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Kambo Snuff
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:21:05 AM »
Exact Method Explained

UPDATE (Feb 2013): The warning posted by KP, about the fact that snorting kambo can lead cause what the Indian's call "frog's disease", is one that should be considered.

UPDATE (May 2013): The following information about catching frog's disease from snorting/sublingual kambo was posted by Galega:

Frog disease is a viral type illnes that cannot be gotten rid of. It is unknown to the outside world. Amongst other things, it can apparently weaken the heart muscles and cause cardiac arrest and have some effects on the brain - he described it as 'eating the brain'!. Indians who snort snuff with kambo in it do so only very occasionally and always in conjunction with heavy kambo sessions so the live kambo acts as a kind of anti venom/viral. Even so, it is still considered risky he says and only for those with strong hearts and systems (eg, regular kambo users). His view is that kambo taken orally could also cause the same problem.

I have just tried some very low dose (1 mg) intranasal kambo (that is, kambo powder snorted up into my nose), and it worked very well.

Here are the details of the method I used to take kambo intranasally. It is described step by step, so that a beginner might follow it.

I bought a kambo stick from Maya Ethnobotanicals. This kambo stick is a flat and thin piece of wood, about 2 mm thick, 25 mm wide, and around 110 mm long. This wooden kambo stick is wrapped in a dark brown corn leaf for protection.

This stick had the kambo substance — that is, the dried slime from the skin of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog — stuck to it all along one of its flat sides. The kambo substance itself looks like a thick layer of clear vanish on this piece of wood.

I scrapped off about one sixth of the kambo substance from the side of the kambo stick, by means of a sharp knife. I weighed the kambo I had just scrapped off using a digital scales, and it amounted to around 80 mg (which means in the whole kambo stick, you get about 6 x 80 = 480 mg of pure kambo).

I then finely ground up the kambo I had scrapped off using a mortar and pestle (it was already powdery after being scrapped off the stick, but I wanted the powder to be as fine as possible, to ensure good absorption when snorted into my nose).

A full kambo experience (which is always accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea) will probably require slightly more than 15 mg of intranasal kambo powder (see Romanesco's posts earlier in this thread).

However, I want to use a very low daily kambo dose of around 1 mg. This is a very small quantity to measure accurately, even on a digital scales like mine that measures down to 1 mg. So, to my 80 mg of kambo powder, I added 4 x 80 = 320 mg of an inert "filler" powder. I used a vitamin powder I happened to have as my filler powder. I tested this vitamin powder in my nose first, to make sure it did not sting on snorting it (don't use any acidic-tasting powder like vitamin C as a filler, as acidic powders will sting like hell in the nose). Something like glucose powder would work too.

I thoroughly mixed my 320 mg of filler powder with my 80 mg of kambo powder to make a weakened kambo mixer. With my mixture, 5 mg of the mixture powder contains 1 mg of pure kambo.

I weighed 5 mg of my mixture powder on the digital scales, to get a dose of 1 mg of kambo.

I then simply used a drinking straw to snort this 5 mg of mixture powder into one nostril.

Within about a minute, I started to feel tingling effects in my nose. After around 2 minutes or so, my face and all the skin on my body went bright red, as blood was flushed to the surface. (This red flushing of the skin looked very similar to a "niacin flush", if anyone is familiar with that). My heart rate went up a little, but not that much. There was no dizziness. There was no face or throat swelling at all. The effects lasted for less than 5 minutes, before the flushed skin and the raised heart beat went back to normal. It was an extremely mild experience, and it evoked no fear or apprehension at all. Anyone could do this very light dose.

At this very low dose of 1 mg of kambo, I only felt only the very slightest sense of nausea, and I had only a very slight sense of rumbling or movement in my bowels. But I was nowhere near getting sick, or needing to defecate, both of which normally happen on a full dose of kambo.

No mental state changes occurred at all during my experience: I remained calm, focused and unchanged mentally throughout. That is to say, there were no psychoactive effects at all.

My nasal cavity was very slightly sore afterwards, for several hours; but was fine by the next day. I have read elsewhere that people snorting kambo sometimes find it burns the nose a little. At the very low 1 mg dose I used, the soreness was very slight, but I expect higher doses of kambo may produce a little more nasal soreness.

What I am going to do in the near future is try a slightly higher intranasal dose, but I have no intention of doing a full kambo dose just yet.

The reason I am trying out kambo is that I hope it will treat my chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Kambo has significanlty improved Jox's chronic fatigue syndrome: see Jox's forum threads on how he used kambo to treat his CFS. So I am hoping kambo will also help my CFS.

What I plan to do is take a very low kambo dose (1 to 2 mg) each day, rather than the full kambo dose that Jox regularly takes once every 7 days, in order to treat his CFS.

I am hoping my very low dose daily kambo regimen will effectively treat my CFS.

If this very low dose kambo regimen does not improve my chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms, then I will try going up to a full dose taken once a week, as per Jox. However, I will still probably use the intranasal method for taking kambo, even for the full dose, as the intranasal approach seems really quick, easy and straightforward to do. But if this full dose intranasal method does not improve my CFS either, will I then consider using the burn method.

One final point: I tried taking very low dose (2 mg) kambo sublingually (under the tongue) on several occasions, but this did not work at all. So for some reason, it seems the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity absorb kambo rapidly and effectively, but the mucous membranes under the tongue do not.

Safety Warning

Warning: There have been accounts of incorrect use of kambo leading to death.

To quote a Machineri Indian: "Our healers know how to use the frog's secretion. Now, it is being used in other places incorrectly, and this has led to the death of patients." Reference: here.

This should sound a strong warning to anyone considering experimenting with alternative routes of administration of kambo: you may be entering uncharted and risky territory.

Though I have been unable to find the particular details on why these deaths occurred, my guess is that these fatalities may have been caused by accidentally administering too much kambo.

Anyone who is going to experiment with alternative routes of kambo administration, such as the intranasal route, should buy a sensitive digital scales that measures down to 1 mg (= 0.001 grams) before they begin any experimentation, in order to measure doses accurately. You can buy such a scales for as little as $15.

If you don't feel confident about your ability to precisely weigh out tiny milligram amounts of kambo in an accurate manner, then you should not experiment with alternative routes route of kambo administration.

This is because, when using alternative routes of administration, there may be a very real danger of an overdose of kambo if you do not measure your kambo dosage precisely, using a sensitive digital scales that can weigh down to 1 mg.

Kambo contains the highly potent opioid compounds dermorphin and deltorphin. Dermorphin is 30 to 60 times more potent than morphine when taken orally, and 200 to 300 times more potent when taken intravenously. (As little as 200 mg of morphine can be fatal.) Just 1 mg of intravenous dermorphin will kill you instantly. Reference: Exotic Frog Drug Boosting Racing Horse’s Performance.

One might assume that the potency of dermorphin taken intranasally will be somewhere in between its oral and intravenous potency; so one might hazard a guess that intranasal dermorphin is say 100 times more potent than morphine. Therefore, as a rough guess, perhaps around 3 mg of dermorphin taken intranasally would kill you instantly. This is just to give a very rough idea of how tiny the lethal dose of dermorphin is.

I could not find any figures for the percentage dermorphin content of kambo, but if we knew this, we could work out what the lethal dose of intranasal kambo is, from the dermorphin perspective at least.

If you read this account by a person named "SuperJunky" injecting himself with pure dermorphin, you will see he used a tiny dose of 100 micrograms of dermorphin, and found this was as powerful as heroin. Dermorphin is extremely potent stuff.

The deltorphin component of kambo is another issue, as are its other active constituents.

So be very careful with measuring out your kambo doses, if you decide to experiment with taking kambo by alternative routes, such as the intranasal route.

Remember, when you are using the normal burn method of administration of kambo, this burn method has a built-in safety mechanism, in that each burn area will I think only absorb a limited amount of kambo. So I would think you cannot easily overdose with the burn method, because the total kambo dose administered is related to the number and size of the burn areas you make and use.

By contrast, if you are taking kambo powder by alternative routes, such as snorting it into the nose, there is no safety mechanism at all that prevents you from taking too much kambo, because everything you snort into your nose will be absorbed by the nasal mucous membranes. So it is entirely up to you to precisely measure the dose you take, and make sure you don't administer yourself a lethal dose.

Therefore, it is crucial to weigh the exact amount kambo powder in milligrams before you snort it. 

It may well be that doses of 50 to 100 mg of kambo powder taken intranasally might be a lethal for some people. But this is purely a guess, because we don't know the lethal dose of kambo; we need to find some reliable info on this. It seems that 15 mg of pure kambo powder taken intranasally is a tried and tested dose for one person: Romanesco has taken this 15 mg dose level several times intranasally (see his posts on page 1 of this thread). But going much beyond that dose is probably not advisable. This reference provided by KP on page 1 of this thread says the Kaxinawa Indians snort Kambo as a snuff, but the this reference does not provide dosing information.

Finally, if you are going to experiment with alternative routes of administration of kambo, such the intranasal method, remember to observe the normal preparations before taking a full dose of kambo, which requires being on diet without solids or salt for at least 12 hours. Reference: Kambô, The Spirit of the Shaman.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 01:12:15 PM by Hip »

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2012, 02:32:30 PM »
Awesome post and good news, Hip!

I'm receiving Kambo any day now and am now thinking I'll jump into this method.

Does anybody have recommendations for maximum dosage? (I'll looking for a full and optimal experience, but of course to still keep it safe.) I'm thinking of starting with 15-20mg and working my way up. The thing is there's fear about going too high, and then when tolerance kicks in I'll be going even higher and I'm not sure if the safety of a dosage considers this tolerance, if that makes any sense.

Offline Hip

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2012, 02:41:19 PM »
Some Notes on Weighing Small Quantities of Kambo for Intranasal Administration (Snorting Kambo into The Nose)

The quantity of kambo used in one application is very small: from 15 mg or higher for a full kambo experience, and around 1 to 2 mg of kambo if you want just a very, very mild effects.

This means if you are going to scrape off the kambo substance from the kambo stick (as described in the above post), and take it intranasally, you need a precise method of measuring out your kambo.

The best way is using a sensitive digital scales that weighs down to 1 mg (= 0.001 grams). You can buy such a sensitive digital scales surprisingly cheaply from China or Hong Kong on eBay, for as little as $15 including shipping. See here. This is where I bought mine, and I am very pleased with it.

To increase the accuracy of weighing out kambo powder on a digital scales, I found it is best to mix your whole batch of kambo powder with some "filler" powder like say glucose powder, using a ratio of say 1 part kambo powder, to 4 parts filler powder. That way, each 5 mg of your powder mixture contains 1 mg of kambo.

Then if you want to experiment with very low 1 mg doses of kambo like I do, you just weigh out 5 mg of your powder mixture, which will contain 1 mg of kambo.

If you want to go for a full kambo experience, which starts at doses around 15 mg or so of kambo, then you would weight out 75 mg of your powder mixture to get 15 mg of pure kambo.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 01:58:05 PM by Hip »

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2012, 02:23:43 PM »
Does anybody have recommendations for maximum dosage? (I'll looking for a full and optimal experience, but of course to still keep it safe.) I'm thinking of starting with 15-20mg and working my way up. The thing is there's fear about going too high, and then when tolerance kicks in I'll be going even higher and I'm not sure if the safety of a dosage considers this tolerance, if that makes any sense.

I'd like to know this too:

• What is the dose (in mg) of intranasal kambo required for the full kambo effects (including vomiting and diarrheal bowel evacuation)?

• And what is the maximum safe intranasal kambo dose that you can take?

• At what dose level does kambo start to become dangerous?

• And what are the signs and symptoms of kambo overdose?

Does anyone have any information on this?

Romanesco said (on page 1 of this thread) that the 15 mg of kambo powder he took intranasally didn't quite give the full kambo experience: this amount gave him the swollen face, nausea, diarrhea, but no vomiting. He said that each time he repeated this, it was the same: he just did not vomit. So it may be that you need to take a slightly higher dose, say 20 mg, in order to get the full kambo experience, including vomiting.

Or it may be that phyllomedusin, one of the active constituents of kambo that contributes to violent purging, is not so readily absorbed via the intranasal route.

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2012, 02:37:36 PM »
While I'm not very attracted to this method at the moment, I would assume taking the Kambo with Rape' snuff ---That's what the Kaxinawa tribe does, or taking it with Nu Nu ---Matses the appropriate path way. 

Doing it otherwise I will theorize will lack essential components.  I trust the indigenous methods on this one.  Maybe I'll try when I have a day at hand (hard to come by). 

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2012, 02:47:30 PM »
I doubt the Kaxinawa measure their dose.  Here is where I first found out that they do it this way...

Kampú can be used to make snuff - the Indians would take scrape off some of the dried milk with a stick and mix it into tobacco. Just before going into the forest, they would take some of the snuff, and then go hunt.

Later on I learned (from somewhere?) that it is not just Tobacco but also the full Rape' which includes the Lime/Calcium Carbonate/Snail Shells/Ash from a tree/Theobroma Bicolor inner bark (Nu Nu 1/2 component).  On the Nexus @ one point they have a thread on making home made ash.  Very crucial information, so much so now I must hunt for it's origins...

One would want to do around a 50/50 ratio with the tobacco for this tek...
Dorge from the Nexus:
I've been told by the Curandero I was working with that the lime I was working with was too harsh (the pink stuff from Asian Markets) and that the best for snuff was what was worked with for coca leaf. Vegetable lime, rendered vegetable ashes. Ive heard of many different ingredients used, banana skins, quinoa, cocao husks, potato skins. The plant matter is burned and ash is mixed with water and dried.
Has any one done this I wanna try it!

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2012, 11:59:14 PM »
Just an hour ago I insufflated around 5mg kambo. Effects became apparently almost immediately - 15 seconds it felt like (though I hadn't counted). Interestingly, they lasted for only 5 minutes! It was on the mild side (compared to a full kambo experience, anyhow)... not much nausea, but some heart-pounding, head-pounding, and mostly an intense red flushing throughout the body (and purple flushing in my hands). My nostril burned intensely, though now it's fine. I'm a little concerned of its possible effects on the nasal region, though, given right now it's very clogged. I shall wait and see how it is in the morning, and will insufflate another 5mg if there is no clogging. Good night, everyone!

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2012, 12:46:17 AM »
My nostril burned intensely, though now it's fine. I'm a little concerned of its possible effects on the nasal region, though, given right now it's very clogged.

I look forward to your next report, kamamambo.

What I might do the next time I snort kambo is spray some normal saline solution (physiological solution) into my nose beforehand, using a nasal spray. This pre-wetting of the nasal cavity may cushion the blow that kambo has on the nasal mucosa.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 01:51:04 PM by Hip »

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2012, 10:11:56 PM »
New update!

Half-an-hour ago, I snorted more kambo...

I'm not sure how much it was, since my scale wasn't working so well. I'd eye-ball it to slightly less than 10mg, but I really couldn't say for sure. Bad practice, I know, but here's what happened:

Within 5 seconds I felt the burn in my nostril, and within 10 seconds my body flared up and my heart began to beat with INTENSITY.

Here's the real kicker!
....a couple minutes in, I start to feel nauseous, and the purging begins!

The whole ordeal lasted slightly less than 6 minutes. Interestingly, after the main effects were over - and I had this last time I snorted but non of the times I burned my skin - I felt (and still feel) the after-effects of my teeth really hurting (last time lasting about an hour, beginning only after the 5-minute main effects finished). Like last time, I'm feeling an increased mental capacity and ability to write directly after the experience.

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2013, 01:44:04 PM »
Recently someone on the Nexus from Brazil had this to say...

Dear Kambogahuasca Panacea and followers, I don´t recommend anyone to "walk that path" of add kambo in any rape or snuff, due to the risk of the user to get ill with the "frog´s disease", reported by a local indian shaman as a very difficult disease to cure. Thumbs down

So, don´t even try "that path". Stop

Kambo is one of the most powerful medicines and everybody must be aware the risks of using it the wrong way.Shocked

Why to take the path lane trail if you yet know and have available smooth ways to walk through?Smile

Take this warning as you wish.  Full disclosure warranted. 

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2013, 07:19:21 PM »
Thanks for posting that warning of  "frog's disease" KP (that  "frog's disease" warning can be found here).

It would be nice to know what the "frog's disease" actually is (or at least its symptoms); but I imagine that it is some sort of infectious disease, from a virus, bacterium, fungus or protozoan parasite that is contained within the dried kambo, which of course is the mucus from the frog.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 04:29:53 AM by Hip »

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2013, 04:36:35 PM »
thank you for posting that warning KP and thus halts my snuff use of kambo LOL

yesterday i had taken many extremely small doses of kambo by nasal, my lip slightly swelled in 1 spot but is now back to normal and i am very glad to have this info about frogs illness and will proceed with the path of least danger to frog and self.

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2013, 08:12:12 PM »
thank you for posting that warning KP and thus halts my snuff use of kambo LOL

yesterday i had taken many extremely small doses of kambo by nasal, my lip slightly swelled in 1 spot but is now back to normal and i am very glad to have this info about frogs illness and will proceed with the path of least danger to frog and self.

Sterilizing Your Kambo

My thoughts are that this "frog's disease", as the Indian's call it, may well be an infectious disease caused by some pathogenic microbes within the kambo.

One way that might prevent this frog's disease would be to sterilize your kambo snuff before you used it.

A simple method of sterilizing your kambo snuff would be DRY HEAT STERILIZATION.

The protocol for DRY HEAT STERILIZATION is just heating your sample to be sterilized to 170°C (340°F) for 1 hour. This dry heat destroys microorganisms by causing coagulation of their proteins.

To sterilizing your kambo like this, you could just wrap your powdered kambo snuff (or whole kambo stick) up in some aluminum cooking foil, and place this foil in a preheated oven at 170°C (340°F) for 1 hour. That should kill any nasty microbes that are in the kambo.

Another way to sterilize your kambo samples would be using gamma sterilization. This gamma irradiation is often applied to our food supply, and is completely safe (you can eat the food immediately after), and the gamma rays kill any and all nasty pathogens within the sample being irradiated. So that would ensure that your kambo was free of infectious pathogens. Though I am not sure if gamma sterilization services are easily available or cheap.

Of course, it might that some other non-infectious factor causes the frog's disease. For example, perhaps some toxins in the kambo affect the mucous membranes of the nose, and so you get some nasal symptoms. WIthout knowing what the symptoms of frog's disease are, it is hard to guess what type of disease it might be.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 09:48:17 PM by Hip »

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2013, 03:12:00 AM »
OK, I just put a small portion of my kambo powder in the kitchen oven for 1 hour, in some aluminum foil, with the oven temperature set to 180ºC, in order to heat sterilize it.

Afterwards, I tried out this heat sterilized kambo powder by snorting around 1 mg of kambo into my nose. This was the same dose that I snorted before. What I found was that, compared to before, the kambo had lost about half its potency from being heated, in the sense that the red flushing to my face and skin was only about half as intense compared to when I took kambo before; and I did not experience any increase in heart rate this time. But the red flushing of the face and skin still lasted a good 5 minutes, so this heat sterilized kambo was working.

Conclusion: this approach of heat sterilizing kambo may work, and if you want to snort kambo, heat sterilizing may protect you from getting "frog's disease", but you would need to use probably double-sized kambo doses in order to make up for the loss of potency.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 04:29:24 AM by Hip »

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Re: Kambo Snuff
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2013, 07:36:07 PM »
Thanks for the report and warning. Sounds like it might be a good way to get the healing effects with less kambo.