Author Topic: Hello everyone! Writing from Vancouver Island, Canada  (Read 3817 times)

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Offline andreas1717

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Hello everyone! Writing from Vancouver Island, Canada
« on: June 23, 2018, 12:09:09 AM »
A little about myself:

I'm a 26 year old guy from Canada. I started my journey with plant medicine about a year ago (wow feels like so much longer). I've been dealing with a lot of emotional stress and trauma from childhood, and have been striving to reconnect with people again. Its something that feels so hard since I basically isolated myself and drowned myself in pot during my teens. So yeah, on a positive note, just have been learning more about myself and how I relate to the world around me. Its been an intense learning experience.

I started with Ayahuasca at a great place in Holland. I did a lot of work there learning about the ego, the mind, letting go of emotions, etc. I then took part in an Iboga ceremony which was an incredible initiation. I feel like the gift that Iboga gives is just so pure and also necessary in this day and age. Iboga helped in a lot of ways, and still continues to. It really uprooted THE deep childhood trauma. I'm now interested in Kambo. I really just felt the call recently. Id heard about it before but with less interest. Now I'm so eager for the experience.

Its really nice to have this online community where people can share ideas. I have a few questions about the Kambo experience and its healing potential.

When I took Iboga, It really helped me heal, but from a sort of detached state. While I'm grateful for my life, I still struggle quite intensely during day to day life. Emotional stress in my life has manifested into physical disease, in that I am so sensitive to a variety of foods. No dairy, gluten, unhealthy oils, processed food. While this is a good way to keep my diet clean, it jsut makes things difficult. If I do eat something wrong, i get very intense psychological symptoms also. Moodiness, social anxiety, and even paranoia for certain things (like gluten). I just remember a time when things weren't SO hard. And I hope this doesnt sound like a pity party, just trying to explain the situation :). I'm hoping Kambo can help me feel what I need to feel, because I have a hunch that its these suppressed feelings that cause the stomach issues and the feelings of disconnect from the world. My heavy pot use years ago really changed me and I'm hoping Kambo could sort of flush out the negative imprint weed left on me (if that makes sense)

Anway, just wondering if someone with a similar experience or greater knowledge of Kambo could touch on this for me. I know there is no magic answer, but some opinions would be great.

Lots of Love