Author Topic: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior  (Read 33877 times)

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Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« on: December 01, 2012, 02:09:35 PM »
From this thread:

Peaceful Warrior wrote this thread and answered some of our questions.  Many potentials here.  I will break this up as best as I can.  All credit to Peaceful Warrior. 


now both ibogaine (12-Methoxyibogamine) and Noribogaine (12-Hydroxyibogamine) both seem to be able to be cycle because they are amines

i am currently looking up the receptors ibogaine alone hits, wile wiki lists the following for Noribogaine:

"Noribogaine is most potent as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and acts as a moderate κ- and weak µ-opioid receptor full agonist"

the serotonin reuptake inhibitor part means temporarily during its effects the serotonin system is somewhat suppressed but upon the effect wearing off their is a permanent increase in the reuptake of serotonin, that is only reversed with continued over-activation of that system most usually by drugs of abuse.

one of the iboga effects are hallucinations from 5HT2A agonism, this is the primary receptor most psychedelics effect, downstream (downstream means activating this causes the activation of) this agonizes dopamine 2 receptor (D2), some compounds don't start with 5HT2A at all and instead directly effect D2 like salvia and cannabis, the primary effects of cannabis are D2 agonism, hard drugs like meth and cocaine the dream states these can cause are also caused by D2 agonism. lsd has a D2 agonism component.

now iboga is good in chronic micro doses (multiple reasons this is just one) because its kappa agonism increases the amount of D2 receptors in the brain, so that its 5HT2A agonism has more D2 receptors to flow into downstream.

the kappa opiod agonist part means you will get dynorphin, and your D2 receptors will be upregualted meaning increase the amount of receptors on the cell (addiction downregulates, anti-addictives upregulate)

dynorphin is the primary feeling of dread or loathing or dysphoria produced by drug withdrawal, intense exercise also produces dynorphin release. dynorphin itself agonizes kappa receptors. agonizing kappa receptors also releases dynorphin.

regardless of the means of activation agonizing kappa receptor reverses addiction in many key areas, it does not fix it, it pushes the bar in the right direction, in the same way abstaining from drugs for long periods would, so its kind of like speeding up time, agonizing this receptor as far as drug withdrawal is concerned because you can concentrate strong withdrawal of the drug into a short period of time and be done with it instead of dragging the dread out for weeks and months.

its effects on µ-opioid receptor are weaker than for kappa this is good, this receptor will give it a little bit higher of a serotonin phase in the beginning, it also makes this compound very useful for pain treatment and addiction treatment, because the NMDA antagonism makes its µ-opioid agonism non-tolerance creating, and the kappa agonism reverses the tolerance the user already had before ingestion.

the more CYP2D6 enzyme present in the stomach the less ibogaine you will get and the more Noribogaine you will get below is a list of inhibitors for that enzyme witch will cause ibogaine to be active alone taking much longer for the enzyme to recover and turn ibogaine into Noribogaine.

i will post more when i find out what ibogaine does alone.

i realize all this sounds fairly complicated at first, but you have to understand i am no student in any university or college, the psychedelics lead me to interest in how ABSOLUTELY everything effects the way i feel and my health and i take it as a form of creative expression to find out these things(there is no right or wrong just learning), once you truly understand the connectivity of all the systems in the brain and body and have a good relationship with psychedelics you truly hold the keys to the the mysteries of nature, the physical design and structure of the physical body and its micro systems, reflects perfectly the structure of the spiritual bodies and realms and their structure. the design of the structure comes from the same source.


Cannabidiol (from Cannabis)
Echinacea purpurea
Pomegranate juice (Punica granatum): 1 cup
Saint John’s Wort (high dose)
Starfruit juice
White grapefruit juice: 2 cups

Black pepper: 5 grams (ingest the solids, it's an ineffective inhibitor as tea)
Calamus EO: 3 drops
Pi. cubeba
Zingiber aromaticum

Alpha-asarone (found in Calamus EO)
Black cohosh
Capsaicin (found in cayenne pepper, habanero peppers, etc.)
Cayenne pepper
Common sage
Curcuma heyneana
German chamomile EO
Ginkgo biloba
Habanero pepper
Milk Thistle
Tanshinone I

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2012, 02:12:43 PM »


personally the only thing i can think of that is similar to that is from dosing yin on left and yang on right half of body i can feel dopaminergics or serotonergics very distinctly when taken now.

yin = serotonin

yang = dopamine

also if you take these you will get more Noribogaine effects and less ibogaine effects:


Valerian root
Valerian root EO: 2-5 drops

i am still looking up the effects of ibogaine alone without noribogaine will post when found.


"So are you saying rather than doing the "Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibition + piperidine or dimethylamine supplementation" cycling for Iboga instead one would utilize the CYP2D6 INHIBITORS?"

i am saying combining for iboga to get Noribogaine to cycle:

piperidine (black pepper tea or L-lysine)
ALDH inhibitors (grocery store natural almond and star anise extracts) (or just tea made from whole star anises)

and then an CYP2D6 INDUCER like valerian, it could take anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour after taking valerian for its induction to kick in.

so the timing would be for noribogaine:

pepper tea without solids (or l-lysine) and valerian at the same time

45 minutes later

20-40 drops each of natural star anise extract and almond extract from grocery store, sewing needle pokes small enough holes for drops in the foil seal, if put in gel caps with olive oil and taken followed right after by half peanut butter sandwich it is infinitely more enjoyable. or if your lazy you could eat 20 drops of each and apply 10+ drops to the skin above the liver and or along the meridians connected with the stomach and intestines and such, taking a caffeine tablet with these extracts at the same time will boost the ALDH inhibition very strongly.

15 minutes later

take ibogaine (possibly best if taken in gel caps, mixed with olive oil might help as well, and with very small bite of peanut butter sandwich)

if one cannot get valerian, they could take any of the short lasting INHIBITORS listed, the day before taking piperidine and ALDH inhibitors, and the next day after taking the short lasting inhibitors they will have long worn off with a high probability of the body slightly inducing the enzyme upon recovery from the inhibitor, you could do this by combining inhibitors under "weak" or "moderate" in extremely small doses the day before trying to cycle Noribogaine.

ibogaine without noribogaine:

if you wanted to cycle ibogaine alone without noribogaine effects (or very little noribogaine) you would do the same thing but make sure not to take valerian and instead ON the day of the cycling you would take strong CYP2D6 inhibitors at the same time as the ALDH inhibitors, in both set-ups you take the piperidine or dimethylamine 45 minutes before the ALDH inhibitors.

"Many seek the Noribogaine effects as this is filled with positive bliss.  If you can hone this one out...BOOM BUHM!  "

do you mean what needs to be done to get only Noribogaine? simple, dose valerian an hour to an hour and a half before iboga, if you cannot get your hands on valerian, then the day beforehand dose a combination of short lasting weak-moderate strength inhibitors from the list, then the next day when you take the iboga, you take it EXACTLY 15 minutes after the time you took the inhibitors the day prior.

your bodies enzyme runs on a tight schedule and if you inhibit or induce something they get written down in the schedule and your body expects to be repeating that act at the same time everyday this becomes more and more strong the more days on the EXACT same timing you take an inhibitor or inducer.

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2012, 02:15:05 PM »


wait.......... are their native groups that micro dose iboga daily?... if so i have some insights to share about what they are causing to happen by doing this.

if you dose iboga for many days in a row and then stop 1-2 days before a higher dose or flood, you will get strong Noribogaine effects, because ibogaine inhibits CYP2D6 when the enzyme breaks it down, if you do this the same time everyday, then the body eventually starts to retaliate by overproducing the enzyme to compensate, so the first few experiences are mainly ibogaine and the later experiences should all be highly noribogaine.

"No one else has done this I suppose?"

untouched soil friend, tread lightly (:



"Why would NMDA antagonists potentiate iboga? Isn't iboga an NMDA antagonist? These things won't compete and cancel each other?
Which sort of things would you use? Magnesium, Zinc, German chamomile? How does this work?"

NMDA antagonists synergise especially if the strongest or best one is taken separately 30 minutes after the others are all taken at once.

don't take german chamomile it inhibits CYP2D6 causing more ibogaine to be made and less noribogaine

prolactin inhibitors:   (will also enhance strength, will improve ability to assimilate experiences) taken chronically and also in high dose 45-30 minutes beforehand

vitamin B6
vitamin E

tumbs or peppermint EO will make ibogaine substantially stronger if added with chronic use should be extremely powerful, enhances absorption and reduces tolerance.

NMDA antagonist:        30 minutes beforehand

garlic (fresh, chewed and swallowed)

extra vitamin c will also help

and possibly a mouth full of dxm 10 minutes after the others, followed 15 minutes later by ibogaine.

this would be extremely powerful to even micro dose ibogaine with all of these admixtures taken at the specified times.

"So this would make it stronger, granting the ability to use less plant alkaloid? "
yes, yes

"And continuing this everyday at the same time would keep the effects more pronounced, until you stopped, at which point the Noribogaine would continue to carry on doing its thing more subtly for the rest of the duration of the 4-6 months of its stay in the body"

it would likely make it dramatically more potent at very small micro doses.

NMDA antagonists up-regulate NMDA receptor in the long run, causing improved intelligence.

"How can this be done?"

tell them they get infinite wishes granted if they do it. (this is true)
some will still be unwilling to try oils or other things that balance chakras.


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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 01:11:21 PM »
take ibogaine (possibly best if taken in gel caps, mixed with olive oil might help as well, and with very small bite of peanut butter sandwich)

Can you explain what effect the olive oil and peanut butter have? Does it help you absorb the ibogaine better?

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2012, 02:39:33 PM »
yes, if you mix any compound into olive oil and put it into gel caps and take it follow right away by eating a peanut butter sandwich a very large amount of compounds absorb very effectively this way, your body recognizes only the peanut butter and olive oil so much that it goes on full on "digest food" mode, but if you elf the iboga in caps without olive oil, or omitted the sandwich your body would go "error error not food, what did you just swallow error" and after it errors for a wile it start slowly beginning to digest.

if you add liquid vitamin B6 and B12 to gel caps combined with this olive oil sandwich method it is extremely smooth on the body.

also the olive oil might inhibit mao B a little bit so it would make the iboga more strongly dopaminergic.

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2012, 04:46:00 PM »
It's like every post you make needs a thread!  What's an administrator to do with a Wizard of such order?  I have much work to do, in making up new threads for so much info hidden in these gems. 


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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2012, 05:08:03 PM »
how much valerian root should you take? One 500mg capsule or more?

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2012, 07:40:35 PM »
how much valerian root should you take? One 500mg capsule or more?

for iboga i cannot say for certain you want to wait at least 30-45 minutes after taking the valerian before taking the iboga.

for induction more is usually better, for inhibition most enzymes need much less. a member from herbsmax stated this, and i have worked extremely extensively with inhibition and induction of various enzymes working to perfect oilahuasca and others and have found this to be quite accurate.

i take capsules containing: 100mg valerian, derived from 400mg of a 4:1 standardized root extract containing 0.8% valerenic acids

NMDA antagonists upregulate 5-HT1A this means they reverse tolerance on this receptor by increasing the amount of receptors for it on cells, addiction and tolerance work by decreasing the number of receptors on cells, so if you have a strong CYP2D6 INDUCER you can effectively cause DXM to reverse its own tolerance very strongly.

i have taken 1 of these 15-30 minutes before DXM and it did a fairly good job at causing the majority of the DXM to convert to DXO the more strongly NMDA antagonist effects. soon i will try taking 2-3 of these before DXM and will report.

wile if you omit valerian or instead use a CYP2D6 inhibitor you will get more DXM witch is a 5-HT1A agonist, other things that agonize 5-HT1A include:

limonene from orange and other citrus peels
black cohash
gingko biloba
lemon oil (possibly from the limonene alone)

as well as quite a few psychedelics, if you want to know more read up this thread here (

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2012, 09:13:56 PM »
blue lotus would probably make iboga or kambo many many times more effective regardless of their intended use.

blue lotus goes hand in hand with things like meditation or daily use of things to help balance many things, blue lotus permanently improves my telescopic vision, this makes reading text much easier for me because i have a number of difficulties.

blue lotus could probably be ranked equally with iboga, kambo, and ayahuasca. of the three it is most probably closest to iboga, or possibly kambo, the trick is you have to take it every night before bed for AT LEAST 7 nights in a row after that it keeps getting better but before that you don't see to many results, but after the 7th day you really start to see some amazingly profound changes in things. one of the many things you will notice is a progressive expansion of the mind, you will be able to see things from many more perspectives the more times you take it it makes you able to see things more miltidimensional, it opens up sets of eyes you never knew you had, and the number of eye sets keeps growing the more you take it.

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2012, 10:24:36 PM »
Peaceful Warrior,
Is there a way you can start a thread about NDMA antagonists in this board section?  With the importance associated with Iboga?  It seems rather important and rather than me go through your threads and put bits and pieces in I thought it might be more efficient for a "one stop shop". 



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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2012, 06:45:58 PM »
blue lotus would probably make iboga or kambo many many times more effective regardless of their intended use.

blue lotus goes hand in hand with things like meditation or daily use of things to help balance many things, blue lotus permanently improves my telescopic vision, this makes reading text much easier for me because i have a number of difficulties.

blue lotus could probably be ranked equally with iboga, kambo, and ayahuasca. of the three it is most probably closest to iboga, or possibly kambo, the trick is you have to take it every night before bed for AT LEAST 7 nights in a row after that it keeps getting better but before that you don't see to many results, but after the 7th day you really start to see some amazingly profound changes in things. one of the many things you will notice is a progressive expansion of the mind, you will be able to see things from many more perspectives the more times you take it it makes you able to see things more miltidimensional, it opens up sets of eyes you never knew you had, and the number of eye sets keeps growing the more you take it.

Well I've been taking it every night for 2 weeks now and I'm not noticing anything so far. I take it about 15 mins before I go to bed and let it steep for 10-15 mins before drinking it (even keep the tea bag in the cup while I'm drinking it).

It's a pleasant enough tasting tea and I sleep well but other than that...nada

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2012, 12:28:14 AM »
you might have a large amount of prior drug use this often causes one to need to keep dosing for longer than 7 days. if you cannot notice it your not there yet keep going, if you have them add melatonin and vitamin B6 before bed these will boost the blue lotus.

because methyl chavicol has reverse tolerance if you take it with inhibitors on a timer enough times in a row it some how is able to flatten out what seems to be all tolerance. even considering this fact i would rank blue lotus above or equal to methyl chavicol without a doubt, after blue lotus works through all your tolerance it starts to show you very amazing things. 


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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2012, 01:26:17 PM »
you might have a large amount of prior drug use this often causes one to need to keep dosing for longer than 7 days. if you cannot notice it your not there yet keep going, if you have them add melatonin and vitamin B6 before bed these will boost the blue lotus.

I'm not an addict, I rarely even drink alcohol - a glass of wine maybe once every 3 months...! So prior drug use is not the cause.

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2012, 05:44:05 PM »
it has nothing to do with if you think your a drug addict or not, if blue lotus does not have you ranting and raving yet then you did not take it for enough nights in a row, you still have tolerance to work through.

i will repeat it again, YOUR ENDOGENOUS SYSTEM CAUSES SELF TOLERANCE. if you have not been taking drugs very often at all then you probably have a endogenous system that produces self tolerance very rapidly, THIS is why blue lotus is so amazing because if everybody takes it for long enough it will level out their endogenous systems unbalances and bring your body and mind to its true potential.

if it has not turned your weaknesses into strengths yet, you have to keep taking it more you have not had enough yet.

instead of "i am not an addict" you should go "i feel like i am not an addict because of all these things i don't do, but am open to learning why i might still be an addict and not aware of it"  you see blue lotus lets you see how addicted you are to all the things you don't consider drugs the things you have been addicted to since far before you started using what we consider "drugs" this part of blue lotus makes it unfathomably valuable.

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Re: Iboga Cycling Developments By: Peaceful Warrior
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2012, 11:31:27 PM »
let me know how it works out for you Plant. I'm thinking of ordering some. I've never heard that blue lotus balances all your chakras. this seems pretty amazing. Upon googling I found this site which says "Lotus flower (a master healer-balances all Chakras & soul)" But they appear to mean a seperate lotus from blue lotus. as they also mention blue but not as a all-chakra balancer. maybe they are referring to white/sacred lotus. Idk if these are significantly different at all tho?