Kambo Protocol's > Diet before and after

Best Kambo diet?

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Kambogahuasca Panacea:
I liked what Peter Gorman said on this...

--- Quote ---Kamaboguhuasca: I've never seen an adult Matses/Mayoruna male in good health vomit with sapo. I've seen some take 8- quarter-inch burns--and not vomit. They make retching sounds but since their diet is so clean--meat, raw or on a fire, yucca, masato, fish (sun-dried or boiled or on the fire), some boiled or fire roasted plantains; good tree bark, pineapple, various leaves for digestion--I don't think there is much to clean out.
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I think he's right.  Especially as few carbs as possible for purity.  Healthy meats are quite complimentary to the wild nature of the frog and it's diet of insects.  We could eat insects that the Kambo has as a dieta experiment to bond with the frog. 

peacefull warrior:
"We could eat insects that the Kambo has as a dieta experiment to bond with the frog."

you are a genius

So if you don't purge doesn't mean you keep poison inside and it's hurt.
I read this a lot. if you don't purge you keep all the frog's toxin in.


--- Quote from: Romanesco on January 20, 2014, 05:28:17 AM ---So if you don't purge doesn't mean you keep poison inside and it's hurt.
I read this a lot. if you don't purge you keep all the frog's toxin in.

--- End quote ---

Yes, this is my assumption, but not so sharp. In fact with an already healthy body the toxins could be eliminated even later - or " archivied" again... - and one can experiment a boost of energy and motivation nonetheless; that exactly happened to a friend of mine who tolerated his first 3-dots very easy.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
Yeah I don't agree with all of what he said and in fact I've seen many videos of indigenous people purging their guts out from Kambo.  I just like the more primal diet going along with this medicine.  Makes for a more clean experience than when I use to eat carbs. 


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