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Messages - mudhen

Pages: 1
Journals / Ordeals / Re: An Experience With Shamanic Soul Retrieval
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:35:23 PM »
Hi αlτεrηιτγ,

Thanks for taking this so seriously, but not sensationalizing. I mean, who am I to say thanks, but thanks. I think when we approach topics like this calmly but with focus, more gets done.

Sometimes after a soul retrieval, people will become agitated, or experience agitation in their surroundings. While I have no idea whether this is true for your friend or not, sometimes this happens because an entity with a person (one who has previously been comfortable dwelling within the person) is interacting with the energy of the returned soul part, and is not comfortable with the new state of health of the person. If this were the case, compassionate psychopomp work might be called for. While I hate to say any one thing or another is 'advanced work - do not try at home', I will say that there are risks involved with psychopomp work for sure.
If there were an entity with your friend, again, may or may not be, the work would best include helping that spirit get to where they need to be in a manner which causes no fear, anger, alarm or shock either for the entity or your friend.

The banishing ritual of the petagram, that is very similar to calling in the directions, right? But with specific angels? (I don't know if I am remembering right, I just use calling the directions). I think both practices are somewhat symbolic for establishing our own alignment in time and space and dimensions as well as requesting spirit aid. I don't think anything ever can come of that which is not beneficial, if practiced with calm, strong and focused intent for empowerment and wholeness.

The soul retrievals I have been a part of, they have been uniformly touching and beautiful. I don't know what I could share that you could not read on your own, but perhaps how important it's been for me to do my own diligent work on myself, and to keep my focus so crystalline and unwavering when doing that type of work, start to finish. I also only attempt the work when I am feeling strong, and when I know I have the help of spirits who are interested in the positive outcome of healing.
Something I have found beneficial for people, which likely helps them retain that soul energy and move forward with it, is to also bring back that person's animal ally, when available, and when appropriate. Something else I have found beneficial is that after the return of an ally or a soul part, that I allow the person to sit with it while I rattle, drum or sing. A lot of work is going on with this, but simplistically, I am sealing it in, helping to 'lock in' the new position.

There are many ways to look at what we are talking about, of course. I happen to be using the cosmology of shamanism in discussing. Ya? Ya. We could use psychology, alchemy, taoism or any of a number of ways to talk about the same things. But shamanism has been effective and useful for thousands and thousands of years, and I find it very comfortable. :)
That underworld you are talking about, I think in some systems this is what I call the 'middle world' which is where we find all so many different beings, including ghosties and such. I will read more about the term.

There is also, in some systems, the 'lower world', which is safe and earthy, and generally populated with spirits appearing as animals.
They tend to bring power, protection and insight, and imho that is invaluable to a person when doing the hard work of integrating soul parts. If your friend is open to it, and the spirits are open to it, perhaps she could explore with you bringing this help into her life.
I was taught certain steps and certain ways to do all this work, and it's taken years. It started with me working the same on myself first, and ended with me running off to the woods for a year where I met some amazing people I lived with for a time, beneath the trees. I say this, as I don't really know how to condense all of what I've learned into a post, but you did ask, and I do want to share. ;P Feel free to pm me if you like. I'm sure we have stuff to learn/teach from each other.

Do you take intentional 'journeys' when looking for information? Are you aware of or do you call on your own good guides and allies to not only keep you safe but inform you of steps you might take? You certainly don't need to answer this here. I ask because often the information on what to do and how best to do it can come from those beings, much wiser than me. It's been very valuable to me to work on my relationships with the spirits who work with me, to the point where that is where I go first for information.
Do you remember your healing dreams? Sounds like there is a lot of good information there. Anything in the dreams you can bring back and replicate in waking world?

Your description with the quartz wand sounds like you have an instinct for this. Of course you do, lol.
When we help that energy move and rise, we get to be very aware of what it causes/creates/makes room for in the person in front of us. We are messing with the status quo when we do healing work. :)
So, part of every work I do is to get the person's permission, and then proceed with care and focus, and if I get muddied or unsure, I redouble my effort on being open, without ego, clean, and in service. So many spirits willing to help someone with this posture. Also, I find the energy of 'gratitude' creates an environment inhospitable to negativity in any form. Emotions are excellent tools as well. :)

Thanks for the opportunity to talk on this, and thanks for the work you do.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: An Experience With Shamanic Soul Retrieval
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:17:10 PM »
Hi αlτεrηιτγ,

I don't know much about Reiki, but if the Reiki system explains that the practitioner is intentionally open to help from the spirit guides and healing energies, it does sound like you and the crystal were in a position to allow some healing to happen which could be called soul retrieval.

So many different shamnic paradigms across the world, right? Some use a tripartate world description as a way of making sense of different dimensions. Of those, some do say a journey to the lower world, or underworld, can be necessary to retrive soul parts.
Other shamanic systems say the parts can be in many different places.
What they all have in common though, as far as I have learned, is the concept that the shaman is a 'hollow bone', a conduit for the healing energies, and that being hollow and open is what we can take credit for when we witness something beautiful as you have described. Being open and ego free, to the best of our abilities, that healing can come through us for the benefit of another.

All the things you mentioned that the woman had gone through in her life are certainly things that could cause soul loss. That she was open to talking about them could indicate that she had experience healing in those areas.
Honestly, I would edit the post to remove the very personal details for a few reasons, including ethics, and that when things have been released, to name them again, or keep thinking on them, is to give them a way to come back. This is speaking beyond soul retrieval, and to other things, but still.

I do have experience in soul retrieval, and I have witnessed shamans perform them, and heard them speak about them as well.
Is this something you are interested in working with? It is beautiful work. I was taught that there are specific steps to follow, for my safety and efficiency, and for the safety and proper return of the part of the person for whom the work is being done.

I'ts good to hear you did a follow up session, and heartening to hear you had a sense of 'finished' with it.
As to the paranormal phenomena, I found it most telling that she has experinced this before as a young person. Could it be that she is again in her power enough to be either seeing or creating these experiences again? If it is something intrusive and external, which who knows is the case, it would be beneficial to her to be protected and grounded. A part of soul retrival work is in the post-care, from what I have learned and experienced, as the newly retrieved energy/soul part settles back into it's rightful place.

Thanks for posting this, it's a topic near and dear to me.


Seems we'll never stop learning. I think this is a great thing.

Hi macaco,

I do hope someone answered you in a private message at least. These are excellent questions and concerns, and important.

The energies, I am assuming you are talking about toxins and not entities, so I will talk about toxins and not entities.

Some people are able to transmute the energies, change them into something that is not harmful.
But if that is not practical, then as you surmised, helping the energies go where they will be taken care of is a great way to go about it.

Because we are human animals with thinky-brains, using symbolic actions can help us to facilitate and firmly direct the intentions of the safe handling and release of the toxins.

A couple examples here, using the elements and some plants.
Use smoldering incense to waft over the person. As the incense rises, so do the toxins, and air will help release and dissipate them. Water is a wonderful help. While you are working, periodically dip your hands into one bowl of water you have set to the side. Let it be your intention that the water will wash off and hold toxins you are accumulating. When done with the sessions, carefully return the water to the earth. Alternately, wipe the person with a damp cloth, let the cloth hold all the toxins. Burn it or wash it in running water after. You could use fire, you have a fire going when you work? You could brush people with a dried fragrant bundle of plants, let the plants pick up the toxins for you, then place the bundle in the fire for purifying. Earth can help as well. You can dig a small hole near your work area, or use some earth in a pot for the same. Blow or cough any toxins you are accumulating right into the hole. When done, fill up the hole with more earth, and let it go at that. If in a pot, put it back into the ground.
Properly, you would be using a lot of thank yous to these helpers as you begin to work with them. The attitude of gratitude has a lot of flexibility and power to it. But you see the process? You are not alone in this. Air, water, fire and earth, plants and all around you can help you keep clean. If you work with any helper spirits besides Kambo, invite them to be with you and help you deal with toxins during the session. Go with what you resonate most with. You will come up with some movements of your own I am sure.

If you find yourself placing yourself in the way of the energies/toxins, does that mean you are seeing them clearly? The nature of the toxin can indicate which method or practice would work best as far as supporting healing and safety.

What have you worked out for yourself? I see your last post was from September. I wish you all the best, and I am glad you are taking this so seriously.


General Discussion / Re: Kambo Songs ?
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:29:33 PM »
What music do you usually use?

I best like having live musicians who are intuitive about what the group is going through, you too?
I also sing, drum and clap.
Friends with flutes and didgeridoos are appreciated, so are the crystal bowl people and the rhythmic chanters. Good stuff!

Thanks for posting the kambo song.

General Discussion / Re: KAMBO ceremonies around the world
« on: November 02, 2014, 04:55:04 PM »
GiantMonkeyTreeFrog, hello neighbor!

Venice, huh? I'm doing the same in Long Beach, so pleased to meet you! I've been working with Kambo for a few years now, maybe four? Not as long as I've been working with Iboga or Aya, but long enough to feel comfortable with it and to have seen a range of responses from so many people. I will follow your links and such, and perhaps we will be meeting in the future. I love finding out about medicine folk in the area! Such happy!
Hi to everyone else as well, this is my first post here. I tend to do things quietly. :)
I recognize some of you from other forums and places over the years. :)

Love to all.

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