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Offline Xagan

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Hey Everyone
« on: August 01, 2014, 02:51:38 PM »
Hey everyone,

I'm 22 year's old and I'm from London, UK. I'm really pleased I've found this forum, as I'm turning towards Kambo to hopefully help me. I'm actually attending a session with a practitioner next Wednesday, I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. I just have a few concerns that I'd like to talk about.

Around November of last year, I started to develop rosacea, it slowly developed until about January when it became full blown rosacea. At the time, I got horrible flare ups where my face would go bright red and I'd get small red lumps, it was horrible, I turned into a recluse for a while. After a long phase of doctors/seeing a naturopath, I found out that I had Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. In fact, just recently actually, my blood test showed equivocal readings for both H Pylori and Anti-nuclear antibody (actually I can't remember if my ANA was positive or equivocal), well anyway I need to go and have a blood test to get them checked again, which is a shame as I keep putting it off due to being terrified of blood tests!

Anyway, at the time I found out I had SIBO, the naturopath put me on an autoimmune/anti-inflammatory/low carb diet, as well as supplements such as allicin and oregano oil to deal with the SIBO. The whole program helped immensely, and to cut a long story short, my rosacea is now under control. Currently, I don't take the supplements (as my funds are very tight at the minute), but I'm still sticking to the diet vigorously. Right now though, I still do have some health concerns that are really troubling me. My rosacea, even though it's a hundred times better, is still present. I'm always really tired and fatigued, even after a good night's sleep, there are just so any points throughout the day when I just feel like I need to sleep. I'm worried that my tiredness is due to consuming low carbs and eating lots of meat every day. I'm also getting those little cherry angiomas on my body, well I've stopped getting more now, but about a month back, a few appeared over the period of a week. I think I get brain fog, but I don't know if I'm confusing that with being very tired. Oh and I'm getting lots of floaters in my vision, they really do annoy me and they're quite prominent now, but at other times I don't notice them. Mainly, it's just how zapped for energy I am these days, and how I find it so hard to stick to tasks due to fatigue, I'm procrastinating so much lately because I'm so often feeling tired.

I was just wondering if Kambo could help me. My main worry is the fact that it's a vasodilator, and the whole fact of it making my face flush. People with rosacea are meant to avoid vasodilators like the plague. But then I'm thinking, surely the vasodilation doesn't last forever, and hopefully the positive effects would take place once the Kambo ceremony is over? I'm also concerned that since Kambo strengthens the immune system, could that somehow make my rosacea worse? I'm worried about my general health, like these angiomas, my fatigue, I would just so desperately like to know why my health has suddenly gone like this over the space of a year. I miss just eating what I want, and not having to be so strict, but I guess I'm paying for years of high sugar/carb intake.

I do apologize, I am a bit of a worrier, but I've read that some people have died from Kambo! I also read on one article that some have gone blind for a period of time. Since some of the symptoms sound quite extreme, I was just wondering how safe someone like me taking it is. I mean, what if I have liver problems that I'm not yet aware of? You can see I probably think way too much about things!

Anyway, I'm sorry for rambling on so much! I would appreciate any input at all, I just want to be put at ease really I guess. I am really hoping that Kambo can help me, or other natural medicines, it's a path I'm quite excited to step. I hope that I don't have to be burdened with my symptoms forever, and that one day I will feel good and have more energy again.

Xagan :)

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Re: Hey Everyone
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 06:58:22 AM »
just make a test with only  one point to check for allergic intollerance.
Then Kambo can help you in a wide range of ways.