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Messages - avendagold

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General Discussion / Re: What is too much?
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:24:12 AM »
Thanks KP, I will attempt to discover how the long the effects last as I'm about to do 9 dots, 4 days after having done 7 dots.  Hopefully this will be the Kambo kick my body needs.  For me, I am looking for the eczema on my fingers to disappear so I'll know whether it has worked.

I would back up KP's assertion that Kambo is safe since there are no recorded cases of death by Kambo.  That's amazing really considering how much like death it can make you feel.  It is a frog medecine that will look after you if you willing to accept the short term pain for long term gain.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: My first kambo purge
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:19:47 AM »
Proper hydration does seem to be essential from what I've read.  I've heard that it takes about 45-60 minutes for water to pass through the body into the large intestine where it is absorbed into the body.  6 hours for water sounds way too long just from common sense since my peeing correlates with my water/tea consumption - I can hang on 2-3 hours but then I really need to pee!

I'm sure there's always quite a lot of water left inside your bowels at any given time. I once purged during an Iboga trip, after having fasted more than 24 hours and hardly drunk much water during the previous 12 hours of tripping, and I was surprised how much I vomitted considering (bile included).  I think that if you have been fasting and have an empty stomach, water goes through your system very quickly since there are no proteins that need breaking down in stomach.  I am not a doctor and this is just my understanding.

Dying is how you are meant to feel according to our resident experts, but I can imagine getting that strong feeling the first time could freak you out! Maybe we should all try 1cm burns!   

Journals / Ordeals / Re: Second Kambo experience
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:08:47 AM »
Hey Myco, the last time aloe vera was applied to my burns after 1 month there were no scars whatsoever, just pure skin, so yes, I could easily use these same areas again.  This second time I didn't have any aloe vera so I applied sangre de grado (dragon's blood) as recommended by KP.   

When I apply a burn, I will take a stick (as provided with the Kambo) and touch once for less than half a second, pick at the skin, then repeat this another once, or twice, until I can see a small 4-5mm circle of white skin.  I learned from applying dots to a friend not to make the dots too big (about 3mm in diameter) otherwise I waste too much, and these dots tend to sit inside the burn holes very nicely and not come off.

Once the dots are in my burn holes, I dab a drop of water on them to make them sticky and make sure they sit nicely in the hole.  Seems to work nicely for me.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: Second Kambo experience
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:03:07 AM »
Well, it's almost 4 days after, so I wanted to report my findings.

Any effects were very subtle, and difficult to definitely attribute to the Kambo.  What I did feel was more awake and focused, and at one point the next evening, I felt more purposeful.  What I mean is that I felt as if I understood what I needed to do, and felt like just getting on with it.  Sometimes, I know what I want to achieve in life but somehow feel blocked, and procrastinate (something I think many people feel in life generally).  The Kambo felt like it broke through that feeling for a short while and gave me clarity of purpose, and the drive to get on with it.

Clarity of purpose is something that I received from Iboga as well, so I think they compliment each other in this sense.

Dagger - I burned the same spot 3, 4 and even 5 times.  I felt that it got all the layers of my skin off.  When I applied the Kambo, it stung more which somehow felt 'right'.  But then I am a newbie and quite possibly I'm going overkill on the burns.   I'm going for 9 burns next time so I will continue to develop the best possible burning method for me.  And as recommended on this forum, I'm going to microdose on Iboga 3 hours before to heighten the effects.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: My first kambo purge
« on: August 18, 2012, 05:44:30 AM »
1cm burns are too big.  From my online research, they should measure no larger than 5mm.  The surface area of a 5mm burn is 19.6mm squared, and the surface area of a 10mm burn is a whooping 78.5mm squared!!  That's a fourfold increase.

Did you fill your 1cm burns completely with Kambo? If you did, you may have effectively been doing an 8-dot dose, rather than the 2-dot dose you were aiming for.

Also, yes, the yellow in your vomit is from bile.  This is an extract from Giovanni's paper where he is quoting scientific research:

 "So far, researchers have found nine bio-active peptides that have a potent effect on the gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation, and on the stimulation of the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland."

It therefore seems very likely that when people vomit on Kambo, they don't simply vomit the contents of their stomachs, but also vomit the contents of their intestines, specifically the duodenum.   If you then shit as well, it is a complete flush from both ends!  I'm guessing that's another reason why drinking water is so important - it not only stops the pain of dry heaving but it also helps to flush out your intestines as you vomit and shit out the watery fluid.

Journals / Ordeals / Second Kambo experience
« on: August 14, 2012, 02:41:33 PM »
Hi guys,

So today I was reading the forums and got excited and motivated.  I found myself alone at home (a rare occurence) and realised that I was ready for a Kambo treatment, not least because I have a slight cough today.

It was a last minute decision so I didn't get to prepare as I would have wanted (by fasting 24 hours).  Instead I had eaten a salad and mackerel for lunch 3 hours previous, but this wasn't going to stop me.  If you've read my previous experience (5 dots prior to my first Iboga flood) you will know that I am fairly resistant to Kambo.  5 dots had very little effect, so I was planning on 7-9 dots this time.  Because of the meridian discussion, and the statement that meridian points are more effective than in the traditional line on the upper arm, I opted to go with 7 dots, with 2 dots back up if needed.

I guzzled some water, got the dots ready, and burned 7 dots on the:

Points 1 & 2) inside of my ankles - Kidney point 5
Points 3 & 4) on my wrists, on the little finger side - Heart point 7
Points 5 & 6) on the reverse side of my forearm, near the elbows - Large intestine 10
Point 7)  in the centre of my chest, 3 fingers up from the bottom of my central rib cage - A non-traditional point by the looks of it, but I read it was a good point for relieving anxiety and nervousness (pretty much where the Heart chakra would be)

After burning these points, and being careful to do as KP recommended and take off all the skin (required multiple burnings on each site), I added the Kambo points.  This time they stung in a way that they hadn't before.  The stinging gave me the distinct impression that the Kambo was going straight into my system in a very effective way.

Before long, I was feeling flushed and light headed.  My whole body looked pink, except for the toes on my left foot (big toe in particular) that looked purple rather than pink!  That was midly freaky but I didn't let it affect me.  I went straight to the bathroom as I fully expected to vomit after having had lunch.  As the Kambo kicked in I lay on the floor of my bathroom, being as careful not to rub any points off (I rubbed one point off after about 5 minutes though on my left ankle).  I felt nauseted but still hadn't vomitted after 5 mins.  Damn, I'd underdosed again.  I'd have to burn two more holes.  But once I sat up, I felt like I was about to pass out.  There was no way I'd be able make it to my room, sit on the bed and burn two new holes feeling like this.  I immediately put my head back to the floor before I actually did pass out.  It struck me at that point that if I had needed to vomit, I would probably have passed out from being on my knees.

Anyway, I lay there feeling bad for another 10 minutes and eventually felt alright to sit down and have a shit.  I then went and lay on my bed.  I noticed at this stage that I could see a red line on my forearms (as well as seeing my blue veins) that led to the heart meridian where I'd put a point on my wrist.  I assumed it was my arteries but that is just a guess. Interesting though, cos I've never seen this before.

I think I half fell asleep but I also felt conscious.  I still felt heavy in the stomach and nauseated throughout this time, but relatively fine, especially compared to a few minutes before  After an hour I wiped off the Kambo.  I then slept for 50 minutes.

I felt more awake after this, like I have had a cup of coffee, but I had just slept so this is to be expected I guess.  If I get any more benefits in the coming hours and days, I will post again on here.

It does make me think that next time I must give greater consideration to what it is I want to cure.  This time, I picked easy to find meridian points as it was my first exploration of meridians.  The kidney and heart made sense, and the others kinda just happened.  I can't help feeling that a proper "Giovanni" meridian point burning is in order.  I may consider travelling to Amsterdam for this one day. 


Acupuncture & Acupressure / Re: Locating Meridians
« on: August 14, 2012, 01:44:10 PM »
Great, this is what I'd been looking for.  I strongly agree that these meridians are worthy of their own section. 

Myco - I'd love to see scientists really focusing on the benefits of entheogens.  And I also agree that with the internet and these forums, we will gradually wake up to a new human consciousness.  I wouldn't have made this statement before, but these forums gave me the courage and knowledge to go through with these healing treatments and it led to me opening my third eye on an Iboga flood.  I'm sure Kambo will lead to its own healing cures as I become more experienced.     

Acupuncture & Acupressure / Re: On the Kidney Meridian - KD8 to KD9
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:32:03 AM »
Wow, great guys, thanks for sharing!

I think the meridian approach is very powerful and I'm determined to only use this method from now on.  It makes the Kambo so effective and there is no sense in wasting any, especially since it is difficult and expensive to get hold of. 

The link is just what I was looking for KP.  I will use this in conjunction with Youtube videos in finding just the right spots.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: Sudden Endless Energy
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:13:34 AM »
What a great feeling.  thanks for sharing.  I learn something new from everyone's reports.

Isn't the protocol to keep adding dots if you don't purge?  Purging is the sign that it's having the desired effect and might explain why it's taken a while for the Kambo to impact on you.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: Undefeated Love --- Kambo Intensive
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:09:46 AM »
Great report KP and thanks for sharing.

The 7 day treatment sounds hardcore, which is what I've grown to expect from you, and ultimately very rewarding.

I'd love to find out more about these meridians and the best points to use for specific illnesses or states.  Is there a particular website you or anyone else could recommend?  After doing 2 Iboga floods in 2 weeks, I took a 6 week break from entheogens altogether, but now feel ready to dive in again.  I took my first Iboga microdose again a few days ago and now I feel ready for a full-on Kambo initiation.  But rather than doing it randomly, I want to follow your example and stick to meridian points.

Btw, I have been getting into fasting and the benefits are huge.  Being constantly fed is destructive to the body as it is always pumping out insulin and never getting a rest - apparently fasting triggers a self-cleaning mechanism in our cells which helps keep our organs and brains healthy and young.  I think a 24 hour fast (drinking water but no food or juices) is the perfect preparation for a Kambo.

I've seen the title of this link but there's no information yet so I thought I'd start a thread to find out more.

I'm interested in doing 2 or possibly 3 Kambo sessions consecutively but what exactly are the benefits of the 2 treatments within a short time frame?

Introductions / Re: Hey ppl , that´s me
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:22:18 AM »
Hi Nataraj,

I think the point of entheogens is to undergo short term pain for long term gain. 

Avoiding pain and difficulties in life is an easy route that never really leads to true healing.  Think of it like cardiovascular exercise - whilst you are jogging, swimming or cycling, you undergo pain but afterwards you gain in so many ways that give you a healthy and happy life.

Video / Re: Monkey-Frog at the Racetrack: Horse dope from the Amazon
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:13:52 AM »
Great find.  It's not quite the same species of frog that is mentioned in this article but dermorphins are found in Kambo. Just goes to show that if they are using for horses then it must work.

General Discussion / Re: Help with KAMBO and Sourcing
« on: June 20, 2012, 05:33:56 PM »
If you order through, they give you a chunk Palo Santo in the packet as standard.

Remember Jaguar, you'll be throwing up most of that liquid so it's not that much to drink after all.

I've got my own Kambo now so I'll be doing some this weekend.  I did 5 dots a couple of weekends ago and that didn't have much of an effect so I'll be aiming for 9 dots, possibly 7 if it hits my hard.

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