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Offline Spatula

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Just ordered some Kambo
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:07:13 PM »
Hi, I am a Christian man who was recently really har into heroin, oxys, dilaudid and all those bad medications, including bozos everyday.  I have quit taking them for over a month now, and at one point tried to fast for 7 days to clean myself out.  It did not go so well ,and I feel like my body was and is too toxic for a zero food fast to be effective at this point.  Hence the interest in Kambo.  I have gone to the hospital once when I had some blood pressure issues but they told me my heart is fine, thugh they did not perform an EKG.  The Kambo stick will be here in about twelve days or so give or take and I am thinking abut taking three dots, no more because of the blood pressure, which has been up to 180/100 but mostly is 150/80 at rest ( the high blood pressure is after biking to Cvs where thy have the machine.  Does anyone feel safe with the three dots?  I really need to purge greatly.  I can feel the abusive toxins embedded deep in my muscles as I am working and I know I need to get them out.  Any advice would be appreciated.  How will I know while I am in the effects of the Kambo whether it will be effecting my hear adversely? And when if their is minimal should I apply more dots?  I am hoping to come out of this with a low and normal blood pressure after taking this medicine, plus, if it gets rid of my chronic sinus infection and chronic prostate infection I will jump for the heavens and sing praises of the Kambo.  As far as th Shamanistic practices, I am just going to pray to Yaweh for healing ,humbe myself an ask him for guidance.  I hope no one looks down on me because I am a Christian, I just want some healing like everyone else, plus, I'm not the normal every day type.  Th good Lord lets me take psilisybe mushrooms.  Please any advice will be great. hank you and God bless, John.

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Re: Just ordered some Kambo
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2015, 01:05:33 AM »
Hello Spatula,
Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on being clean for over a month. Your warrior spirit is stronger than being possessed by those things.

There are some supplements which help resensitize the brain and diminish withdrawals such as zinc, magnesium, and camomile.
These are NMDA antagonists and help in this way.
Magnesium is known for calming the nervous system and higher doses can relieve muscle tension, jaw clenching and teeth grinding.
Here is a study on camomile:
Matricaria chamomilla extract inhibits both development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence syndrome in rats.
Adel Gomaa, Tahia Hashem, Mahmoud Mohamed, Esraa Ashry
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt.
The effect of Matricaria chamomilla (M. chamomilla) on the development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence was investigated in rats. The frequencies of withdrawal behavioral signs (paw tremor, rearing, teeth chattering, body shakes, ptosis, diarrhea, and urination) and weight loss induced by naloxone challenge were demonstrated in morphine-dependent rats receiving M. chamomilla extract or saline. The withdrawal behavioral manifestations and weight loss were inhibited significantly by chronic co-administration of M. chamomilla extract with morphine. Administration of a single dose of M. chamomilla before the naloxone challenge in morphine-dependent animals abolished the withdrawal behavioral manifestations. The dramatic increase of plasma cAMP induced by naloxone-precipitated abstinence was prevented by chronic co-administration of M. chamomilla extract with morphine. These results suggest that M. chamomilla extract inhibits the development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence syndrome.

and at one point tried to fast for 7 days to clean myself out.

How far did you make it? How old are you? This plays an important role in heart rate.

It did not go so well ,and I feel like my body was and is too toxic for a zero food fast to be effective at this point. 

Feeling sick and toxic is a common and normal side effect of fasting. It's called a "healing crisis", the Chinese refer to it as the "law of cure".
Toxins are released into the bloodstream for elimination. One seems to get worse before they get better.
Although 7 days is a long time to go on nothing but water, if one isn't experienced with fasting.
What I would recommend is to get a juicer, and drink fresh juiced fruits and vegetables, at least once a day of your fast.
A full glass or two of this will satiate you to feel actually full as if you have eaten, and will help detoxify you while keeping you from feeling so weak and faint.
Herbal teas are also good. I recommend washing and peeling skins of fruits which are not organic as pesticides accumulate in the skins and may be sealed in with waxes. Good quality water is a good thing. Teas are probably better without soaking bleached teabags.

and I am thinking abut taking three dots, no more because of the blood pressure

It is generally recommended that one takes enough dots to reach a purge. Kambo causes toxins to be released into the blood to the elimination passageways.
When one does not purge, some toxins will come out when you go to the bathroom but toxins will also be reabsorbed back into the body.

3 dots will work to benefit if your body is well hydrated and bowels are empty. This can be done with enemas before and after. Not store bought petroleum products but water and/or herbs like coffee, catnip, lobelia, skullcap, yellow dock, bayberry bark, etc. Caffeine in coffee stimulates the liver and gallbladder to release toxins, especially when lying on your right side. The other herbs are also commonly recommended. The first two for being nervines and the other two for their astringent properties.

Any advice would be appreciated.  How will I know while I am in the effects of the Kambo whether it will be effecting my hear adversely?

I would recommend anything that is detoxifying or gets blood circulating. Fasting, Kambo, steam rooms, sauna, detoxifying herbs, exercise (whatever you're comfortable with, building up your strength and stamina).
If you are worried about a weak heart it's important to safely exercise it.
Cayanne pepper is an emergency first aid herb. it can be applied to open wounds to stop bleeding, applied to the mouth to stop fainting, and taken to prevent heart attacks. It also lowers blood pressure. I recommend you supplement with this, as you probably have some in the spice cabinet? take 1/2 teaspoon and wash it down. If you're worried about your heart and blood pressure in a serious moment you can take a teaspoon of cayanne mixed in warm water.

Kambo does make the heart pump hard and you can feel your blood pressure go up; you feel your heart beating in your head. This could cause you panic, probably unnecessarily, but not to your benefit.

Perhaps in the time leading up to kambo you could supplement with things helpful for blood pressure, heart (selenium comes to mind), and the infections you mentioned.
Echinacea is a strong antibiotic like penicilin, and Echinacea angustifolia strongly purifies the blood and lymph.
This can be combined with other antimicrobial herbs.
If you're interested I can take a few minutes and look into treatments further for blood pressure and heart.

I hope no one looks down on me because I am a Christian

Not at all.

Hope this helps some!
« Last Edit: January 07, 2021, 05:56:32 PM by ―λlτεrηιτγ- »

Offline Spatula

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Re: Just ordered some Kambo
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2015, 06:41:16 PM »
Wow, I really should have proofread my original message, but to answer some of your questions, I am38 years old, ride a bike regularly as well as work outside as a landscaper, so my body is toned, though I don't have the stamina I used to.  I appreciate all of your information on herbs, you are very knowledgable.  I am past the withdrawal phase now, which I did aided by neuronton (gabapenton).  It was not the most natural way to go but I can assure you it was very effective. 
  About the fasting, I never knew about the law of cure but it makes sense.  It was like Every bit of the poison "pain" I was feeling was in my blood vessels, and some in my chest.  I forgot to tell you, it was a juice fast.  I have been drinking about two pints of cranberry juice every night because of my prostate infection.  The thing hitch really bothered me is that normally after a week and a half I wouldn't feel like I had the infection anymore.  I am eating now and have decided to continue to eat daily until the Kambo arrives.  I have fasted for up to two weeks before (when I was a lot younger) but never felt as toxic as I have here a week ago on the seventh day.
   I haven't really had the time to pray completely about how I am going to undertake my experience, but I definitely want to take enough Kambo to purge.  5 dots 1/8 inch in diameter, max.  This forum has made me feel alright about Maya ethnobotanicals, hopefully I will be getting the real deal.  Three years ago Iboga World burned me for 350$ on some boot iboga bark when I was trying to quit.  But thinking back it probably wasn't my time.  Now it is definitely the time to stop all that childish escape from reality mess and get down to serious business.  Thank you for your kind and helpful response crazy Greek looking letter Alternity! ;-)

Offline Spatula

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Re: Just ordered some Kambo
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2015, 10:58:42 PM »
Ok, I don't want do do like most do on here and say that they were going to get some Kambo and leave you all hanging on their experience.  I got the stick yesterday, with some wonderful Palo Santo Wood with it ( too bad it is such a small piece), and I performed a test ceremony.  I made three smallish burns,  3/16 inches apiece, mixed some spit on the stick, and applied it. 

   Two questions, Does it matter the size of the ball of spit/venom mix on the burns, or is mere contact enough.  It took longer than I thought to get the venom worked up, so when I got a small amount I applied it immediAtely.  It wasn't long after that that I knew I had gotten the real thing, face started swelling, arms got red, felt flush etc.  I got nauseaus but did not purge.  I guess I need to do mor next time but I broke my fast soon after and am waiting for the next day off.  One al big question I had, which I haven't heard of this as a side effect,  somewhere above and behind my nose (like maybe the pineal gland, Yikes!),  something there started to swell, almost to the point where it affected my breathing, and my nose started running.  Has anyone else experienced this side effect and if so can anyone tell me what it is all about.  Maybe the Frog is trying to cleanse my third eye.  I think Saturday I will do 5 dots and also work up more venom and apply more to the burns.  The only thing I am upset about with my order online is that I don't think there is as much venom on the stick as was claimed, but I estimate, even at the least, there are 10 Kambo applications here, which I guess is a good enough value, John.