Author Topic: HELP - Kambo Gone Wrong  (Read 4494 times)

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HELP - Kambo Gone Wrong
« on: May 29, 2018, 08:50:15 PM »
Hello friends, hope you are well. Long time lurker, first time poster. I am in need of some serious guidance of experienced kambo/shamanic medicine practitioners in hope of figuring out what exactly happened to me and if anyone can give me advice.

Basically, I was treated with kambo a few times on my left leg and left shoulder in may 2017. I was going through a lot of physical pain and “stuckness” and a friend recommended I see someone she knew who could treat me with kambo. I had never heard of it before, but my friend told me she really thought I would benefit from the experience. I did my research, and decided to contact the guy. He was NOT part of the IKAP, and now that I know there is an official practitioner association I would have waited. The treatments were intense, and the Kambo seemed to have a really hard time working with my body. I would feel crazy sick, but never threw up. The practitioner would make me stick my finger down my throat to purge, so that the medicine wouldn’t get stuck in my body. The experiences I had were intense and painful, but I remember feeling a bit more clear headed and lighter after the sessions. I put an incredible amount of good intentions into everything beforehand, and I saw my experiences in a positive light afterward.

However, in the year in between then and now, I have been facing pain all across my left leg and left shoulder. No matter how light I try to exercise, I end up pulling something in my leg or shoulder. At first this wasn’t too bad, I just thought I was working my body too hard. But now that its been a year I’m facing the reality of the situation. My leg is so bad that I am constantly limping. My shoulder is very unhappy with me as well, and using my left arm is considerably difficult. It feels as if there are legitimate blockages where the kambo was applied. These problems in my body have gotten worse over time, and now are so bad I can no longer hold down a proper job. My body is completely falling apart, and it is very hard to keep my head up.

Here’s what I think happened: I think this guy didn’t fully know what he was doing. I think he did the dots too deep, and that the medicine was hitting my bloodstream rather than lymphatic system. I also think that the multiple forced purges did not get all of the kambo out of my body. I think that the venom could have paralyzed these areas of my body, and the pain I am facing is from these nerves and muscles not functioning properly. I do not know very much about the negative effects of kambo so these are just guesses.

My plan at the moment: I am getting a nerve test from an orthopedist this week. The next step with her is a MRI of my leg to see what is going on internally (western medicine isn't my first choice, I'm just optionless at this point.) In terms of treatment, I really don’t know what to do. My plan at the moment is to jump on a plane and invest in an ayahuasca retreat in the coming months. I have heard that aya can heal physical injury, which is why I am considering it. If the art of Kambo was taught by the aya spirit, my thought process is that she might hold the key to healing my pain. I have worked with the medicine once before, and definitely feel her calling me back. At the very least, I believe that aya would at least help me come to terms with living without a functioning arm and leg (if my situation is really incurable.) Are there other plant medicines that could heal physical trauma? I cannot think of other options at the moment other than whatever the orthopedist recommends i do.

I understand that this situation is incredibly unique to me and am not expecting to get all the answers to what I’m looking for here, but I just need some form of help from experienced people who know what they are talking about. Has anyone heard of anything like this happening to anyone? Can kambo go wrong like this? Any recommendations of other internet places to get help? Recommendations of REAL places to get help??

If you have come this far, thank you so much for reading my story and predicament. My journey has been incredibly lonely and dark, and it can be really hard trying to navigate these plant medicines without proper guidance. Any advice, resources, or treatment options you can think of would be so helpful, and if you can’t give any of those just sending good vibes this way is so very much appreciated at this moment in time.

I will also continue to update this thread as my journey progresses.



Offline Brunhilde

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Re: HELP - Kambo Gone Wrong
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2018, 11:17:36 PM »
Treasures of knowledge that comes into view is even more than what we've seen of it.