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Offline Ottw

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Knee inflammation
« on: July 15, 2021, 03:30:26 PM »
my knee has been vulnerable for a few years but it got inflamed 2 weeks ago after loading it too much and it doesn't heal.
Some think applying kambo on the knee, where the pain is, is beneficial. Others don't.

Do you guys have any knowledge about using kambo like that?
And if so: precautions? Tips?

Thank you.

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Re: Knee inflammation
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2021, 07:56:39 PM »
You can buy a product called " Point-Mate Acu-Locator IP-2 Ion Pump" it what I use to find Acupressure / Acupuncture points on the energy meridians of the body.
You can use this to find and mark acupuncture points for knee pain. Mark the points with a pen or something like non-toxic gel pens.
You can mark them and apply kambo to them.

Comfrey root is one of the herbs that are known for healing bone, flesh, cartilage, and tendons.
There's another indian herb called Cissus quadrangis.
There's also a product by Dr. Christopher called Bone, Flesh, & Cartilage.
After he died his family that runs the business, no longer uses organic and wildcrafted herbs, they use dried herbal powders that don't contain the healing volatile oils.
His apprentice, Dr. Richard Schulze also made herbal products, based on the original formulations, that he made stronger.
At the moment, I can't find a bone, flesh, and cartilage (BF&C) product by him.
I will look further.

You should get a juicer and do some juicing with organic fresh fruits and vegetables.
This is especially effective if you fast for 1-3 days.
I do a deep cleanse once per season (twice would be better), where I do kambo and herbal tea enemas or a 3 day fast with fresh fruits and vegetables, herbal teas, and spring water.

Here's a thread about healing bone, flesh, and cartilage:

You need to remove things in your diet that cause inflammation, like sugar.
Especially if you are diabetic, you need to get on a raw fruit and vegetable diet for a month and take supplements like berberine powder and Goat's Rue.
Turmeric helps reduce inflammation. Herbs are not usually effective if you just take one capsule.
More like 6 in the middle of meals.

This could also be caused by being overweight or having back problems like disc issues.
If you are carrying around an extra 40 lbs, it will weaken the knees.
Back problems can also be caused by being over stressed.

This may sound like a lot, but problems usually don't heal without a dedicated program.
Dr. Christopher and Dr. Richard Schulze had a program called The Incurables, where they claimed to heal everything.
You can hear them give lectures on this in video series like Dr. Christopher - School of Natural Healing and Save Your Life Interviews.
They would not work with anyone who would not go vegan for the duration.
It's hard to know how much would be effective without knowing the problem and cause of your issues.

This product has cayenne and menthol to warm the joints and bring blood flow to the area for healing:
Pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Oil of Wintergreen, Cayenne Pepper, Menthol Crystals, and other pure essential oils as fragrances, in a base of Beeswax.

In the shower you could also do hot and cold therapy where you put the water from the faucet on the area and turn it back and forth from hot (don't burn yourself) to cold, and back and forth.

You could also get a lidocaine (a local anesthetic) ointment to help numb the area.
I believe there's a stronger local anesthetic that start with a "p", but I'm forgetting at the moment.
You can also find the pure powder in bulk and make your own.
Just be careful not to put too much pressure on the joint and hurt yourself more, due to it being numbed by the ointment.

Hope this helps.
They were curing people and due to raids and government pressures, they had to stop practicing and just come out with educational media and supplements.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2021, 10:05:32 PM by ―λlτεrηιτγ⇀ »

Offline Ottw

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Re: Knee inflammation
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2021, 04:13:33 PM »
Thanks a lot! I'll check out what I don't know of what you mentioned.

I ended up trying 1 dot on each side of the knee, but without knowing any acupuncture point. The knee got slightly more inflamed for about a day.

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Re: Knee inflammation
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2021, 06:40:08 PM »
How does it feel afterward?

Offline Ottw

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Re: Knee inflammation
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2021, 12:45:28 PM »
No remarkable change, but I don't rule out that the inflammation could have been just superficial, where the gates were. The pain didn't increase. It was just a bit swelled up.