Kambo Healers Space > Sharing of the Healers

Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death

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Kambogahuasca Panacea:

--- Quote ---use things that induce vomiting. one thing i KNOW i will be using is the singing bowl i got, everyone be careful i cannot remember if i gave the message over here as well but singing bowls are not for playing
--- End quote ---

No not yet, only in 2 PM's you sent me which I read thoroughly with much interest.  Actually at the time of you sending these PM's I had 2 synergistic occurrences which I had not told you about.

In short (as I think the singing bowls deserve their own thread).

(1) Singing Bowls are crucial for any serious healing ceremony (Kambo, Iboga, Ayahuasca).  As they help the purge and overall focal point/vibratory force.

-This came by chance as I was in ceremony (Kambo) and my friend for the first time started ringing the singing bowl which greatly helped/improved the quality of the experience.

(2) I was in an ancient Tibetan Singing Bowl ceremony only a day after one of your PM's.  I was on no other substances and felt like I was going to purge at any moment.  As far as I know though, I was the only one that felt this way.

-Which makes me wonder about the tuning of our frequencies - susceptibilities in reference to energies like Singing Bowls and the proof being the purge factor.  So maybe the more tuned in you are the more you feel that purge sensation (which I have come to love).

PW-I'll start a new thread on it if you don't in the complimentary modalities section if you don't in the next few days.  Honestly this one will need to be elaborate as the synching of the way this worked out (PM's/Experiences) is out of this world meaningful. 

Thank you both for this great post's and for the info about singing bowls. I started to use them by intuition and they are really powerful and makes the Kambo experience a total different thing than the others I had with the Brazilian shaman.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
I think with our updated techniques we can really create something far beyond the conceptions of the ancients that brought this medicine to us.  Of course we are indigenous too.  They seem to catalyze us modern people to awake from our deep sleep but because we have all of these modalities available we are able to integrate really magical synergies that are not readily available to an isolated culture. 


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