Author Topic: Kambo multiple times in one day, over three days.  (Read 13388 times)

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Offline darkstar01

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Kambo multiple times in one day, over three days.
« on: September 20, 2015, 05:30:53 PM »
What is the best way to tackle a Autoimmune disease that is persistent and won't go away with other treatments?

One site mentioned repeated exposure to Kambo on the same day over three days, for example..: (With all normal precautions, plus fasting.)

Day1 2dots, 3dots, 4 dots (9 dots total)

Day2 4dots, 5 dots, 6 dots. (15 dots total)

Day3 6 dots, 7 dots, 8 dots (21 dots total)

Is this regime too intense for a person to handle it? or should it be more conservative like D1 1-2-3, D2 3-4-5, D3 5-6-7??

Suggestions advised, yes an experienced Kambo practitioner will be doing it.

Yes Sananga and Rapé too daily, but not 3 times in a day.

Offline caiano

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Re: Kambo multiple times in one day, over three days.
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2015, 07:48:31 AM »
I dont know the answer to your question but I would go slow, quiet and with no hurry.
One have to discover carefully if his body, mind and will can tolerate and sustain such a drastic process. Kambo is already demanding by itself, why to exacerbate the therapy ? I feel that patience and gentleness are required to balance the vehement power of this medicine.

Just 3 sessions of 5, 7, 9 dots, the next  not apart more than 28 days  from the previous, would be fine, as the native tradition of kambo teaches.

The three days intensive treatment i guess was invented by  G. Lattanzi to optimize the time\costs of his meeting during the weekends...

It happened i discovered, just long time ago, that autoimmune issues could also be effectively cured with a reasonable practice of urinotherapy.

Sananga has  nothing to do with your problem: you can spare it for another time, unless you don't like to be tortured just to prove you're crazy enough...
Rapè also could be useful to clean and open the nasal conduct before the kambò, but is not necessary to have it every day. It depends also how much rapè is used: too much is unnecessary sufferings. It lows the blood pressure so one IMHO has to find what\when it is something to be enjoyed and funny, without slip into self-harm.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 07:05:36 AM by caiano »

Offline caiano

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Re: Kambo multiple times in one day, over three days.
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2015, 05:36:54 AM »
I think I was wrong to say the  repeated treatment modality is not traditional.
In fact I learned  the Matses apply the ( prepared ) points gradually, then clean the resin and apply it again but now all the points together. The second time the resin could be fresh or the old with eventually a bit of fresh.
 *Or * all the points are applyed together , then cleaned immediately when the effects become stronger, and re-applyed when the body has gained tolerance and vigor.

In these ways it is easier to control faintings;  the process lasts longer and not engages one only in the odissey of purging and dealing with the body discomfort, but develops the conditions to journey with the spirit of  Kambo.

And every one of these two-step applications has in fact values of two, in the calculation of the "three entry-level sessions".

The diameter of the burns seems not considerable for the effects.

Many medicine can be spared with these approaches.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 05:49:47 AM by caiano »