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Healing flu with Kambo
« on: January 14, 2013, 01:44:41 PM »
3 days ago i did Kambo after a feverish night, when i felt some kind of flu was attacking me. It was a strongest purge i ever had with Kambo, i put 11 dots on my arm. Dark-greenish colour...actually every time i take Kambo the purge gets darker and darker.
 I still had to stay in bed for 2 days to let Kambo and my body do the healing work, but it was extremely fast process and really nice to observe. Sure there was sweating in the night, but the immune system was so efficient that now i feel totally cured.
  Every year i had those flus that lasted always about 14 days, and i always had to take pills to lessen the fever, i could never make it without. My brain was burning after a few days and those persistent fevers refused to dissapear. Now i just took tea from Vilcacora+Graviola as a support.
  This is just an experience about how Kambo works with this type of illnesses. I find that there is sometimes a myth that with Kambo you never fall ill again.
I do not have this experience, i have taken Kambo maybe 15 times and i still am sometimes falling ill but the progress of healing is faster. I can also see the patterns that lead me to illnesses, restfulness and lack of sleep, very busy mind always trying to solve many things at once, but this is another least my intentions for future work with Iboga gets clearer now.


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Re: Healing flu with Kambo
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2013, 07:43:27 PM »
Remember that sickness is our bodies way of doing a house cleaning, a detox, because we have neglected to do it well enough or frequently enough. So even if Kambo could stop you from ever getting sick again, that would be senseless.

and i always had to take pills to lessen the fever

When you're sick, you don't want to suppress a fever. The fever is a natural healing response. For every degree of temperature rise in your body, the speed at which your white blood cells (T-cells, B-Cells, Macrophages; the cells that eat up cancer, tumors, and toxins in the body) can move through your body is doubled. So for a 104* fever, these cells are moving 64x faster in your body and can much more efficiently eat up waste, the toxins, tumors. This is a very important aspect of the healing process. When you begin to have a fever the Macrophages emit a chemical called Interleukin 1 which tells your body to create an even greater fever.

This is why there are therapies designed to create artificial fevers, i.e., a very hot soak in a bathtub with heating herbs (garlic, ginger, mustard, cayenne, etc.) followed by a cold sheet treatment after you come out. Your body senses that it's very cold and heats the body even further.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 09:36:18 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: Healing flu with Kambo
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 08:30:17 AM »
Yes, we should actually thank our illnesses and enemies and realize what is the message.
When you're sick, you don't want to suppress a fever.
I agree and i admire the natural wisdom of the body, the self-healing capacity.
Combined with natural herbs + super medicines like Kambo, the body can use its immune system even more efficiently. Years ago, when my body was very weak, i could stay for days and the fever just would not stop. That was a risk for the brain cells, and at one moment i had to take pills, because i felt that the body could not manage itself and at that moment i did not know about a better option than pills :-\

Once after those endless fevers they found a big absces (amoeba-caused) on my liver and i had to undergo a surgery and stay 2 months in hospital, taking big doses of antibiotics. I think this was the major waking up to a healthier lifestyle in my life and to re-evaluate what was important for me. That happened after a long period of a stressing life, when i really forgot about my needs.

But my mother tells me that i had those long fevers since i was a child, so maybe it is a particular characteristics of my immune system..

So for a 104* fever, these cells are moving 64x faster in your body and can much more efficiently eat up the waste, the toxins, tumors.
A good hint. Kambo running through the body is like a fever, they say it has the energy of fire, and that it scans the body to find where exactly the problems are. Interesting is the connection with water. I had to drink extreme amounts of water (i used hot water with lots of lemon) during the last 2 nights, as the Kambo was still working in me. The fire+water enables the moving of the army.
As i heard a Kambo healer say: The frog neither can crawl when in dry place, it needs lots of humidity and then it moves with ease, in the same way it scans our body, it creeps and looks for enemies.

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Re: Healing flu with Kambo
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 09:31:31 AM »
Everyone seems sick around was on the verge for me.  Went with a 3 dot every other day program and it kept me from ever getting sick.  So it does work just seems one needs to be extra attentive to the frogs instructions.  I wouldn't say it's a vaccine but as close as nature can get.