Kambo Experience > Kambo for Restoring Innate and Dormant Instincts


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Maybe a combo of kambo followed by some dream herb (Calea zacatechichi) would be synergistic and give you some really wild dreams.  I've made a few brews of dream herb before but I don't think the dose was high enough, plus its so damn bitter that I kinda gave up on it.  It makes peyote tea taste like a strawberry smoothie compared to that shit, and I can barely choke down peyote anymore if that tells you something..

Worth another try though, I bet they would combine pretty well.  Gonna give it another go myself, maybe add it a few hours after kambo just before bedtime

Some of them are said to be best taken in the morning. Silene capensis/Xhosa Dream Herb & Calea zacatechichi. I don't know or think Uvuma-omhlope/Synaptolepis kirkii fits into this category. The others are said to take a while to work their way into the system.

I am currently experimenting with Silene Capensis and Ubhubhubhu.

Yes, with Kambo the effectiveness is increased, probably because it allows substances to flow better to the brain.

Lucid dreaming and dreaming in general is enhanced also with Guayusa and occasionally supplementation of vitamin B (sulbuthiamine is best).

DO NOT use Iboga if you are using any dream herb.  Terrible hangover-like dizzyness and fatigue for days (which sulbuthiamine can help with recovery but still not desirable).


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