Ethnobotanical Kambo: Phyllomedusa Bicolor > The Science behind the Magic (Kambo info to convince left brainers)

Kambo and Herpes

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I don't know anyone I could point you to. But I taught myself how to use Kambo by reading this forum. I read every post on this forum, watched a few vids and read a few articles on Kambo. My first Kambo experience was on myself. It is a simple process. But wow 500 sticks!? I hope you got a good quantity discount. lol That is a lot considering each stick has about 10 doses worth. 50 dots.

I will hopefully be treating a friend with Kambo today.

BTW KIAP, it won't allow me to upload pictures to this forum. Any idea why? I'd like to post some kambo pictures. I feel the forum is lacking in kambo pictures. Esp ones on meridians can help build and memorize a mental picture of the meridians in the body.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:

--- Quote ---so I went and bought 4 grand worth (500 sticks)
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---BTW KIAP, it won't allow me to upload pictures to this forum. Any idea why? I'd like to post some kambo pictures. I feel the forum is lacking in kambo pictures. Esp ones on meridians can help build and memorize a mental picture of the meridians in the body.
--- End quote ---

I don't know how to get the pictures running.  If you want or no how I'll change your status to moderator.  PM if your up for that.  The Traveler doesn't have time to help out here even when I ask him to and I lack the necessary skills to fix issues on this forum. 

peacefull warrior:
one thing you can do is make a hotmail account and make a sky drive account and upload the pictures there and post links to the pictures or albums here.


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