Author Topic: Drinking Sananga - The Uchu Sanango Dieta & Species difference  (Read 3753 times)

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Drinking Sananga - The Uchu Sanango Dieta & Species difference
« on: October 09, 2020, 10:22:15 PM »
I am writing here because I found this blogpost online about Drinking Sananga and I thought this community might know more about it:

Then when I go on the actual websites where I see dietas being offered, they never seem to actually make reference to the eyedrops, like see here on MULTIPLE retreat sites:

I had read about Uchu Sanango before many times but I never actually assumed that it was the same plant as sananga eye drops, because at least in my world here in North America the two have NEVER come up in same context. If the site talks about drinking sananga it never mentions eye drops, and if it mentions eye drops then it never mentions drinking it or a dieta?

Can anyone clarify this? As a kambo practictioner, would you ever give a liquid form of Sananga to your patients? Would you yourself ever take this risk to drink it?

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Re: Drinking Sananga - The Uchu Sanango Dieta & Species difference
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2020, 09:13:57 PM »

Sorry for the late response, I couldn't login.
For all I know,
Ucho sanango is Tabernaemontana undulata but,
there is also Tabernaemontana sananga.
And Chiric sananga, which is a nightshade (deleriant) used to work on fears and social fears / coldness.
Most tabernaemontana species have medicinal properties, many being psychoactive.
I'm looking to grow
Tabernaemontana pachysiphon and I forget which others at the moment.
They contain ibogaine.
Yes, I would experiment with drinking it as I have done before with
Cyperus grass (spider grass) used in Piri Piri eyedrops, which burn much less.
They contain lysergamide alkaloids.
I felt the effects but I should've used more material which I added to simmered water.

Sananga burned to much that I'm afraid to do it again.
Piri Piri though, I enjoyed.

As far as I know, shamans do a dieta diet with all the plants they work with,
where they go alone into the forest and do a diet where they fast with them for periods of a week up to a year to master them.

Best regards
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 08:49:51 PM by ―λlτεrηιτγ- »

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Re: Drinking Sananga - The Uchu Sanango Dieta & Species difference
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2020, 10:53:42 PM »
From administrator: Veritasu:
And chirik sanango - its male twin - exposes the gap between who you are and what you could be.

A datura-like plant? Interesting. I've always been wary of those.

It's got a few constituents similar to that class of plant, but many that are not. The experience is nothing like datura, mandrake, henbane, etc. It doesn't have the "evil" scenarios or the strange theme of seeing dead relatives as ghosts smoking cigarettes that ppl experience so often on datura.

It usually shows up as a blue man or snake, or geometrics; in contrast to the pink theme people often see with ayahuasca.

Ayahuasca is better with uncovering trauma, nurturing wounds, self reflection, surrendarance, death-rebirth - motherly.

Chirik is better at uplifting, focusing on your direction, assertiveness, courage and gifts. Gives clarity to where your journey could lead given your potential - fatherly.

But, it has to be dosed much more careful than aya or the visions won't stop for days and heart rate will skyrocket.

I watched a Curandera accidentally drink the root extract instead of the leaves due to someone's preparation mistake, and ended up going in and out of vision for like 2 weeks. Torturous. Only the leaves should be used, if at all.

Sidenote, I know some who have positive experiences with datura, but very few. A strange plant indeed. They say it's used primarily by brujo/a in the Amazon, not healers.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 11:24:48 PM by ―λlτεrηιτγ- »