Author Topic: First Time Kambo - Can it cause Psychosis?  (Read 7404 times)

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First Time Kambo - Can it cause Psychosis?
« on: June 18, 2017, 03:58:11 AM »
Hello there,

I have several mental illnesses and I came to the point, where I found out, that western medicine could not help me anymore.
I was in hospital because of relationship loss, depression and anxiety and depersonalisation.
I have no Schizophrenia, but maybe I am a little bit bipolar (don´t know, I was not diagnosed with this) and have several addictions
(tobacco, coffee, porn) which I am not able to quit right now.
I want to change my life but right now I feel like I am in a vicious circle. I sometimes have suicidal thoughts, but I would never do it.
A few month ago I started to read about all the plants, but I am still afraid of psychosis. That was the time, when I also read about Kambo
and I hope, that the frog helps me to deal with my personal stuff and I can let go some of my daemons.
But can Kambo causes Psychosis?

Thanks and blessings!

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Re: First Time Kambo - Can it cause Psychosis?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2017, 05:49:54 PM »
Don't see how, as it is just a purgative which makes you feel better and lighter afterwards, lighter of toxins in the body weighing you down and also of emotional baggage / auric energy.

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Re: First Time Kambo - Can it cause Psychosis?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2017, 06:10:02 AM »
Thank you for your answer!
I will do my first Kambo experience in two weeks and will write a report here.

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Re: First Time Kambo - Can it cause Psychosis?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2017, 11:42:19 PM »
It in an intense experience, remember the heart pounding, hot flushed tight feelings are normal. And The purge is the culmination in which you star tfeeling better as soon as your letting it out. And you will feel a lot better after a little rest immediately after. Looking forward from hearing back from you. =)

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Re: First Time Kambo - Can it cause Psychosis?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2017, 08:01:39 AM »
hey Alternity,

I just wanna say THANK YOU!
I met the frog on Tuesday and Wednesday. I was afraid, moved from Hamburg to Berlin (in Germany), alone in another City just to meet the frog.
After all I heard about Kambo, I was a little bit afraid: I smoked a lot cigarettes the time before, had a hard time in a hospital (emotional breakdown), lost my girlfriend, hat even suicidal thoughts.
I was absent from alcohol for one week and even avoided meat about 8-9 days.
The 1st time I met the frog, I got 5 dots. I am very tall and a man, so the Kambo practitioner said, that this is normal for men.

The first 2-3 minutes I recognized this huuuuge energy, my heard was pumping like there´s no limit and after that I began to feel very sick.
I puked a lot of yellow shit out, probably from this psychopharmaka and the shit I was feeding my liver with the past month.
After 20Minutes I began to feel tired, but better.
After sleeping 40-50minutes, everything was over. BUT: As I wanted to leave, I recognized, that my intestine wanted me to go to the toilet.
I had very hard diarrhea (hope it´s ok to speak it out here) and I felt, like this was the other part of the toxins, which were flushed out of my body. After 10min. on the toilet, I got hungry, said goodbye and left. I went to a vegan restaurant (usually I am no vegan, but the guy was telling me, that it´s good to combine vegan food and the frog), ate a lot and then began to feel tired.

Next day I thought "Okay, I am not new born, but today is the 2nd experience".
2nd time I got 7 dots and I recognized, that the frog "scanned" other aspects of my body than he did the 1st time.
Honestly I have to say, that I puked much less than before, although my stomach wanted me to puke more.
I wanted it also to come out, but a lot of s*** stayed in me.
I had to say, that I was a little bit disappointed, as I drove back to Hamburg, cause I didn´t feel the "lucky effect".

Hahaha, but that was yesterday. As I woke up today, I noticed, that something changed.
Today is the 1st day of the whole year, which I didn´t start with coffee and a cigarette. The 1st day!
I have the same problems, same situations than before, but I feel, like I can handle it.
I am also proud, that I did do it. I did it alone, for me. In another city, didn´t know what to expect.
I am SO thankful for your answer, for the Kambo practitioner, for the Frog to be on this earth, for my life.
I know, that this feeling will be over in a few days / weeks. But I also know, that it was not the last time I met the frog :)

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Re: First Time Kambo - Can it cause Psychosis?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2017, 02:27:26 PM »
You're very welcome and I'm humbly honored to have helped you along your path. Just remember that the positive most healthy things are the last things you want to do when depressed, but the most effective at getting you out of being down. I have suffered with periods of heavy depression my whole life, and also thoughts of suicide. The past 2 years have been the hardest time of my life; with so much going wrong and a serious health problem which is embarrassing as I train to be a healer, but I don't always follow my own advice or do what I should, and like to party.

hope it´s ok to speak it out here) and I felt, like this was the other part of the toxins, which were flushed out of my body.
Yes, it is appropriate to talk about anything related to the body with practitioners, any that are bothered should go into a different field.
And yes, this is a common effect of kambo, a bit afterwards. Kambo pushes toxins into the elimination pathways. And that was another purge for you.

I encourage you to be strong and stay on the good path so you can feel better. Have you done a vegetarian diet or vegan before?
If not, it really will make you feel a lot better, you will be so surprised. I started a vegan diet again today.
It is tough but the healthier you eat, and the longer you go, the less you crave sugar and unhealthy foods.
Sugar is the number one drug addiction in the world, or at least here in america, but few realize it.

If you're a cigarette smoker, I so encourage you to smoke additive-free tobacco.
We have a thread on it here:
I'm not sure what the quality of your cigarettes or the brands you have in Germany, but here they are straight up poison.
And what a world of difference it is to make my own from organic tobacco, in health and appreciation for the tobacco plant.

Best regards, and keep up the vegan diet, it well help cleanse out any toxins that may have been left behind, when you said you wanted to puke more the 2nd time.
A vegan diet is something everyone should try, if only once, and it is very good for cleansing.
You will see that you felt weighed down before, that after deep cleanse you feel lighter and emotional energy has been lifted off of you.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 02:32:54 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »