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Offline caiano

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Deep waters
« on: March 13, 2016, 12:55:54 PM »
 "Before closing this chapter I want to make a nod to a particular cure of detoxification which includes a first phase of withdrawal from any liquid for two or three days, and a second step so modulated: you drink 1-2 liters of water to abruptly rehydrate the body and after the first urine output, one continues  to assume for 2-3 days at each urination  the same amount of water eliminated with urine.

This type of treatment can be repeated as needed or do and will.

Let's recap the mode of action of this method: during the dry phase, the blood, NOT receiving water from the outside, to compensate for the loss of water eliminated by the excretory organs, is forced to attaining it, always through the osmotic process mentioned before, from the extra-cellular serum.

This dehydration of the extracellular space, consequently, will draw water from the intracellular serum.
This fluid shift from cellular depths up to the surface layers will be all the more intense the bigger the shortage of water at  circulation  level.

The ascent of water from the depths, carries the toxins that otherwise would have remained deposited in cells and in extracellular space.

The next (to dry cure) taking of much water is then needed so as not to turn back the aforementioned toxins because of the relative dehydration of cells and the extracellular space.
 In fact with the frequent urination many of circulating toxins rising from deep tissue will come out of the body.

Another interesting, but little known mechanism of  detoxifying action, is represented by
ketonic acidosis, that during the dry cure is created in the extracellular space.

This acidosis boost, paradoxically is a positive thing, because it goes to dissolve the sticky toxins adherent to the walls of cell membranes. Without this solvent action of ketone acids produced during deprivation of nutrients, is not possible a complete cellular and tissue detoxification.

The failures of the usual detox treatments are determined by an excessive accumulation of sticky toxins at the tissue level that no amount of water is able to eliminate without the accompaniment of a liposolvent detergent. It has been shown that acidic water, especially if ionized has more power of dissolving fats.

A great program for tissue deacidification is done by the alternated intake
of alkaline ionized water and oxidized acidic water.

In Russia and Eastern Europe countries, doctors who treat with the ionized water, often prescribe the intake of oxidized acidic water.

The intake of a certain amount of acid plant foods and drinks is
useful to dissolve the sticky toxins produced from starches and saturated fats.
The fresh pineapple juice, for example, is among the most liposolvent substance.

For mixed deposits of organic and mineral substances (stones and calcifications) is useful the alternated intake of acidic and alkaline water. Whereas uric crystals are soluble with a decent amount of alkaline water.

(From an Italian book by Rocco Palmisano, 2014)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 07:20:33 AM by caiano »

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Re: Deep waters
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2016, 02:18:05 AM »
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Dry fasting sounded like a totally bad idea to me until that post properly explained the process.

The failures of the usual detox treatments are determined by an excessive accumulation of sticky toxins at the tissue level that no amount of water is able to eliminate without the accompaniment of a liposolvent detergent.

then it says:

The intake of a certain amount of acid plant foods and drinks is
useful to dissolve the sticky toxins produced from starches and saturated fats.
The fresh pineapple juice, for example, is among the most liposolvent substance.

So I'm guessing this means that if doing a water/juice fast, one should incorporate some juices of citrus acid fruit like lemons/limes but especially pineapple juice.

Offline caiano

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Re: Deep waters
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2016, 03:50:11 PM »
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Dry fasting sounded like a totally bad idea to me until that post properly explained the process.

The failures of the usual detox treatments are determined by an excessive accumulation of sticky toxins at the tissue level that no amount of water is able to eliminate without the accompaniment of a liposolvent detergent.

then it says:

The intake of a certain amount of acid plant foods and drinks is
useful to dissolve the sticky toxins produced from starches and saturated fats.
The fresh pineapple juice, for example, is among the most liposolvent substance.

So I'm guessing this means that if doing a water/juice fast, one should incorporate some juices of citrus acid fruit like lemons/limes but especially pineapple juice.

 "acid fruit like lemons/limes" have  the power to boost the alkalize reserves in the body !
So their acid is converted in something alkaline, useful to buffer the acidity of normal methabolism and digestion.
However i think they are a good ally during fasting and also consumed  normally in the morning at empty stomach.

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Re: Deep waters
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2016, 01:30:00 AM »
So their acid is converted in something alkaline,

I heard that they stimulate the body's buffer systems and cause the body to release alkaline minerals.
That made me a little weary about using them constantly as a method of alkalinization.

What do you think?

Offline caiano

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Re: Deep waters
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2016, 08:52:54 AM »

It's years that almost every morning i drink a juice made  with 1 lemon + 2 oranges or 1 grapefruit, and my conditions improved.

Alkalinization is a positive factor for health: in general, it is recommended to consume 80% of alkaline food
( see T. A. Baroody's book, which is published in Italy into the same volume where Rocco Palmisano wrote the text above).
In general, I observed this feature: the more a vegetal tissue retains water, more it is alkaline. Grains for example tend toward acidity.

Acidification is constantly manifesting through normal methabolism and could be dangerously boosted by wrong food, stress and bad emotions, toxins from pollution or drugs.
In cold climates acidification helps to produce cellular heat, but also triggers inflammation of tissues.

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Re: Deep waters
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2017, 01:17:35 PM »
This is very interesting, dry fasting had been something I was considering Im glad I have some proper info. Thanks, much love. ;D

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Re: Deep waters
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2020, 02:25:50 PM »
Do you still shower bath regularly while dry fasting? Or avoid it till allowing yourself to take in water again?

One thing that comes to mind is to add a note of caution to those that might have kidney issues.

"In patients with stage 3 or higher CKD, Ramadan fasting during the summer months was associated with worsening of renal function. Clinicians need to warn CKD patients against Ramadan fasting."

"During Ramadan, Muslims must abstain from eating or drinking from dawn to sunset every day for a whole month." ... "the duration of fasting varies from 12-18 hours" ... "Although there is an exemption from fasting provided to sick people, many of these patients wish to fast. Physicians in Muslim countries are frequently consulted by their patients regarding the effects of fasting on their health, including patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Although many studies have shown that fasting during Ramadan has no adverse effect on healthy people, the few studies that have been conducted on the effect of Ramadan in patients with CKD have found inconsistent results. Moreover, some of these studies were conducted during the winter season, and others were conducted during the summer time. Therefore, we carried out this study on the effect of Ramadan fasting on worsening of renal function (WRF) in patients with more advance CKD during the period in summer with the longest days."