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Messages - artycok

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Cool, thanks, I will do that! Good to know that just boiling water is not enough!

Having next Kambo session in the beginning of June, can't wait!

Galega (or anyone willing to advice), do you mind if I ask you a few questions about self-administration? I still think about that... I, like you and some others here, feel that I need to do Kambo more often in the beginning (weekly perhaps) in order to be able to evaluate its effects and also to get the best of it. Also you mentioned you treated people with CFS/fibro/etc like that. So I was wondering... Also for financial reasons (Jox is very right there).

How would I know where to make burns? (Just decide intuitively?) I quite know the meridians, butit takes time before my previous burns heal. Gallbladder is occupied for now, for example.:)
How would I know how many? I know I can handle 6 - that's what Giovanni gave me... Should I make less just to be safe? (Of course, with somebody assisting me and being with me - perhaps my partner).
Where do I get the slime? I would like to be sure it comes from a frog that have been treated properly and did not suffer.:)
When you self-treat, is it good to do the classic treatment (2 consecutive Kambos one day, another one the next day?). Or just one, if you do it once a week?

Hey Galega, thanks! Well my active friend brought me the raw powder already, so I guess I will just make tea out of 1/4 teaspoon (using boiling water and keep it simmer for some time) and will see what happens. I see gelatinized Maca is pretty darn expensive and I would have to order it from abroad, so I will give this a shot.

Btw. I know that page, he says panax ginseng (that one I never took) is not good for women, not siberian ginseng (eleuthero) - he advocates that one. Siberian ginseng is considered safe and yet it was worsening my autoimmunity and doing nothing for the fatique.  Go figure.

Thanks again to all... Jox, I will consider that self-application later in the process... I guess that when I am more used to Kambo and its possible effects on me, that will be easier. Right now I will have to wait anyway. During yesterday and today my pollen allergy (birch) got so much worse that I am not able to leave the house or open the window (continuous sneezing and all the serious draining allergy symptoms). Have been taking vit C with bioflavonoids and grape seed extract to no avail. It has never been so bad in my life. Maybe Kambo stirred things up a bit. Anyway I would have to wait with another treatment to see the result clearly, so I have time. Huh.

As for Iboga - I really wanted to try that during the Kambo weekend with Giovanni, but had a weird intuitive feeling about that. So did my partner. And later it turned out that even Giovanni (without knowing my own intuition). I am so weak and my body reacts so aggressively (rashes, hives, suffocating, nausea, headaches, etc.) to many substances that it might do more harm than good. Also I have a very weak liver. I hope to try it later.

Helmint therapy is something I know of, but, my autoimmune problems are most probably caused by Lyme disease. As well as my interstitial cystitis, fatigue and other problems, because lyme causes crash of many bodily systems. Anyway I just do not believe that body turns against itself "just like that" - there is a trigger - chemicals, chronic infection, etc. For me it was probably stress and infection that became chronic. Plus I have tried that antiparasitic therapy by Hulda Clark and actually got better for a while!! (Could be that it is also antimicrobial, but also a sign that parasites are not neccessarily good for me).

Galega: Thanks, you are really kind. Pity you are not in CR or nearby - would really like to meet you as a healer! :) I wanted to ask, you seem to be very experienced in Maca usage... I have read all over the internet, that it can be harmful to those with adrenal fatique because it stimulates the adrenals to be more active (and produce more cortisol, etc.) while they are already drained. Can be ok for those with mild adrenal fatigue while not for those with severe one. Also I came across the fact that in people with worse adrenal condition it might seem OK initially, but causing adrenal crash later because of that stimulation. I do not know what to think, but I have to be careful as I have exactly that kind of experience with Rhodiola (also often recommended for adrenal fatigue). Initially it made me significantly better, more energy, better mood, a little less pain. Then I was jittery and agitated on it, but exhausted and could not sleep. And then just sunk deeper in fatigue and illness and even worse autoimmunity plus much much worse candida to the point that I was bleeding and tearing (ehm, female parts)!... I have to stress that I took it under a care of professional and no excess amount of it! Same goes for siberian ginseng (again, an adaptogen supposedly good for adrenal health). I could virtually feel like I am burning a fuel my body does not have with all the consequences afterwards. Would love to know what you think of it. Maybe Maca is more gentle and balancing than the other adaptogens?
(Basically I had the same concerns with Kambo, as it stimulates the pituitary gland and also adrenals in a kind of "shock"). But that is a different thing as I feel.

And one more question - a friend of mine offers me Maca powder (raw, slowly dried, organic quality). Thing is, a lot of people report gastrointestinal issues and hives with raw powder even in small quantities and also it is said that Peruvians never eat it raw as it is considered harmful. I have more respect to the wisdom of people who live with the medicine for centuries than to some modern western pseudo shamans looking for profit selling "organic raw whatever".:) So, I would rather not start with raw Maca,esp in my case. One can buy "gelatinized"Maca in capsules and that is supposed to be better... Well I thought - what about making a tea out of it? Would that be OK or would I destroy some essential components? Guess 600mg could be 1/4 of a teaspoon of that powder?

For candida I have tried oregano oil (oreganol), sf722, GSE, caprylic acid, nasturtium, and many more, plus the diet... It seems that candida is rather a consequence of a deeper problem in my case rather than the cause itself. But, who knows. Sometimes I test positive (gyno tests), sometimes negative. There are no better tests in CR and it is difficult to determine if I actually have it (I mean the overgrowth). I think so so I take measures...

Thanks again guys, for your support.

Hi all,

WOW, thank you all so much for your feedback and care, I am quite touched really!! I will try to be systematic:

PrimusCantus: Thank you so much for more detailed info about your friend with lyme. Good to know she also did not feel any better right away. I do feel that I should give it some more time and stick with it (but only if I do not get worse, in that case, I will quit). Yes it requires perserverance and patience - now, after 3 yrs, I guess I kinda posess those qualities (well, most of the time, I certainly am not that kind of person by nature!):).

Kambogahuascangapé:Thank you so much for this, good to know that one can expect some effect even weeks later!! Also I agree that those statements about getting better in 3 months 3x Kambo are rather misleading. I definitely did not think that could happen to me, after all I have been through. I was just looking for tiny little positive stuff, anything. If that's a better mood 3rd day after treatment, then well, better than nothing. But I have to be careful - it could just be the enthusiasm of trying something new and thus seeing a new option to liberate myself from this deep hole of dis-ease. I am a psychologist so heck I know the connection between psyche/mind ad body. We'll see after next treatments! As for the spiritual aspect - yeah I must say I am humble facing Kambo, and every time I had it applied I just tried to say very warm "hi" to it as it entered my system. Ha. I might sound nuts, but I do believe that there is an important spiritual part to it! By the way, I have been having very colorful, interesting and sometimes disturbing dreams after and even before Kambo... Defnitely a good thing, as dreams are one of the best ways to connect with oneself.

Galega: Thanks for your insights and suggestions! I have mentioned some of these earlier (for example candida - I know I have that problem and I am on the diet, plus I tried dozens of herbs and supplements and treatments...  With no luck. So for now, I am just keeping sugars/starches as low as possible. No gluten no dairy. So this is covered for now I hope - I can not use herbs for now as I became super sensitive to evrything (in fact goldenseal pushed me deeper to autoimmunity and that was given to me by well known American herbalist, and since then, I react oddly to all herbs, some foods and substances)

As for stress response - you are right that the interstitial cystitis and fatique brought me down after a very, very stressful period in my life. First break up of a 7 years long relationship, plus really bad family family issues and in all this, master's exams and PhD appliance. No fun. After it was all done, I just crushed. But, it has been 3 years already, and you are right that I extensively altered my lifestyle and the way I am dealing with stress. For now, a source of stress is in my illness, and mostly for financial reasons. I HAVE to have a job, because I have to pay my rent, food, etc etc. At the same time, I am very well aware that I am not able to work (even if it is computer work for now- university research). I just lack the energy and am in so much pain every day, and depressed. But I need finances to survive. There is noone else to do it, so, vicious circle I yet did not figure out how to get out of. I was hit by this when I was 25, just finished university and this does not give me any chances to have a decent career, I work part time. There is no other option than keep going, hoping that I would be able to keep the job and that my partner will became rich. :) But yes, adrenal fatique is definitely my issue and the stress of having to work even if I am drained is bad. I am doing my best.
Also thanks for the tip on Maca - I have to think about it as I have the problem I mentioned - I react extremely sensitively to herbs and supplements... For example, MSM gives me brutal headaches as well as DIM, rehmannia and peony makes my period come 10 days earlier, rhodiola makes me even more hypersensitive to sun plus worsens endometriosis, siberian ginseng worsens autoimmunity, blah blah, I could go on, but you get the point... Very annoying and even if I go very carefully with low doses. I have read about women having problems with maca - creating too much testosterone, gastrointestinal problems, acne, headaches... well everybody's different. Is there a specific dose you could recommend given my condition? Microdosing?:) I was on BC pill for 10 yrs (stopped after getting ill but too late), hence I am really interested, but need to proceed carefully...
Agreed that I will try Kambo more times.. I would not be able to have it every week because self-administration is something I was warned about by Giovanni, but once a month I can arrange. Self administration is something to be tried later I think.

Jox: Hey, I am glad you dropped in as  was inspired a lot by your posts. I do not have any unrealistic expectations I guess, I am just longing for tiny little things that stay APART from my normal ebbs and flows (my condition is not stable of course, I have bad days, better days, and as a young female I am very affected by hormonal changes). I kinda see some patterns in those ebbs and flows, so I would be probably able to say that Kambo did something positive. And what it did is that I felt less depressed, anxious and more calm the 2nd/3rd day. No physical benefit that I can see. Of course, that is a positive thing, but not a strong motivator. My motivation stems from the hope that I will see a more long-term effects after a course of, say, months. The reason I posted here was partly that I wanted to know if not getting physically better is something others experienced, too. And partly the sadness that I did not see any physical results, it is always good to know other's opinions when you feel like a failure. Maybe I will see some in a few months, maybe not... Thanks for the review of your CFS development. I am so glad you've gotten etter yourself, even before Kambo, that's great. Ad you are right that this would seem the cheapest way. Right now I am just sliding downwards, and by this, I am at least trying to stop that process. I know I can't expect being better right away or very soon, although it would be very nice. I am a young girl slowly losing her life, just witnessing others getting married, having kids, etc., mostly via damned Facebook because I am even not able to be there physically. That sucks, but I am a warrior, both on a physical and on psychological/spiritual level. I will continue with Kambo as often as I can get it (Giovanni told me not to do it myself), which is hopefully once a month.

Also I started to take Coriolus Versicolor (very low dose for now to see my reaction), for its immunomodulating properties. Will continue with Kambo once per month or more often if available and keep you posted. Thanks to all again!!! I am really grateful.

Hi Caiano,

thanks for your reply. Yes, I too would expect some effect after such an intensive treatment. I know about somebody wrote somewhere that his/her fibromyalgia dissapeared after just one Kambo treatment. And I was hopeful after reading the story of Jox and his CFS. Well, not my case.

Giovanni said that perhaps I should try doing Kambo once a month/once in two months and after one year evaluate. And that I have many problems at once, which I know. Thing is, even people with many problems seem to see at least SOME benefit after Kambo, which I can not say. I will probably do as Giovanni suggests, but I have to admit that I am a bit sad.

Hey all,

so, I did the proper treatment with Giovanni this weekend. That means six dots of kambo, after an hour or so another 6-7 (o the same spots plus he made one new next to the first six). The next day, another 6 (but HUGE I must say!):).

I did purge the yellow bile every time. Felt terrible of course, but my freakin' illness is much more painful and uncomfortable in general, I can stand a couple of minutes feeling like I am going to die with no problem.:) After first day, I had a terrible migraine (could be because of no eating - that sometimes happens to me). And after each treatment I felt like I have been beaten up, bladder pain worse, fibromyalgia, fatique and joint pains much worse, which persists til now unfortunately (it has been 3 days since I got the last treatment - yesterday I felt better, today I just feel like shit and my allergies are way worse than normal, especially the pollen allergy).

So, I am wondering... I did not expect Kambo will be a magic cure, as I have said. I am very aware that there is no such thing after years of suffering. But, I was looking for tiny little improvements that would show my that I am on the right path. Except for the fact that I was a bit calmer and perhaps happier for one day, I can not see any. I am not giving up, just would be grateful for your thoughts on this, as you are much more experienced than me.

At least I am happy it does not seem to make the autoimmune stuff much worse. But the allergies and pain seem to be a bit worse, so... I just do not know.

PrimusCantus, can I ask you how the lady with lyme's knew this was a right thing for her? Was she feeling better and that kept her going? Because I really miss this crucial clue.


thank you all for your advice. And, thank you PrimusCantus for the info about your friend with lyme's. That is very encouraging!!

So, I have tried Kambo 2 days ago. The most visible part of my autoimmune problem, chronic hives, was triggered almost immediately after application - I could feel the itching spreading in cosmic speed. Fortunately it did not go too severe, and the rash stopped moving and occuring on my body during the night (I got Kambo in the evening). But that is pretty much the ONLY effect Kambo had on me - maybe also the fact that I was even MORE tired the next day (yesterday). Today, I feel like before. So, my CFS, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, IBS, endometriosis pain, etc... - IT IS ALL THE SAME. Plus I do feel pretty depressed (because of my pain and partly I guess because I had high hopes frm Kambo and feel a bit helpless - I have tried so many things and keep getting worse. No whining, this plain sucks and I will do anything to make it better). I do not say I expected this to be a magic stuff that cures everything instantly, but, I sure hoped at least for some effect... And I could use your advice. I will try to briefly describe how the ceremony went - maybe it is about it, also.

So the lady shaman who did this (there were about 10 other people) first listened to our aim - or "intention" we had with Kambo that day. Then she somehow decided how many dost and where she is going to give us. Mine was on my left shoulder.

Of course, we drank a ton of water before application (1,5 l). At first I got 2 dots. I felt tingling in my hands and feet and a rush of blood to my head, my ears got swollen, my heart racing. Weird dizzyness and fatique, but nothing too bad. I was trying to "tune in" with Kambo, I was not afraid at all, nor was I trying to fight it or anything. Everybody around started to throw up or seemed very unwell (some got more points than me, but some also 2). I was OK. After a while, the effect was gone almost completely. O got two more dots. This time more fatique, but no tingling or racing heart. I just felt peaceful and slightly nauseated. Again, people around me throwing up like crazy. Another two dots - so altogether, I got 6 dots. This time little more nausea, and I threw up a little. Just water.

Then the ceremony was finished and everybody rested. I was itching like crazy some more time from the rash. Then it got somewhat better, and it was not appearing so quickly.

Do you have any idea what could be causing that it has no positive effect on me? In any way... I am of course glad I did not choke or anything, as I was a bit afraid because of the autoimmune stuff.

Btw. when you say I should do it often, do you mean self-administration at home? Because this kind of ceremony is only once in, say, 3 months here in CR... Plus, as you mentioned Kambogahuascangapé, it requires an expert in more complicated cases, I am not sure is self-administration would do anything for me, especially after this first experience.

Thank you guys a lot for any input.


thanks for your reply. Well, I have been pretty good diet wise, especially because I have to or I feel really crappy:). I used to be a vegetarian and that is one of the things that made me sick in the first place (5 yrs of vegetarianism), I think I ate pretty well, but vegetarian diet is either too starchy for me (even beans are a starch for my body, not protein, so candida problem way out of control) or you subtitute protein with soy (which I guess messed me up, too, hormonally and it did something to my intestines). But, I have been on a whole foods diet for more than 2 years with food balanced to 1/4 protein (meat, eggs), 1/4 starch (brown rice/quinoa/etc) and 1/2 vegetables. Absolutely no sugar, flour (I started to be gluten intolerant anyway), I even have to avoid fruits for too much sugar content (exacerbates every symptom, but mostly interstitial cystitis crap). Have tried candida diet, no success. So, occasional blueberries and green apples for now and tons of veggies. Meh. Everybody else would be healthy on my diet I guess.:)

I have tried eating raw, full 6 months, and juicing every single day. This was not good for my IBS/digestive issues. That is why in Chinese medicine they cook almost everything. If you are more of a yang-type person, you can afford eating raw. If your digestion is impaired and your constitution weak - you can do more damage. Trust me I have tried BUNCH of stuff that work for other people. :)

I have tried some cannabis oil. Works to mask the symptoms a bit. I can make my own if I want. I am pretty educated in herbology after all those years of suffering I think.:)

Thanks for the mushroom tip. I will look into it! But I am afraid that mushrooms are quite a risk given that candida/IBS problems. I'll see.

The thing is, I would go for Kambo 6 months ago without hesitation, but now while having those chronic hives (autoimmune stuff) I am just afraid that my overreactive body could turn against itself even more, leading me into anaphylactic shock or something. I was thinking - what about taking just ONE dot instead of three or four asI assume is normal, and wait what happens? Could that "tell" me if the medicine is right or wrong for me? Would it do anything at all? Thanks.

And yeah one more thing. Does anyone have a clue what it does to female hormones, if anything? I have a strong suspicion that most of the problems could be connected to hormonal imbalances (nothing herbal really works, actually most of it just messes it up more) and congested liver (have tried many cleanses - relief very temporary). This all could be due to taking stupid birth control pill for 10 yrs. Mistake of my life. I have heard that Kambo could also balance hormones, but it does not seem likely to me?

Hi all,

I would like to ask if anyone knows something about how Kambo could affect autoimmune diseases. All over the internet, I just read that it "boosts the immune system" or "strenghtens immunity". Well, if yes, all my hopes are done and I can probably not try it.:/

Just a quick intro why do I want to try this medicine - almost 3 years ago, I started to have a weird illness called "interstitial cystitis". Noone really knows what is the cause - an occult infection, autoimmune response, fungal overgrowth, or just everything at once... (seems I have all of these, ugh). Anyway immune system is somewhat compromised. It is like having an urinary tract infection all the time. Plus, of course, if you are a female you mostly start to have severe gynecological issues, too.

Since then, I started to have more and more mystic ailments - shortly I developed severe chronic fatique, fibromyalgia, IBS (had that before but undiagnosed and I thought it was "normal" - little more close to the constipation end sice childhood). Brutal migraines connected with the period cycle. And now, during the past few months - endometriosis (I am off BC pill for almost 3 years - I stopped immediately after getting ill, feeling that might have been a contributing factor).

I have tried many, many things. I have read Jox's story here and pretty much found myself in it - I also have tried like everything under the sun, including energy/spiritual approach, herbal medicines, etc etc. I do not take any medicals, I have just started traditional chinese herbs (that yucky ones you cook) - approximately a month ago.

Why am I boring you with this novel - I am afraid to try Kambo although it seems to be a great medicine. Because some of the herbs I have tried that are supposed to strenghten the immune system (goldenseal, for instance) have made some very serious damage to me (under a care of licensed proffessional, I must add). After taking goldenseal, I have started to have terrible chronic hives and never really recovered from them. They went away for a couple of months, but 3 months ago came back with a vengeance. And that is, most possibly, an AUTOIMMUNE response. Since trying some herbs, I even have an allergy to the sunlight (itchy rash) and overall I am even more hypersensitive. Vitamin D triggered an arthritis-like issue to me! Crazy. Colostrum seemed to have the very same effect as goldenseal - more hives (and that's supposed to be an IMMUNOMODULATORY thing, not just a booster).

I am from the Czech Republic, and there is one person I know of that does Kambo sessions. I asked her what she thought and she was apparently scared about the autoimmune stuff (although she helps people with allergies - go figure). And she said no, or maybe, she would try just ONE dot instead of three, but she said I should consider doing even that.

Well, I live a lie that is not worth living, that is for sure. But there is always something to lose, if you know what I mean. I would love to try Kambo, but I do not want to do more damage to my already crazy body. What do you think? Is Kambo more balancing or strenghtening the immune system? It is possible that it gives my immune system a kick to recognize what is an actual invader (in my case - I am positive for LYME DISEASE and some other nasty bugs) and what is its own tissue?

I am not in hope to find a magic cure, but if thereis anyone who has tried this for such a matter please let me know. I just do not want to get worse.

I just love being my own guinea pig. Many thanks.

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