Author Topic: Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibition + piperidine or dimethylamine supplementation  (Read 57614 times)

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"I'm considering now posting whatever you write on the eboka forum as this is some of the most advanced Iboga infor I have come across"

permission granted

"So are you saying rather than doing the "Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibition + piperidine or dimethylamine supplementation" cycling for Iboga instead one would utilize the CYP2D6 INHIBITORS?"

i am saying combining for iboga to get Noribogaine to cycle:

piperidine (black pepper tea or L-lysine)
ALDH inhibitors (grocery store natural almond and star anise extracts) (or just tea made from whole star anises)

and then an CYP2D6 INDUCER like valerian, it could take anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour after taking valerian for its induction to kick in.

so the timing would be for noribogaine:

pepper tea without solids (or l-lysine) and valerian at the same time

45 minutes later

20-40 drops each of natural star anise extract and almond extract from grocery store, sewing needle pokes small enough holes for drops in the foil seal, if put in gel caps with olive oil and taken followed right after by half peanut butter sandwich it is infinitely more enjoyable. or if your lazy you could eat 20 drops of each and apply 10+ drops to the skin above the liver and or along the meridians connected with the stomach and intestines and such, taking a caffeine tablet with these extracts at the same time will boost the ALDH inhibition very strongly.

15 minutes later

take ibogaine (possibly best if taken in gel caps, mixed with olive oil might help as well, and with very small bite of peanut butter sandwich)

if one cannot get valerian, they could take any of the short lasting INHIBITORS listed, the day before taking piperidine and ALDH inhibitors, and the next day after taking the short lasting inhibitors they will have long worn off with a high probability of the body slightly inducing the enzyme upon recovery from the inhibitor, you could do this by combining inhibitors under "weak" or "moderate" in extremely small doses the day before trying to cycle Noribogaine.

ibogaine without noribogaine:

if you wanted to cycle ibogaine alone without noribogaine effects (or very little noribogaine) you would do the same thing but make sure not to take valerian and instead ON the day of the cycling you would take strong CYP2D6 inhibitors at the same time as the ALDH inhibitors, in both set-ups you take the piperidine or dimethylamine 45 minutes before the ALDH inhibitors.

"Many seek the Noribogaine effects as this is filled with positive bliss.  If you can hone this one out...BOOM BUHM!  "

do you mean what needs to be done to get only Noribogaine? simple, dose valerian an hour to an hour and a half before iboga, if you cannot get your hands on valerian, then the day beforehand dose a combination of short lasting weak-moderate strength inhibitors from the list, then the next day when you take the iboga, you take it EXACTLY 15 minutes after the time you took the inhibitors the day prior.

your bodies enzyme runs on a tight schedule and if you inhibit or induce something they get written down in the schedule and your body expects to be repeating that act at the same time everyday this becomes more and more strong the more days on the EXACT same timing you take an inhibitor or inducer.

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I guess I'll have to give it a go in the coming months.  No one else has done this I suppose?  This has me brimming with excitment.  Just trying to comprehend all of this and hoping other like minds are paying attention to what you are saying. 

I'll post around and see if others get the hint or can vibe the frequency.  Honestly I think people are not gonna get it, just throw in the towel and say "too complicated".  So best I try it first and see how it goes. 

Thanks again and WOW!

Offline peacefull warrior

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wait.......... are their native groups that micro dose iboga daily?... if so i have some insights to share about what they are causing to happen by doing this.

if you dose iboga for many days in a row and then stop 1-2 days before a higher dose or flood, you will get strong Noribogaine effects, because ibogaine inhibits CYP2D6 when the enzyme breaks it down, if you do this the same time everyday, then the body eventually starts to retaliate by overproducing the enzyme to compensate, so the first few experiences are mainly ibogaine and the later experiences should all be highly noribogaine.

"No one else has done this I suppose?"

untouched soil friend, tread lightly (:

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I see now, only now, that this thread started wanting to see if the cycling would work with Kambo.  So far you have had several ideas for vastly conserving/potentiating Kambo through these ingenious methods.  I'm willing to donate to the cause, I can't say I am brave enough to try the cycling with Kambo.  But would be encouraged to do so if it proved fruitful.  And that would change everything in the Kambo field. 

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i am not sure if the direct kambo compounds can be cycle but i can garantee when you puke and feel like your dying, thats what i call a dynorphin threshold experience, when the pain is so great, you actually learn things from it.

the dynorphin itself i am sure can be cycled, dynorphin has to be a part of the downstream effects of kambo.

i know dynorphin can be cycled because when i take the cycling method followed by peppermint EO and go exercise to the point of blacking out i wake up and have waves of dynorphin for hours coming and going, this only happens to an extremely small amount if i omit the peppermint EO, and its much harder to black out if i leave the peppermint EO out, this is because it supresses the endogenous opiate system temporarily, and if you exercise very intensely early after doing this your body does not recover from the peppermint EO's kappa agonism and dynorphin release fast enough and you cut off the fuel your body needs to push past its limits, after already having surpassed the limits, causing crash or black outs, i only get black outs because i am anemic and eat a very strict diet and lose myself playing the drums.

this feels so much like the time i cycled salvia and i have so much experience with exercise based entheogens (methyl chavicol, PEA) and drug free exercise that i am certain if you every feel like your dying on kambo its likely hitting SOME of the same receptors that salvia and intense exercise hit, as well as pepprmint EO.

this next part is somewhat related

because of thousands of methyl chavicol doses no matter if i am sober or not when i get to a certain point of exercise i get entheogenic effects as if on higher stages of methyl chavicol, its effects are like a cross between mescaline and lucid dreaming, its lucid dreaming quality is extremely present in the peripheral nervous system, your body and head feel the same way you feel the first few seconds after waking from deep dreaming, extremely relaxed but very much able to move any way you choose with no effort, extreme nerve control.

its effects also include being able to use your concentration to hyper effectively channel your bodies energy (from all sources, meridians and chakras and more) into any part of your body you concentrate on. i am talking about something scientific here, not just things that are difficult to attain because they require facing demons first like most energy matters.

it adds the qualities of a neanderthal on top of your regular brain power, so you can look at something (time will also be dilated) and think up all the possible ways to go about any intentions you have about that thing, and then you can enact the intentions with so little effort it is like your dancing, it makes it enjoyable, and you can do STUPIDLY amazing feats in this state.

in short it is capable of bringing out your latent pre-cognition, and then it makes nerve control so strong you have the plan, and the timing and skill, you literally can manipulate reality as if it were in the movie the matrix.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 01:37:10 AM by peacefull warrior »

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great stuff here
healing potentials expound

here's a big question ?

is seems very possible that some case of chronic schizophrenia might actually be where a person's enymes etc are converting something the person is eating into an  alcohol form and producing altered states
this might also explain some people's acute psychotic episodes ?

perhaps some people's unique behaviours are being cause by enzyme inhibitors and instigators that is being caused either by their unique biochemistry or food they are eating


Offline peacefull warrior

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mary this sounds like a very good possibility, you have to learn to not take all the extremely frightening aspects of this types of substance as anything but a form of communication we are to primitive to interpret correctly yet, but we can on an individual basis slowly step by step overcome this communication gap, and come to learn from EVERY type of experience.

i dont believe in mental disorders anymore, i believe in mercury, flouride, bromides, and chlorides these are the likely culprits coupled with eating the disease(post-birth software programming).

after you have an extremely strong ego death you are presented with a return to your innate pre-birth hardwired programming, with this you can conceive new ideas and materialize them(immaculate conception) but if you eat the disease the tree of life inside your body is suppressed, take everything you perceive(the disease) with a grain of salt and ASSUME it has endless meanings in countless different languages and perspectives, never put an idea down as "understood" never let the curiosity truly die and have yourself convinced you "figured something out" instead the first language or perspective in witch you were presented each part of the disease should be a extra lesson in comparison to the countless others lessons it can teach you from all other languages and perspectives.

the reason i say i "dont believe" in mental disorders let me explain it like this, i used to be really crazy, now i am really strong.

i don't want to post the description of some of the strengths i have developed because its to expressive for the majority to be able to accept properly.

to simplify it, YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS IS YOUR GREATEST STRENGTH IN DISGUISE, unrealized sitting squandered in prejudiced due to negative emotions you attach to it.

i would go as far to say that people with mental disabilities have a gigantic pre-disposition to bio-electromagnetic energy.

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Another inspirational breakthrough, thanks for this.  This forum was started in all honesty not just for my love for Kambo but my love for cutting edge healing modalities.  The two of you meeting is quite golden in this quest. 

I wonder with all these techniques if you (Peaceful Warrior) have started working with others to heal them?  I'm interested in seeking you're paradigms, so much so to focus on your modalities. 

As you said in the mission to save the endangered Iboga, you cut one head off and many new form.  That being said I'm feeling quite confident that your overall approach is so multifaceted as to slay an infinite headed dragon. 

Much appreciation again and again.

Offline peacefull warrior

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i think i was on here someone stated a shaman once said "i hold but the power of a dead frog, it is in the individual whether or not to be healed"

i am not sure if flouride, mercury, bromides, chlorides are solely the reason for people acting the way they do but i am certain that the VAST majority of people i have met in my life are not ready for healing.

so the trick is you have to secretly trick them into getting their 5th, 6th, and possibly 7th chakras open before you can heal them, because they 5th and 6th being unbalanced causes them to be incapable of seeing the merits of asking or accepting help from others OR THEMSELVES!

i see healing in a different way. i am never not healing. every act you perform is a example set for all future descendants. only 1 dna pool all are brothers/sisters, before the dna, only one source, before the source of reality only infinite post-dimensional reality matrixes, beyond this one source, beyond this, one non-source, beyond this THERE EXISTS ONLY YOURSELF.

follow the stream to the source, keeping going past all sources, till you reach the highest echelons of up-stream, don't be surprised if you find yourself at the top.

we are living a game reality in the school of earth, we are simultaneously living the life of every microorganism that makes up our body, and our body, is everything in the post-dimensional, homecoming eclipsed finality beyond the miniscule limitations of space and time.

when intuition eclipses perception and memory, and this new expansive means of perception succeeds the current actuality of realities expanded future potential, you find that your body, is all that is, all that will be, and that has been, and all unknown, and more, all that is not, all that will not, has not, YOU GREW A HEAD ON THE SIDE OF YOUR BODY AND PUSHED YOUR PERSPECTIVE INTO THAT POINT AND NOW THIS IS THE REALITY WE ARE LEFT WITH right here in the NOW.

i dont heal people, i feed their ego, so that when the beast is nice and ripe they can sit down and have a feast upon themselves. and from eating ones self they will learn to follow themselves.

i can teach people telepathy, pre-cognition, remote viewing, instant materialization, body jumping, shape shifting, and many more.

i do not wield these powers, i occasionally play with them so i may learn to teach them better, i know how to do these things but i give them to others instead of using them for myself.  unfortunately most others are trapped in the flouride, mercury, chlroide, bromide matrix so they cannot see past their post-birth software programming. and genuinely are incapable of allowing themselves to accept the possibility that these abilities are sitting within their body waiting to be put to use, they must squander the gifts in ignorance until they are overwhelmed by the sensation of loss that comes from having to lose something to realize what you had, but they never really lose it, they just need to feel they have strongly so they can learn to stop squandering it.

doubt is the ABSOLUTE most problematic addiction people have, people are more addicted to doubt and prejudice than anything else on earth,  they have to live it countless infinities over before they will let themselves take one step forward.

HOPE is the ultimate strength, in all its forms, take the hope with a grain of salt and remember if doubt creeps in don't let it dirty your opinion of hope with negative attachments.

when you open the box, all the negative attachments to the demons leaves you and your left with infinite hope, and the hope is so infinite it actually succeeds all of reality, allowing for instant materialization, its the hope to turn the weaknesses caused by all the demons into strengths.

i may post that post that is still glitched into another thread, as it is somewhat related to how i see healing.

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"As you said in the mission to save the endangered Iboga, you cut one head off and many new form.  That being said I'm feeling quite confident that your overall approach is so multifaceted as to slay an infinite headed dragon.  "

i have no doubt i could kill an infinite headed hydra if i wanted, but lol  you got what i was saying wrong with that one reference.

i meant when the government(prohibition) and ignorant humans(biopiracy) cut off one head from the hydra, infinite new heads spill forth from the newly opened seam. as in if they extinct a species they are making the mess worse and that witch they were trying to suppress will outgrow their suppression infinite fold.

this is how i feel about the government, i say "try it *itch see what you **ing get!" cut this flowers head off or mine it does not matter we will come back with infinite unrecognizable forms from behind your potential perception, we will COME FROM UP STREAM IF NEED BE.

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This thread is so mind-blowing I had to walk away for a moment and come back. thanks for sharing warrior. I've read about this at herbs.maxforum but this thread made it easier for me to get my head around. good posts.

other things that will very strongly potentiate iboga are the list of NMDA antagonists i PM to you, take them all 30-60 minutes before iboga.

Why would NMDA antagonists potentiate iboga? Isn't iboga an NMDA antagonist? These things won't compete and cancel each other?
Which sort of things would you use? Magnesium, Zinc, German chamomile? How does this work?

also if you take these you will get more Noribogaine effects and less ibogaine effects
And vice versa. This is a pretty amazing break through.

Especially to be able to get primarily Noribogaine effects and then cycle it. But Noribogaine already stays in your system a long time.
So this would make it stronger, granting the ability to use less plant alkaloid? And continuing this everyday at the same time would keep the effects more pronounced, until you stopped, at which point the Noribogaine would continue to carry on doing its thing more subtly for the rest of the duration of the 4-6 months of its stay in the body? theoretically.

so the trick is you have to secretly trick them into getting their 5th, 6th, and possibly 7th chakras open before you can heal them, because they 5th and 6th being unbalanced causes them to be incapable of seeing the merits of asking or accepting help from others OR THEMSELVES!

How can this be done?  :D

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"Why would NMDA antagonists potentiate iboga? Isn't iboga an NMDA antagonist? These things won't compete and cancel each other?
Which sort of things would you use? Magnesium, Zinc, German chamomile? How does this work?"

NMDA antagonists synergise especially if the strongest or best one is taken separately 30 minutes after the others are all taken at once.

don't take german chamomile it inhibits CYP2D6 causing more ibogaine to be made and less noribogaine

prolactin inhibitors:   (will also enhance strength, will improve ability to assimilate experiences) taken chronically and also in high dose 45-30 minutes beforehand

vitamin B6
vitamin E

tumbs or peppermint EO will make ibogaine substantially stronger if added with chronic use should be extremely powerful, enhances absorption and reduces tolerance.

NMDA antagonist:        30 minutes beforehand

garlic (fresh, chewed and swallowed)

extra vitamin c will also help

and possibly a mouth full of dxm 10 minutes after the others, followed 15 minutes later by ibogaine.

this would be extremely powerful to even micro dose ibogaine with all of these admixtures taken at the specified times.

"So this would make it stronger, granting the ability to use less plant alkaloid? "
yes, yes

"And continuing this everyday at the same time would keep the effects more pronounced, until you stopped, at which point the Noribogaine would continue to carry on doing its thing more subtly for the rest of the duration of the 4-6 months of its stay in the body"

it would likely make it dramatically more potent at very small micro doses.

NMDA antagonists up-regulate NMDA receptor in the long run, causing improved intelligence.

"How can this be done?"

tell them they get infinite wishes granted if they do it. (this is true)
some will still be unwilling to try oils or other things that balance chakras.

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Do you mean Tums? I would prefer to use pure calcium carbonate. Tums has mineral oil and stuff in it that I wouldn't want to ingest.

Offline peacefull warrior

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i mean tumbs, for the menthol not the calcium carbonate

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I'll be reposting all Iboga entries here in the Iboga section.  Just too important to get lost in the mix.  In a couple months I hope and pray for some major breakthroughs.  The conservation of Iboga is a must and this would be an amazingly effective method to do so. 

I've thought about it a lot maybe the name of this thread could also be "Nothing else matters".  Although that might just be how my obsessive mind works.