Multiple Kambo Treatments within the same time frame > The Kambo Rite of Passage 3 times within a short time frame

The Katukina Kambo Treatment 3x in 3 hours (my experience)

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Kambogahuasca Panacea:
This was an experience I had on August 19, 2011.  It was what stopped my migraines, I have not had one since.

Katukina treatment:

You get 3 Kambo treatments in 3 hours. That`s an advisable treatment for people who need to get a deep healing. I advise it to people with chronic pain or illnesses or other heavy diseases. This treatment is also good for healthy people when you are looking for a streaming of new, positive energy in your life or, like the Katukina hunters do before their hunting sessions, you want to be succesfull in reaching a certain goal.

I had to begin a new thread for this as to me it differed so much from my 1 previous time of doing Kambo just once.  A couple questions I will ask myself and answer myself as a reference point.  Can Kambo be entheogenic?  Yes extremely although doing it 3x in 3 hours creates such an intense entheogenic reaction that I cannot honestly compare it to anything.  Is 3x in 3 hours adviseable? I would not reccommend it unless you are attempting to deal with all of your issues in 1 lifetime and become a boddhisatva.  How does it compare to an Iboga flood?  In the sense of a rebirth experience I would say it barely surpasses it but at the same time being reborn is being reborn.  What were the entheogenic effects?  Music extremely enhanced, felt the medicine performing surgery on every little part of my body (this is one of my favorite effects of any entheogen), color spectrum enrichment creating Shipibo art like fractals that were somewhat compareable to Ayahuasca.  Was it taxing on the system?  Extremely do not do unless you can have a couple days for rest.  When returning the next day you will need a great deal of nutritional uptake as everything comes out of your body.  How long were the entheogenic effects?  At least 10 hours but right now after 30 I feel like it is still working on me at a subtle level.  What do you absolutely need for treatment?  Sangre De Drago!!! Put on directly after removing Kambo from the burn sites 30-60 minutes after initial burning.  Doing so many burns does not hurt at the time but 1 hour later and it is very painful Sangre De Drago will stop the pain and cover the wounds immediately, I get mine from Amazon Therapeutic Laboratories I have found their supply to be superior.

I did this by myself on myself...not reccommended you have to realize I am a little crazy in aspects of going to the extreme.  I did not anyone around to be worried, scared or liable for my well being.  The experience puts you into the entheogenic realms at such a deep level that conversations are not palatable or helpful.

For me this was great the ultimate in rites of passage initiation.  I feel like a true human now, it was something I was longing for which although Iboga and Ayahuasca really helped me they didn't quite quench my never ending thirst for healing.  This experience is beyond work you have to want it bad do it once and never think of doing it again the same day do it twice and you are repulsed at the thought do it thrice and you feel like you have accomplished the greatest task known to man.  Well this will be my path now for at least a bit the Katukina secret knowledge comith to all of humanity for the ultimate healing.  Next week I will push myself further in combination with my Mother Ayahuasca for now I leave you as a new body with a realighned soul protected and watched over by an ancient spirit as old as the trinity Iboga, Ayahuasca and Kambo.

Please watch this video to see how the Katukina extract the sweat or venom, they do it in a much more ethical fashion then the Matses.

How much water did you drink between each application? And how many dots did you do each application?

rules of thumb are:
- two litres
- first 5, then 7 and  then 9 dots.

Was it 2 liters total or 2 liters before each application?

between each application


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