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Offline Jole39

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Taking Kambo alone first time
« on: April 07, 2016, 03:34:33 AM »
Hi guys,

I have just ordered the kambo sticks from Maya. I have been reading alot about this in the last 2-3 weeks and i am determined to test this out. Why? Because i am sooo tired every day. I feel like my eyes are hanging by my knees. I can't wake up in the morning. Its been like that for months. I always look angry because i am so tired that i can't open my eyes totally. In one way i think i have that cloud over my head like many say. All this leads also to that i am not in a good mood. I have read that Kambo might help me with that too. Now to the issue. I will do this totally alone and its my first time. I am not afraid but a little bit unsure of the dosage for example. I am planning 7 dots the first day and maybe the same the next day. My plan is to do this two days in a row to maximize the effect. Is that a good idea? Is it important to use to light up the stick that makes smoke? Can't remember the name. As i am doing this at my place and i don't really like smoke in my appartement. So thats my questions.. Cheers!

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Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2016, 05:47:57 AM »
Exercise too is a good way too boost energy levels. 6 dots is good for the first time. I wouldn't try more for the first time unless you can't purge off 6. In the beginning you learn how to multitask and/or do the steps consecutively and consistently. and handling the stuff you will use. smudge, knife, spray bottle, bucket, burning smudge, making globules, burning skin, keeping the end of the burn stick flat, applying kambo, drinking water, etc.

Is it important to use to light up the stick that makes smoke?

It's Palo Santo and can be substituted with plants like white sage. If you have it, just light it. It is part of the ceremony. The Palo Santo is an ally. It smells beautiful and clears the energies and malignant entities and protects the space. The smell doesn't stick to fabrics and furniture in the house. Don't mind it, it is safe for you to breathe and it's intention is good.

Best to you, and the worst is in the beginning, before the purge. Unless your the type that has a hard time purging, I always felt better from it.

Welcome to the forum!  :D
And I hope this helps.
Keep us update after the session.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2016, 01:16:18 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2016, 10:54:12 AM »
Maybe too late but 7 dots is in general a very high amount for a first time session.  A lot depends on your size and overall constitution (sturdiness in handling powerful medicines).  Don't want to have too frightening of an introduction, it's already quite intimidating so best to mitigate the intensity by making it a moderate first time introduction.  Personally I don't have much to say anymore for self treatments but I'm glad others can pick up the slack.

Offline Jole39

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Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2016, 06:38:26 AM »
Hi guys and thank you for the welcome.

Thank you for the advice and sorry for the late answer. I still haven't got the order but tomorrow they will deliver it and i have taken two days off work so i can make this properly.

Yes, i seem to be more resistant to heavy medicine. The couple of times i have been given morphine at hospital they always need to give me extra injections because it doesn't really bite on me. After 3 injections i could still feel alot of pain. It always ends with me being so high that i am puking all over the place but the pain was still there. I will try with 1 dot first just to see if i get some bad reaction and if its good i think 6 dots will be fine. I will try to prepare everything before so it goes smoothly when i am actually doing it.

The question i still have is if it recommendable to have 2 sessions in a day or should the second session the second day?

About the dosage. I don't need to measure it in someway? It will naturally bee dots that fits in one burn mark?

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2016, 02:02:19 PM »
The question i still have is if it recommendable to have 2 sessions in a day or should the second session the second day?

That all depends on your recovery and what you're capable of doing.  It's hard to firmly plan these things especially when you're yet to experience such a formidable force of nature.

About the dosage. I don't need to measure it in someway? It will naturally bee dots that fits in one burn mark?

Unfortunately these are very hard questions to answer as it is ultra customized and many variables are circumscribed to those questions.  The dots should be flush with the burn marks.  Most use way to much medicine for the size of the burns and even still the burn marks people make vary to a great degree. 

Offline Jole39

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Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2016, 01:29:04 PM »
Hi again,

So i did it. Where do i start? The delievery guy was late so i sat there hungry as hell. When he came i drank about 1 litre of water(drank 2 more during the day) and i started to prepare everything. I had some issues with making the kambo. I didn't got any dots it was mostly fluffy from bubbles. I burned 5 dots and that wasn't hard at all. There was no real pain in that. I tried filling one dot first and it did hit me straight away. I don't know but it feels like i should have stopped there because it was really intense but i didn' and i applied the four that was left. I don't really know how to explain it but it ended up with me crawling on the floor. Sweating like i was in a sauna. And then i think the mistake happened. I rubbed my arm against my head from agony and i rubbed of the frog venom. 2-3 minutes later(i think) i started to come back. I was on my way to purge before i ended up on the floor in agony but i never purged at all. It felt like all my liquid went for the sweating. I fell asleep for 2 hours afterwards and now  i am thinking about doing it one more time with fewer dots. I just feel that i didn't really go to the end although it was hell when i was in it. I thought i was going to faint for a while. I have started drinking water again so i will do it. I will be back with another report. Cheers!

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Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2016, 07:58:45 PM »
It shouldn't be hard to from the globules. drip some water onto the stick and rub back and forth on a section of it with a knife, then just work it into balls.

Yes, it does hit you straight away, and that is intense, nevermind if you have no experience with it or a guide. All in all I would say for your first time you did fine. You learned from the experience and you probably got a pretty good detox out of all the sweating. Seems like you came close to a purge, though sweating is also a form of a purge as well as shitting, if which doesn't happen after application, will happen later, and which you can usually tell seems to be more toxic and putrid. Sweating, puking, shitting, even burping are all forms of purging, though we find it to be more beneficial to have a strong purge right after application, so that toxins which are surfaced are not reabsorbed back into the body. Though some people tend to purge differently sometimes.

Maybe there is a reason some sweat profusely or have diarrhea instead of puking. I have had it occur in people I have applied kambo to. I had someone I could not get to puke, I applied point after point after point and losing count of how many. He was sweating and then just shit. But hey, it's still detoxification.

Wiping the kambo off is no big deal, except that we usually wait till we want no more of it. Make sure when you burn that you scrape the top dead layer of skin off, sometimes a burn may be too light, and if the top layer isn't penetrated or removed, the kambo won't be absorbed at that point.

After you apply, have some quiet calming music on and lie or sit down, whichever is more comfortable, so that you don't end up crawling across the floor with anxiety or disorientation.

although it was hell when i was in it.
I hear ya, it's an intense experience which never seems to get much easier, except for the fact that you lose some of the shock and fear once you have experienced it.

Although you did not get the puke, the kambo is still doing work on you.
Welcome to the Kambo club.  8)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 08:00:58 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline Jole39

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Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2016, 03:34:23 AM »
Thanks for your reply. I didn't do it one more time. After having  thought about it, it was kind of late and i didn't have food all day so i was  little bit afraid that i would faint because i already had that feeling the first time. I do feel a small difference today. My eyes are more open and i feel that i have more energy but that could also be from sleeping alot because i slept 8 hours this night and i slept for 2 hours after the kambo. I just woke up but i will try to do it once more in a couple of hours. I will only make 3 dots this time because i feel that 5 was way to much.

I tried to sit and be calm, focusing on breathing but after a while i naturally went to laying on the floor. I enjoyed how cold it was. And there is my fear. Maybe my heart can't do this and thats why i am sweating too much? No, i don't have an heart issue but my heart was beating like i was running really fast or like in a sauna. I didn't have music though but i will try to find some shamanic music today. Maybe it helps.

As for the burns, i didn't really have an issue. I followed the advice of burning the skin for one second and that worked fine. It didn't hurt but afterwards it did a little bit. The area around it was red and swollen. I used dragons blood though and today its fine.

I will get back with a report how it went the second time. Cheers!

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Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2016, 09:40:17 PM »
As for the burns, i didn't really have an issue.
Cool was just giving an fyi.

Yes, the heart pounding thing is quite normal for kambo, and feeling the pressure in your hear of every heartbeat.