Kambo Protocol's > Diet before and after

Qualitative benefits in Pre Kambo ---=ENEMA! (direct to the source(Gut))

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Kambogahuasca Panacea:
Last couple of times I have done it before and after words.  An "Aya" Enema is very nice for afterwords.  Enemas are to me a whole realm of entheogen in themselves especially when synergized with other medicines. 

Yes, Kambo with enema is extra cleansing and healing. I think enema after kambo is more useful because it's seems that kambo moves toxins into the elimination passageways. And an enema gets it out fully, rather than waiting for a bowel movement. Especially if you hadn't had purge out the back end with kambo.

Thank you Psy and KP,
Will try the Enema (my first ever) after the Kambo session
Just bought the Enema kit today ... have been reading about Enema's ... there's a whole mix of opinions on what's the best way to go:  some people that say plain water or water with salt is enough ... other's say coffee (with the coffee grinds) is the best way to go. 
Still not sure what way to go ??

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
I vote for doing it before both to get the liquid flowing in and better work with the fire energy of the Kambo as well as to insure that one does not have to shit while purging which is challenging.  Also allows the medicine to go deeper.  I do one after words as well (1.5l) but I do 3 before (1gal). 

As far as I know I have a lot more experience with enema/kambo than anyone else.  Not to brag but just to say I have tried both ways and I find for several reasons doing the enema especially before Kambo to be helpful.  Also advocate for afterwords, but mainly before hand. 

salt is used as an electrolyte to keep you from dehydrating. the liquids in your body; your cells, your membranes, contain a saline liquid. salt moves from areas of greater concentration to areas of less concentration. so by not using salt, you don't keep a balance. you purge salts out.

I personally do not use salt. I find that it is less hydrating and harder to hold in. Too harsh. I figure there's enough salts in my foods. Just make sure you're not dehydrated.

I like coffee. I don't drink coffee because it gives short lasting jittery, edgy energy (FOR ME), is too acidic, and too much a laxative on my stomach. I feel that coffees medicinal benefits lean more toward cleaning the bowel than giving energy.

KIAP prefers to use less harsher/acidic caffeine containing plants like Guayusa which have the same effect. caffeine stimulates the liver and gallbladder to release bile and toxins. I use these as well but I also sometimes use coffee. Since we have nice organic coffee. and organic things are hard to come by.

I filter the grinds out and just use the liquid. Also be careful about using coffee papers. Especially bleached. Coffee paper fibers can enter the coffee, although I'd be more worried about chemicals used to bleach the paper, like traces of chlorine bleach. We are trying to cleanse chemicals from the body, not add them. Good quality water is also noticeably better in effect. I even go as far as using my sacred spring water. Enemas are very hydrating, and much of the water gets absorbed into the body. That's why we want to choose a good quality water. Tap water contains, chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, traces of pharmaceutical drugs that get recycled and bypass filtration.

Hope this helps.


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