Kambo Protocol's > Who can and can't do Kambo?

exhaustion and kambo


Hi everyone,
I found this forum because I am looking for the answer to what has happened to my mom today at the kambo ceremony.
She is into shamanism for abut five years, has done aya and San Pedro and kambo, too once before, she is a very good healer but what happened today got me really stressed out, thraumatised even - as I belive she has passed away once, and two more times quite so. With "passed away" I mean away.

She stopped breathing, her tongue slipped back and her glassy eyes  with huge irises were wide open stairing into nowhere, she was pale as the wall (ok that is quite normal) and ... yeah, didnt breathe or respond ... She stopped breathing - at all! For some minutes, I can't tell how long. We were pouring her with a cold water, the shaman who is her teacher was doing his job, I was calling her to come back to me ... I even hugged her, nothing! Even the teacher got scared I could tell and after she finally got back after maybe half an hour of the whole process (in which she was most of the time barely breathing with breaks and looking lifeless ...) he confessed in a joke that he thought of the worst. I am still stressed out and see her lifeless face in front of my eyes. What do you think has happened?

She wants to go through the whole 3-time ina month healing procedure and next time she wants to take 5 dots - now 4 did it to her. She is 65, didn't sleep the night before and she was healing others and keeping on energeticaly more than 5 people on kambo, one after another, before it was her turn. To me it all seemed like her body just didn't take all those effords, it was just too much and was starting to give up ... I don't want it to happen the next time. I think she should go down on 3 dots and be well rested ... I dont know, what does any of you more experienced ones think of it all? Did you see any similar situations?

Thank you for any help and answers.

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