video / Re: "No Pain, No Game"
« on: September 12, 2013, 11:45:46 PM »

Is it true that in captivity they stop producing poison? Heard that somewhere.

Reflexology, Auriculotherapy, Facial Acupucture / Re: The Book to Get...
« on: September 12, 2013, 11:41:33 PM »

Interesting dichotomy...

We give Kambo on an empty stomach and yet the books mentioned says in the section of contraindications (page 8):

"Ear acupuncture should not be performed if a patient has an empty stomach..."

Any thoughts?


I am also guilty of asking where folks buy their Kambo.  I asked mainly to ascertain who was buying directly from native people, which I would prefer to do in the future.  Sorry if I offended.

Acupuncture & Acupressure / Re: Locating Meridians
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:48:49 PM »

After reading this thread, I was inspired to try to work with my own meridians.  I was not taught to use Kambo this way, just the general arm or leg application.  This conversation has inspired me to think differently about working with Kambo and I am grateful for the information.

Firstly I used this resource, to locate K8-K9, which was easy enough using some poking around to find the point.  In my case K8 was very tender.

I decided to go with 5 medium sized dots between K8 and K9 and instantly felt a needle like sensation in K8 as the Kambo was applied.  Very strong, as if somebody were sticking a sharp needle in my skin and moving it around.  A few moments later, my entire foot and ankle felt as though there were millions of needles sticking in... these 'millions of needles' subsided after about a minute, leaving just a few very strong points activated, all the way down to my toe.  I realized later that these points did not correspond with the lower K points, so perhaps I activated another meridian?

The experience so far was quite gentle, and it didn't purge; just got very calm, centered, and quiet.  Waves of calm would be replaced with spasms in the body and shaking, most in my right arm/hand... then I would become calm again.

After a few cycles, I decided to burn two more points and placed these in my left arm, continuing some earlier Kambo scars.  These two extra points, I though would take me over the edge and cause me to purge, but nothing.  Just a calm, deep, meditative feeling.  After another 20 minutes, I went lightly to the bathroom, lay down and had a very peaceful rest.

As I mentioned earlier, this the first time I have not purged, in about 40 applications ranging from 6-13 points.  I feel like the medicine went deeper, stayed inside and is still working.  The points on my arm and leg are still 'talking' like the Kambo telegraph, all is well, and I'm grateful to the medicine and for the experience.

Application / Ember Vine
« on: August 15, 2013, 11:57:31 AM »

Many of the Kambo sticks that I received came with and applicator stick.  Whats so nice about these sticks, as compared to say, bamboo, is that they are natural, hold a really nice ember and I find that I can apply the burns very efficiently. After some googling, I am convinced that the native people call this 'ember vine' in their language.

I've been trying to convince some vendors to stock the application sticks as a separate product, but the inform me its hard to communicate with the tribes about this; perhaps they don't have a direct route in?

If anyone could help with this, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you in advance

General Discussion / Where do you buy your Kambo?
« on: August 15, 2013, 11:48:42 AM »

Where do you buy your Kambo?

I noticed an old thread about buying Kambo, but it was over 120 days old, so thought I'd start another one.

Did you guys ever work out a group buy of Kambo? If so, where do you buy it and how much do you pay?

I have been buying from Maya for 2 years and I've been getting around 100 points per stick; and paying around $70

Recently I switched to buying from Julio Neives, 3 sticks for $115. I believe Julio buys from the Matsés.

Then finally, a friend just picked up a stick from Peter Gorman in Iquitos, for $25... so as I'm experiencing a wide range of prices.

Finally, I'd like to note that, price is not everything.  I would prefer to pay more for high quality and consistency.  I'd also like to support a tribe directly, or as directly as possible with the language/technology barriers.

Any thoughts?


Xochipilli, those photos were taken by me at an event in Eden Hot Springs.  The Kambo practitioner was Willem Wout from Holland and I was assisting him; we worked on around 30 people a day for 3 days straight and there was a very nice flow.  Earlier people, helping later people, the Kambo compassion and open hearts kicking in.

We were making spirals at the request of some of the ladies, who were concerned with the aesthetics of their scars.  Reading this forum has taught me a lot and I'm determined to bypass aesthetics for meridian points in future.  Although I have taken Kambo dozens of times, given Kambo around 50 times, I have so much to learn and I feel like I've hit a gold mine of information here.  Thank you all who have posted so wholeheartedly.

Diet before and after / Re: Fasting beforehand isn't necessary
« on: August 15, 2013, 12:13:29 AM »
"In my practice if someone chooses not to abide by the simple rules I give of drinking at least a gallon of water and fasting for at least 6 hours, then they are not qualified to take the medicine.  "

I recently heard of some people doing Kambo 'dry', with no water prior to the application.  In my opinion this is is very dangerous; as the medicine needs the water, the medicine is fire/hot in the body and water acts as the balance; the carrier. 

I agree wholeheartedly with those that have expressed, a responsible approach.  If we respect the native practices, honor the medicine and try to help each other to work responsibly, we will 'heal' rather than do harm.


For Ayahuasca and Kambo, I recommend Warinei Wanare in Pasto... he's a wonderful man, caring and dedicated to the medicines.  If you travel through Pasto on your way south, you won't be disappointed with his work ;-) His cell phone number is 573122854299 and his email is:   Blessings.

Introductions / Re: Is Kambo Legal in the US?
« on: August 14, 2013, 11:02:20 PM »

This is an excellent question and one that has been on my mind for a while now.

As someone that works with Kambo both here in the US and in other countries, its obviously of concern.

It may for example be legal to possess Kambo, but is it legal to use it on someone? What's the legal position if you give it to a person and then that person goes to hospital?I personally know of a very experienced practitioner, a person with good intentions and a good heart who gave Kambo to a lady in Costa Rica and three days later she died in hospital.

I raise these questions, not to scare people, but to open the dialog about responsibility and legal boundaries.  I would love some guidance on this from those that know more than me.

Thank you and please feel free to 'friend' the Kambo Community Facebook page.

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