Kambo Protocol's > Who can and can't do Kambo?

Kambo and epilepsy


Paulo K:
Hi there

My friend is intend to try Kambo for the first time, but she was diagnosed with epilepsy few years back.She is hoping that kambo will help her, but i heard of a times when kambo led to an allergic reaction.
I would like to hear an opinion of experienced people regarding this.

called by the frog:
I do not have epilepsy but have been diagnosed with lyme disease and it is neurological. I think epilepsy is contraindicated however I did 2 ceremonies with another lady who had it and she was fine. I would think go with a very experienced practitioner and you should be well looked after.

The information in this post is good information for those interested.

I have lyme, have done +100 kambo's.  Never heard it could induce epilepsy.

If your hands start flapping or your legs get restless: that's a good sign !  The medecine is working.


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