Author Topic: Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death  (Read 12285 times)

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Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death
« on: December 22, 2012, 11:44:17 AM »
I would have posted this on the forum but the subject at hand is too controversial and risky.  What I am going to try and pose in words is the translation from my experiences as well as what I intuit that the Bwiti(group in Gabon that uses Iboga as a sacrament) already know but don't tell us. 

For me this is related to other entheogens ie Kambo and Ayahuasca (I don't know other entheogens very well) - (Hopefully Peaceful Warrior can comment on others and his experience with kissing death)

So I have had 4 floods and treated many others with Iboga.  I have also had about 40 Kambo experiences and I really have no idea of how many Ayahuasca journeys.  The experiences that had a long lasting effect that truly benefited me/AND ESPECIALLY OTHERS (treating them with Iboga/Kambo/Ayahuasca) were the ones where for a great deal of the journey I or the other felt like they were dying.  To achieve this state one must not take a little dose or what is "required".  To meet the plant medicines on this level one must be willing to go well and beyond the norm.

Case in point Iboga:
You will see all over the internet standard doses for Ibogaine.  First off I'm not going to talk about Ibogaine (because I don't work with 1 isolated alkaloid from the plant anyways) as well I feel it dangerous to pack so much dose into one take.

So I am talking about the whole composition of Iboga.  Some important things to note when taking large doses of Iboga TA, Iboga PTA, and Iboga RB --- Space out the dosage.  Always space out at least 10 minutes apart.  Never take too much at any one time as it could overtax the heart.


The goal is to keep taking the Iboga until you can't take any more~This is the secret of Bwiti administration.  To go to the furthest reaches until one comes face to face with death.  Terrifying, intense warrior impressions.

This IMO/IME is the only way to truly be reborn by Iboga and other entheogens.  A lesser dose will certainly help.  But let's remember with medicines like Iboga when we speak of initiations, when you come out on the other side you should be completely reborn.

If you didn't purge=you need more
If you can talk/move=you need more
If your comfortable in anyway shape or form=you need more
If you don't have visions 100% of the time for 24 hours (From Iboga)=you didn't have enough
If can eat within 24 hours=you didn't have enough
If you can fully function within 48 hours=you didn't have enough

Again this is related with Kambo in having a dose where for a shorter amount of time you feel like you are going to die.  This from my experience is when the most benefits are reaped.

CAUTION: WARNING: ONLY FOR SERIOUS HEALERS-in terms of large doses.  Only those serious about healing others should be put in the capacity to administer Bwiti like doses.  For others a general dose can be found anywhere on the internet.  For the safety of these medicines I ask that this thread and it's contents be kept here.  High doses of Iboga can and will kill people if not administered by a well devoted and experienced Ibogaist. 

Offline peacefull warrior

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Re: Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 03:19:27 PM »
thanks for making this thread KP it is a great idea i love it, in fact i cannot thank you enough because reading this makes me courageous to delve into what i have on hand as far as kissing death (:

it might be better for individuals to take part in kambo and similar practices that cause strong short lasting death feelings before trying iboga this would allow them to get a feel for how to accept and assimilate the experience of dying, and if done right an individual might be able to come out of a iboga experience with much more learned from the love.

i could see iboga slow long death beings harsh without preparation, that's why i think preparing by taking part in others that are shorter but harsher will allow them to learn to change the way they identify the FEELING of dying.

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Re: Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2012, 05:22:23 PM »
this part especially makes me warm and fuzzy inside:

If you didn't purge=you need more
If you can talk/move=you need more
If your comfortable in anyway shape or form=you need more
If you don't have visions 100% of the time for 24 hours (From Iboga)=you didn't have enough
If can eat within 24 hours=you didn't have enough
If you can fully function within 48 hours=you didn't have enough"

you got me so excited with that post KP.... i am going to enter the labyrinth, time to pick up some nicotine patches :D ....

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2012, 10:30:27 AM »
Great to hear Peaceful Warrior.

Wondering what you mean about the Nicotine Patches, I mean what are you doing with them and for what effect.  Makes me wonder it's gotta be easy to make nicotine patches.  So I'm just wondering what your going for with them. 

2013 will be a big year for me in testing grounds.  I started 2012 off with a bang and scared the shit out of myself a few times which made me a bit wimpy and then not so Warriorish.  But the truth is I am only moving forward with these medicines when I got to the root of the ordeal.

For instance my last Iboga flood I took it easy (I'm scarred shitless of the father to be completely honest) and now really wish I would have pushed the envelope to death's door. 

Yes Kambo is much safer when pushing the limit.  Agreed.  If the person you treated isn't purging their guts out give them more, is all I can say.  If there's anything I've learned about this medicine it's that the person has to go to the full extent of purging to get the most benefits.  Can't feel sorry for them either as a healer.  Must be able to detach from the emotions and continue pushing them to go further inside themselves.

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Re: Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2012, 01:56:56 PM »
if you put on a nicotine patch for like 10-15 minutes then take a puff of a cigaret and lay down for a nap, well basically the grade at witch real life feels real RIGHT NOW is equal to how real the dreams are when you do this real life like dream and they are almost 100% all super nightmares. now that i know how to learn from what my dreams mean i see great things to be gained from facing these terrors specifically because the details all record as good or better than waking reality meaning all the things that i can learn from all the little details will be amplified.

thanks for the thing about throwing up, i will probably put my first 2 dots next to my nipple and make sure to avoid things that prevent nausea and instead use things that induce vomiting. one thing i KNOW i will be using is the singing bowl i got, everyone be careful i cannot remember if i gave the message over here as well but singing bowls are not for playing with they are comparable to 5MeO-ahuasca when your ringing it you feel the need to vomit strongly after a little bit, this is because the bowls vibrations are balancing the frequency of the organs causing the organs to activate the their cleansing mechanism i am sure if i were to vomit on singing bowl vibrations i would probably vomit all bile because its not like i ate a toxin or it made my food into toxins it made the organ healthy then the organ expels what i had the whole time that was not healthy.

it does not feel like 5HT3 nausea it feels like movement sickness.

its possible if i purged enough toxins out with this method and others combined it would stop making me feel like i need to vomit and instead do other things once the toxins are expelled.

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2012, 02:06:47 PM »
use things that induce vomiting. one thing i KNOW i will be using is the singing bowl i got, everyone be careful i cannot remember if i gave the message over here as well but singing bowls are not for playing

No not yet, only in 2 PM's you sent me which I read thoroughly with much interest.  Actually at the time of you sending these PM's I had 2 synergistic occurrences which I had not told you about.

In short (as I think the singing bowls deserve their own thread).

(1) Singing Bowls are crucial for any serious healing ceremony (Kambo, Iboga, Ayahuasca).  As they help the purge and overall focal point/vibratory force.

-This came by chance as I was in ceremony (Kambo) and my friend for the first time started ringing the singing bowl which greatly helped/improved the quality of the experience.

(2) I was in an ancient Tibetan Singing Bowl ceremony only a day after one of your PM's.  I was on no other substances and felt like I was going to purge at any moment.  As far as I know though, I was the only one that felt this way.

-Which makes me wonder about the tuning of our frequencies - susceptibilities in reference to energies like Singing Bowls and the proof being the purge factor.  So maybe the more tuned in you are the more you feel that purge sensation (which I have come to love).

PW-I'll start a new thread on it if you don't in the complimentary modalities section if you don't in the next few days.  Honestly this one will need to be elaborate as the synching of the way this worked out (PM's/Experiences) is out of this world meaningful. 
« Last Edit: December 27, 2012, 02:09:54 PM by Kambogahuasca Panacea »

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Re: Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2013, 07:20:34 PM »
Thank you both for this great post's and for the info about singing bowls. I started to use them by intuition and they are really powerful and makes the Kambo experience a total different thing than the others I had with the Brazilian shaman.
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Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: Way of Achieving Long Lasting Enthogenic Benefits: Kiss Death
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2013, 10:02:00 PM »
I think with our updated techniques we can really create something far beyond the conceptions of the ancients that brought this medicine to us.  Of course we are indigenous too.  They seem to catalyze us modern people to awake from our deep sleep but because we have all of these modalities available we are able to integrate really magical synergies that are not readily available to an isolated culture.