Kambo Experience > Physical Cleansing and Healing of Illnesses

Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement

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Hi all,

I've been homebound for about 10 months now due to a bad foot. It happened whilst running in a forest. I made a bad step and hurt my foot. Since then it's been very painful to walk and there's something inside the foot that is not really okay. By now I know it's not the bones, but probably with the ligaments and possibly cartilage tissue. The hospital despite their expensive equipment and so called 'doctors' were unable to give me any kind of diagnosis or treatment. So I'm looking for another way now. How could I use kambo for this? Should it be applied directly on the spot for example, or find the meridians that go through the spot or any other way of treating this?

Next to that I've been going on with a shoulder impingement for more than 3 years now. Despite my efforts not to use this shoulder in any way, it just won't go away. It's not infected but there is a inflammation going on. Basically it just hurts all the time and after 3 years and one therapist after the other I'm a bit out of ideas how to fix this. I did apply kambo directly on the spot but it made no difference at all. Somehow this shoulder won't come out of being inflammated or something, I really don't know anymore. Has anyone a idea how to treat this?

I would gladly come to know some suggestion as I'm increasingly more disturbed by the non healing of these issues... Thank you.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
Applying Kambo directly to injuries is a good technique, but mainly a high quality DMSO gel w/aloe will help get you back into shape.  Foot baths with Epsom salts and MSM will help as well.  I had a similar injury to my ankle and had miraculous results treating it nonstop with DMSO gel and foot baths.  I did Kambo on it too but that didn't 'solve' the issue under the tissue.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
Whoops forgot to mention I cut out almost all carbs because of the inflammation they cause and implemented tons of turmeric into everything.  Oddly enough it helped my tooth pains as well.  I had to take drastic measures having sprained this ankle for the umpteenth time and needing to work to pay the bills.  I had no choice but to heal quickly otherwise I was gonna be up a creek. 

Fast healing is wanted yes, but the issues lie down the ankle in the foot on the outside. Down there it is due to a inflammation of the ligaments. Lately this has become more severe, but thanks to that I can be fairly certain the ligaments are the issue. The bones seemed to be allright on x-ray, if there was a microfracture it has healed already by now.
The DMSO, MSM and epsom baths are good advice. I have epsom at home so that's going to be a good idea. Did MgCl baths, but the salt is too expensive, really stupid I didn't thought of epsom instead. Right now I walk on crutches for lack of anything better.

But the part of cutting the carbs. I tried that a while ago. It resulted in sweating ammonia, so I brought back the carbs to my diet. I thought about this a lot and though I am not completely certain, but I think blood type may have to do with it. It could be that bloodtype O will benefit from a low carb diet, whereas certain other types won't.

peacefull warrior:
"But the part of cutting the carbs. I tried that a while ago. It resulted in sweating ammonia, so I brought back the carbs to my diet. I thought about this a lot and though I am not completely certain, but I think blood type may have to do with it. It could be that bloodtype O will benefit from a low carb diet, whereas certain other types won't. "

good idea about blood types

i would suggest you make a list of every food you commonly eat in your diet every spice, seasoning etc etc every liquid and then see how many of those are known to possibly cause inflammation.

then i would (if you have not already) shift your diet so that you maintain a slightly alkaline state in your tissues and blood, you may be overly acidic and this causes chronic inflammation and lowers the threshold that you feel inflammation and pain at.

any shift in tissue/blood ph should be done gradually this is important you do not rush.

during the periods when i was maintaining a slightly alkaline tissue state and avoiding most acidic things i reached a state of healthy well-being ware basically the longer i sustained this anti-acidic pro-alkaline diet the higher my pain and inflammation thresholds rose this also makes pain and inflammation heal much faster.


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