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How to be a warrior

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--- Quote from: caiano on September 18, 2012, 08:00:52 AM ---As Gurdjeff said, conscious effort and voluntary suffering make the difference between an ordinary person and a spiritual warrior.

--- End quote ---

Can you explain exactly what that means to you?  I am just curious.  I respect Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, but not like I do Ramana Maharshi, Meher Baba, Krishnamurti, Peace Pilgrim, Meister Eckhart, Francis of Assisi and the poets - Khalil Gibran, Rumi, Hafiz and so many more.  I think they were all saying/doing the same thing, but Gurdjieff was a little different...not a bad thing though.  His writings are interesting and he is one of the few that can lose me.

It means for me that we have to suffer to gain some awakening because our nature resists the opening to the light and the divine force; butwe have the opportunity to choose our pain: if we refuse to choose the sufferings come anyway, the hardest way.
This is also the meaning of "Rezar" ( praying) which for me ( and for south american shamanism) has a broad implication which could be intended as ascesis. Working with sacred plants and medicines, to keep the dieta or fasting, to evoke the spirits of healing and pass through the ordeal of an ayah or kambò session, to smoke mapacho with an intent without using the index finger... are all ways to choose the best way to suffer, with self determination and consciuos effort.

Perfect, thanks ;)

caiano: Words of wisdom. Its not easy to choose ones suffering due to the human instinct to avoid suffering but this is where philosophy comes in. When you see suffering for what it is, you have more than enough incentive to dive into it. Sacred plants/substances in my experience, are by far the best way to suffer intentionally because once you decide to do it, there is no backing out of it, the plant/substance will ensure that your original intent to suffer is fulfilled.

We all have admiration for those who have not fear to suffer: it's one of those circumstance in which our full humanity sprouts.
That's even the warrior attitude, because his\her soul  has the destiny ... the duty  to remove obstacles .


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