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piri piri
« on: May 23, 2016, 12:14:13 AM »
a month dieta on the sacred piri piri kenu wastu would be amazing
The plants are very different from piri piri to piri piri type. The plant size and roots look different and in size also

Modern scientific research has shown that an effective means of extracting active alkaloids requires the roots to be ground into a powder and allowed to sit in a large amount of warm water. The water mixture is then allowed to evaporate until the water is just 90% of its original volume. The wet pulp is mixed with pure alcohol, and the insoluble material is then separated, dried and mixed with water to make a potent elixir. In addition to the psychoactive compounds found in the rhizomes of this grass, it is believed that many root samples are infected with a species specific fungus called Balansia cyperi, a fungus  related to the Claviceps purpurea fungus that also produces ergot-like alkaloids.  This may explain why many tribes use this tuber as an additive in ayahuasca brews
Piri Piri Eye Drops

Piri Piri
 Piri Piri, or Cyperus articulatus L. is a tropical sedge that grows along the Amazonian rivers and belongs to the Cyperaceae family. This powerful shamanic tool is used for various medicinal purposes ranging from the treatment of epilepsy to the treatment of snake bites and fevers. The use of Piri Piri as eye drops to increase visualization and aiming of the mind, is probably the most remarkable application of this plant.  there are about 500 different ways and recipes to make Piri Piri or totimawaste.
 Like Sananga, Piri Piri is used by indigenous tribes in Peru to enhance their hunting skills. The tribes also apply the drops to dogs, either in their eyes or mouth, in order to increase their smell and make them become good hunters (Bennett et al. 2015). Yet, like Sananga, Piri Piri is an all-purpose remedy that has broad applications. The Shipibo tribe knows about 21 medicinal and magical applications of Piri Piri (Tournon et al. 1986). Its main traditional uses were to ameliorate nausea and vomiting, to relieve intestinal and digestive problems, and to sedate and tranquilize. However, there are many scientific evidences showing that Piri Piri qualifies as a tranquilizer (Bum et al. 2004), antioxidant (Desmarchelier et al. 1997), antibacterial (Mongelli et al. 1995), anti-candida (Duarte et al. 2005), antimalarial (Khamsam et al. 2011), relaxant, analgesic (Rakotonirina et al. 2001), insecticide, antivenin (Hurtado 2009), anticonvulsant and anti-epileptic (Bum et al. 2004 and 2003 and 2001), and as a remedy against headaches, flues, coughs, and diarrhea (Hurtado 2009). In addition, Piri Piri was used widely in the Shipibo tribe as a contraceptive, for abortions and to avoid the pain of childbirth (Hern 1976; Waisbard 1958), probably due to its ergot alkaloid content.

Piri Piri can be applied into the eyes, yet there are many ways of employing this sacrament: when used to counteract malaria, it is applied by nasal infusion. When utilized for wounds, it is chopped and applied externally. For digestive problems or nausea it is applied as a tincture. For coughs and fevers it is drunken, and for the use as an antivenin it is applied orally by decoction. The flowers and leaves are used to make a tea that has strong aphrodisiac effects and, in addition, increases (lucid) dreaming and tranquilizes. When the dried rhizomes are blended with tobacco and smoked, they are reported to produce hallucinogenic effects.

 In Shipibo this word means 'focusing better'. The Piri Piri drops are used to improve the ability to focus in crafts like sewing, painting, embroidery and producing artisan ceramics - which is carried out by the women of the tribe. The Shipibo are famous for their embroidery and textile painting. From a young age, the Shipibo females are initiated by their mothers and grandmothers into this practice. A Shipiba tells: "When I was a young girl, my mother squeezed drops of the Piri Piri into my eyes so that I would have the vision for the designs of my paintings”.

 In Shipibo this word can be translated as 'for better vision'. The Piri Piri drops are used before and during Ayahuasca ceremonies (Chaumeil 1982), and are told to open up the participant to the world of visions, and to improve his ability to 'see' things on his journey to the otherworld. After the use of the eye drops, visions get more clear and detailed. Shipibo members also say the eye drops are 'for looking far' - enabling an improved ability to foresee upcoming events and intentions.

ke nu wastu for vision. Its a secret! Rare too! And they claim it is only done through dieta.
There are many kinds of piri piri and this kind of piri piri is very scarce and guarded .

Active ingredients
 Piri Piri contains several different biologically active alkaloids, including flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, tannins, and terpenes, yet its biological actions are mainly ascribed to cyperones, which are thought to show antimalarial and pro-oxidant effects (Kiuchi et al. 1983; Weenen et al. 1990; Zoghbi et al. 2006). Moreover, studies have shown that Piri Piri reeds are infected by a fungus, which by itself contains a vast amount of ergot alkaloids, about 110-224 mg/L (Plowman et al. 1990). The full spectrum of effects and bioactive ingredients contained in this sacred plant is still not completely understood. Furthermore, as the plant does not reproduce by seeds but by vegetation along with the fungus, many different subspecies of Piri Piri exist with divergent fungi and alkaloid composition (Plowman et al. 1990).

Origin and Preparation
 Piri Piri is a native Amazonian marshland plant, yet it grows in many other tropical areas, including Africa and Asia. There are around 499 botanically identifiable species of the Cyperaceae family (Simpson 2008), and about 30 different types of Piri Piri, that belong to only three species: Eleutherine bulbosa, Cyperus articulatus and Cyperus prolixus Kunth (Jauregui et al. 2011; Tournon et al. 1986). Thus, there many kinds of Piri Piri that are used by shamans, each with its own specific use and spirit.
 Piri Piri is used on his own, but it is also known as additive to tobacco- and Ayahuasca-drinks. Shamans recognized this sacred plant for hundreds of years as an important teacher plant, however, Piri Piri has also been introduced into Western medicinal practices: already at the beginning of the 20th century, North Americans used Piri Piri extracted fluids, sold as a drug called ‘Adrue’, as herbal remedy for stomach and intestinal aches. The same drug, Adrue, was used in higher doses as a sedative for anxious or nervous patients that were in turn enjoying its dream-like and euphoric side effects.
 For most recipes the rhizomes or stems are dried and pulverized and then prepared as a tea, bath, or eye drops. Yet, every tribe has its own way of using this magical plant, the Shipibo tribe, for example, grinds up the fresh rhizomes and extracts the juice to make the eye drops. Another recipe of the Shipibo consists of stamping the fresh root in a cotton ball and squeezing its juice in a cup of hot water (Hern 1972); this drink is then given to women on their first menstruation day to prevent conception and menstruation.

Application and Dose
 Before thinking about the dose, you should read carefully our thoughts on the power of your intention: every medicine can only achieve and cure what you are intending.

Only 1-2 drops per eye are sufficient for a powerful Piri Piri session. We recommend to find a calm and quiet place, either in nature, or at home in a peaceful setting and with meditative music. Use it preferably in the evening, so your eyes can rest. Make sure you lie down to enable a good application and leave your eyes closed during the session. To begin, you should hold your eye open and carefully drop 1-2 drops of the liquid into the wide open eye. It is not painful and feels refreshing. It is important to apply one drop to both eyes, and do not wait with the second drop, apply it immediately to balance out the energies on both eyes. Thereafter, you should blink with your eyelids for a short while to distribute the liquid over the whole eye. On the next morning, your eyes may feel a little sensitive and dry. Wash your eyes and face with cold water and it will pass soon. This is part of the cleansing process that takes place during the night.

I have applied the drops myself one time, and interestingly my vision not only improved the next day, I could literally "see" things better. I noticed my improved vision, while being in conversation with others, and while thinking. My mind's focal point and view to understanding were greatly enhanced.

 Contact lenses should be removed before applying Piri Piri.

Ayurvedic health benefits of piri piri essential oil: This essential oil  is illustrated in Ayurveda as a natural enhancer of the biological fire
 I just knew it was good for the kundalini when i used it in my ceremony's as a essential oil , I put it on my emerald very synergising effect

The root cause for many illnesses including autoimmune disorders according to Ayurvedic texts is the invasion or the deposits of the toxic substances in the body known as ‘ama’. Ayurveda illustrates piri piri herb  as the best ama-pachaka (eliminator of endo-toxins).

If anyone has any information on preperations of piri piri drops for the eyes it would be amazing to post the recipe here , I have some tubors coming from the shipibo for a dieta and eye drops but as there is 500 ways to prepair the piri piri any additional information would be wonderful. 

I have included piri piri amor in the making of my dmt infused herbs with great success but feel that using the eye drops before ceremony would be of great benefit much ans sanaga is before kambo

Piri piri essential oil is a magical oil with wonderful property's

According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, priests and alchemists were using essential oils thousands of years ago to heal the sick and used for many spiritual rituals. The Egyptians believed that the sense of smell and the ability to detect odors was the most important of the sensory abilities. Why? because they knew that the inhalation of essential oils can increase one's frequency, affect the Pineal gland- the Divine connector to enlightenment - thereby leading to transformation of negative energy as well as transmitting higher powers.Ancient Egyptian papyrus found in the temple of Edfu, contained formulations to make medicines and perfumes used by the alchemists and high priests.
•They were also known to design personal perfumes to elicit various emotions and inspire thoughts.

piri piri amor essential oil mixed with sandal wood rose oil and lemon can balance the dosha's  . I really enjoy piri piri amor and aged sandal wood it can balance the shakra's open the heart , focus the kundalini and be a key of the sub consciousness . 
Piri piri is a wonderful plant teacher that I hope more learn from and if you have any new information id love to have it posted here and shared
thanks Tysonic

Cyperus papyrus (papyrus sedge, paper reed, Indian matting plant, Nile grass) is a species of aquatic flowering plant belonging to the sedge family Cyperaceae. It is a tender herbaceous perennial, native to Africa, and forms tall stands of reed-like swamp vegetation in shallow water.

Papyrus sedge (and its close relatives) has a very long history of use by humans, notably by the Ancient Egyptians—it is the source of papyrus paper, one of the first types of paper ever made. Parts of the plant can be eaten, and the highly buoyant stems can be made into boats. It is now often cultivated as an ornamental plant.

In nature it grows in full sun, in flooded swamps and on lake margins throughout Africa, Madagascar and the Mediterranean countries

« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 12:23:11 AM by tysonic15 »

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Re: piri piri
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2016, 03:54:43 AM »
I loved working with Piri-Piri. I felt that it almost helped me feel like I was on more of an autopilot. That I did things without thinking too much, that turned out to be the right things to do. Like is said, it helps spiritual vision and making the right choices. I also noticed that as little as 2 drops a day kept me dreaming vividly.

A few years back I had read a little about cyperus grass on forums, and recognized a bundle of some species growing at the edge of a lake in the area of the Poconos, Pennsylvania. I pulled it up and bagged it, later I tried smoking some roots and noticed definite increase in visual acuity, color saturation, and tracers. I saved it to make a decoction from later, but it ended up getting lost in the basement.

I have also saved the second half of my piri-piri because I was curious about oral effects and plan to drink the rest when I get around to sampling it. I would do it now but I've read it has NMDA antagonism. And my tolerance for such compounds is very high at the moment.

Do you have any experience with oral use of piri-piri or have had any experiences of the differences between the different ones?

Thanks for posting that info.
And welcome, tysonic, to the forum.  ;D

« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 09:01:33 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: piri piri
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2016, 09:01:20 AM »
Plugged about 12 ml of piri-piri.

I've been interested in use of piri-piri as a better alternative to morning glory and Hawaiian baby woodrose as they seem to have some toxic and vasoconstrictive constituents. But there's not much to report but I'm sure I will experience the effects I mentioned, like vivid dreaming, to an increased extent.