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Messages - ZINGU

Pages: 1
Introductions / hola kambophiles
« on: February 07, 2013, 10:22:26 PM »

first of all what a great idea for a forum!

first came across kambo in 2007 in brazillian amazon, watched a lot of people do it.. just wasnt the right time for me.

live in peru, the last few years and work alongside various indigenous groups at the moment, some of whom use the sapo in their culture.

super interested in how it will be. just bought 5 sticks so that should keep me going for a while!! 

suffering from a staph skin infection for the last few months hence, would like to know if the sapo can help. interested in seeing its effects longer term on the staph.

always had a feeling that from the first time i heard of it, that sapo would help the world in a huge way... still feel that.

if anyone has specific questions / cultural information (that is freely given, and not in any way sacred or protected, i will ask in advance) let me know. i will ask.

have many years experience with iboga and aya. tho never talked about that on forums. guess its always been too private. 

much love to all on this forum. any way i can help please let me know. i will post here my experiences!!!


PS - to the creator of this site, sapo does not have a botanical name, because its not a plant (one of the questions.. i thought it was a trick question :). a better question might be "whats the latin name of the most common frog that delivers the active ingredients used in sapo / kambo applications?)

Physical Cleansing and Healing of Illnesses / Re: Kambo and Herpes
« on: February 07, 2013, 10:13:46 PM »
try oregano oil, super strength, P-73 from the american herb and spice co. that generally kills it dead after a short time. clean out too, obviously. dont know the effects of kambo on hsv2 but will be doing some more research on it.

Pages: 1