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I use Mapacho I have grown myself. I also use Singado which is a medicine of mapacho tea up the nose.

My homegrown organic mapacho through a pipe far surpasses even additive-free cigarettes for me.

Very easy plant to grow by the way.
Drop seeds on dirt in spring, grows like a weed.
wait for leaves to turn yellow when winter kills plant.
hang leaves to dry in a warm, moist place.

Fuck dependence on corporations,
which sell a botched, disgraced "tobacco" product tainted with greed.

Common tobacco or N. Tobacum can produce a dizzing, disorientating buzz if smoked too fast.
Mapacho probably could too, if overdone, but I have not experienced it.
Although Mapacho is said to have way higher quantities of nicotine, it is not a physically harsher experience.
It has a deeper, more centered, longer-lasting buzz for me. It is like a clear-headed high. A sort of glow.
It is also said to be higher in harmalas. I think this balances out the buzz. helps make it stronger, deeper medicine.

If you are going to use tobacco may I recommend you read the first 2 posts here:

and Sachas two posts here:

The Singado is supposed to clear negativity and re-energize the body. I definitely feel like negativity melts away after and it is wakeful.
The strongest effect is the sense of CLARITY after use. Some Singado reading here:


and here:


WARNING: Nicotine is a stronger poison than arsenic. Without tolerance. Dosage is what separates a poison from a medicine.
Use through the nasal passageways is a potent route of administration. Even stronger if swallowed. Tread consciously.

Thanks for the reply Psilocybe, quality mapacho information is hard to come by!
I forgot all about this post and have taken NuNu already, probably a few days after I posted.

Of all the things I've taken NuNu/Nicotiana rustica is in a league all its' own, snorting it is quite painful and disorienting. Personally I haven't had much experience so far with NuNu and pure Mapacho; but it is powerful, almost immediately, and it lasts for quite a while. I haven't consumed anywhere near the hallucinogenic dosage or even threshold dosages, but could tell that there is an intent and power behind Mapacho that beckons someone in that direction. I've been reading these books to familiarize myself with any useful ritual methods that I could find:

Tobacco and Shamanism in South America (Psychoactive Plants of the World Series) by:
Johannes Wilbert

The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge by: Jeremy Narby
Apparently, Indians administer singando through the nose in a snail shell, which is attached to that long horn that is occasionally seen in photos. This book has been a great place to start, but I would feel better receiving the information firsthand from a tabaquero than an anthropologist.

Also, I'm curious if you've taken any Mapacho tea at a toxic threshold dosage Psilocybe?

Idk if I would call it toxic. I probably have a strong tolerance to it. And it's probably not near toxic at the quantities I consume.
But I definitely won't be quick to disrespect or underestimate tobacco. I don't think that would be too enjoyable.

I have made teas with it before, starting low, but haven't noticed too much from it.
I'm cautious. Especially with that ROA which is taken all the way into the body.
I felt it most when pouring it through the nose and drinking a small amount left I hadn't used.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
This is truly brilliant medicine.  I started working with it in tea form.  Then lately I got the balls to put grain alcohol in there, just enough to cover to Nicotiana leaves (I work with 3 strains currently) then I add very hot water and let it sit over night.  I shake up periodically.  Then I strain the portion I want for the day and put the rest in the fridge (just in case to preserve proper). 

The alcohol makes it a whole new ball game, it really hits home, very intense pain though.  I'm sort of hooked on the rush of ordeals (if you couldn't tell) so it kind of goes along with my current attitude.

Yesterday I did the Singado before Kambo and got amazing results.  I felt so clear going into the Kambo.  Also got me into a healer atmosphere for the 2 friends I treated before I was treated.  I'm super in love with Singado, hence it deserved a thread all it's own.

Much elaboration to come.  Rape' is very nice after Singado too.  The Singado makes a clearance in all passageways and then the Rape' has clear access to the brain.  BAM!  Nasal Fuel for the strong in heart. 

I have and have read The Cosmic Serpent. Please let me know how Tobacco and Shamanism in South America is. I've had a tab open for the amazon page of that book for a few weeks now in my browser. I had been thinking of purchasing it. Not much literature on tobacco uses as medicine. The reviews didn't look great, however.

We seem to have similar taste. Not the most popular books in the world.   ;)

haha yes!! I'm so glad to see your response to this. Good medicine!

Couldn't grain alcohol cause damage to sensitive sinus tissue tho?
Also, adding the right amount of salt, should taste about the saltiness of tears, will prevent cells in your sinuses from bursting & the pain associated with that.

12:27  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13Xb5i3vpAY


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