Author Topic: Cold/Chills with Kambo?  (Read 4069 times)

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Offline sapokook

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Cold/Chills with Kambo?
« on: June 20, 2018, 03:15:29 PM »
Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you for all the useful info in this forum!  After months of lurking, I've decided to post about something that has me stumped.

Does anyone else experience intense chills (instead of heat/sweating) with Kambo?  We're talking out of control tremors and goosebumps, pale/purple skin, shivers, teeth chattering, etc.  Both times I've received Kambo I've experienced this and it seems to be the opposite of what many others experience. 

I'm 37 years old, Caucasian, 5'2", 118lbs, somewhat active, vegan.

more details on my experiences:

I participated in a kambo ceremony for the first time 3 months ago, and it was 4 days after participating in an ayahuasca ceremony.  I received 3 points on my left ankle and had the purge of a lifetime!  I seriously thought the bucket was going to overflow and everything that came out of the upper GI tract also came out the lower GI tract about an hour later and looked the exact same!  I don't say this to gross anyone out, but as a medical professional, I couldn't explain the appearance of it (uhhh... I don't remember eating THAT)!  Despite the awesome purge, and I know this sounds a little crazy, I felt like I didn't really suffer much.  I didn't feel like I was going to die.  I didn't feel very sick.  I didn't sweat at all (quite the opposite actually).  I experienced some tingling up my leg, intense chills, felt my heart rate increase and then some abdominal cramping and it was over.  Easy peasy.  Everyone else in the group had it rough - face swelling, crying, loud purging, etc.  The day after, I felt more assertive and productive at work, some chronic back pain disappeared and I actually felt stronger throughout my entire posterior chain.  My eyesight and sense of smell/taste also sharpened... and this might be too much info but I also had sex with my partner the day after and whoa.

I did it again almost a month later, this time a one-on-one session that also included Rape and Sananga.  I received 3 points on my left arm and the physical effects were similar but stronger, I felt my throat swell a little, and I also felt an energy move up my spine causing me to rock back and forth (this also happens with ayahuasca - it's like I cannot be still!).  This time, however, I had a little problem getting the purge going and Rape helped that along nicely.  I left again feeling like I didn't really suffer though.  And this time it was a smaller top purge, nothing from the bottom.  The practitioner recommended I wait a couple of months for a stronger response, and to receive more points next time.  I'm hoping to do this tomorrow night at my next kambo ceremony. 

any insights?

Thanks in advance!

Offline Lloydjenny

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Re: Cold/Chills with Kambo?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2018, 11:43:56 PM »
When I read what you say. Make me think differently from you in some matters.