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Topics - artycok

Pages: 1
Hi all,

I would like to ask if anyone knows something about how Kambo could affect autoimmune diseases. All over the internet, I just read that it "boosts the immune system" or "strenghtens immunity". Well, if yes, all my hopes are done and I can probably not try it.:/

Just a quick intro why do I want to try this medicine - almost 3 years ago, I started to have a weird illness called "interstitial cystitis". Noone really knows what is the cause - an occult infection, autoimmune response, fungal overgrowth, or just everything at once... (seems I have all of these, ugh). Anyway immune system is somewhat compromised. It is like having an urinary tract infection all the time. Plus, of course, if you are a female you mostly start to have severe gynecological issues, too.

Since then, I started to have more and more mystic ailments - shortly I developed severe chronic fatique, fibromyalgia, IBS (had that before but undiagnosed and I thought it was "normal" - little more close to the constipation end sice childhood). Brutal migraines connected with the period cycle. And now, during the past few months - endometriosis (I am off BC pill for almost 3 years - I stopped immediately after getting ill, feeling that might have been a contributing factor).

I have tried many, many things. I have read Jox's story here and pretty much found myself in it - I also have tried like everything under the sun, including energy/spiritual approach, herbal medicines, etc etc. I do not take any medicals, I have just started traditional chinese herbs (that yucky ones you cook) - approximately a month ago.

Why am I boring you with this novel - I am afraid to try Kambo although it seems to be a great medicine. Because some of the herbs I have tried that are supposed to strenghten the immune system (goldenseal, for instance) have made some very serious damage to me (under a care of licensed proffessional, I must add). After taking goldenseal, I have started to have terrible chronic hives and never really recovered from them. They went away for a couple of months, but 3 months ago came back with a vengeance. And that is, most possibly, an AUTOIMMUNE response. Since trying some herbs, I even have an allergy to the sunlight (itchy rash) and overall I am even more hypersensitive. Vitamin D triggered an arthritis-like issue to me! Crazy. Colostrum seemed to have the very same effect as goldenseal - more hives (and that's supposed to be an IMMUNOMODULATORY thing, not just a booster).

I am from the Czech Republic, and there is one person I know of that does Kambo sessions. I asked her what she thought and she was apparently scared about the autoimmune stuff (although she helps people with allergies - go figure). And she said no, or maybe, she would try just ONE dot instead of three, but she said I should consider doing even that.

Well, I live a lie that is not worth living, that is for sure. But there is always something to lose, if you know what I mean. I would love to try Kambo, but I do not want to do more damage to my already crazy body. What do you think? Is Kambo more balancing or strenghtening the immune system? It is possible that it gives my immune system a kick to recognize what is an actual invader (in my case - I am positive for LYME DISEASE and some other nasty bugs) and what is its own tissue?

I am not in hope to find a magic cure, but if thereis anyone who has tried this for such a matter please let me know. I just do not want to get worse.

I just love being my own guinea pig. Many thanks.

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