Author Topic: Hello fellow healing warriors, just introducing myself.  (Read 4026 times)

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Offline Kamboanamcara26

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Hello fellow healing warriors, just introducing myself.
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:56:34 PM »
Hello and respect to all of you, i am glad to see such a forum as this and to be part of it.
A little about me and my path with medicines - i am 35 years old and from scotland, my first introduction to sacred medicines was with an iboga flood at 30 after coming from a place of insecurity, depression and anxiety and complete spiritual disconnect.  my depression and spiritual disconnect was resolved after the first flood. i then went on to do a couple more floods which were also profound. i then continued with ayahuasca and san pedro as well as doing plant dieta's with salvia.  gaining more insight into reality and the inner workings of the mind. 
last August i was strongly drawn to kambo and have regulary used it as a way of healing, insight and accepting who i am.  this has generally been around every 2 weeks, mainly on the upper arm and sometimes on chakra and meridian points, as well as doing 2x2 ceremony.  i usually self administer and use in conjunction with r'ape.  This medicine truly fascinates and am feeling drawn to go deeper with this sacred medicine.
The last few years have been tough, profound, sometimes crazy but ultimately healing.
thanks for reading,
wishing you all deep healing on this crazy/wonderful journey called life ;) x