Kambo Protocol's > Precautions

Kambo for people who have allergies



Is Kambo safe to use for people who have allergic reactions to certain foods?  I heard one story of a man who had a severe allergic reaction to Kambo and his throat swelled shut so he could not breathe. 

If a person has many allergies already, is it safe for them to use Kambo without the risk that they would also suffer a severe allergic reaction?  Or does Kambo heal allergies?

Thank you for your replies :)

[Post removed by moderator. Maindo, is there a language barrier? Your posts are unintelligible.]

Hi Rosewater8,

It is always good practice to use a single test point to check for any allergic reaction to Kambo. You can then simply wipe off or proceed with your desired number of points. I've never experienced any negative reaction to Kambo or indeed correlation to food allergies.

I've never heard of the story you speak of. Remember though if the thoat does constrict slightly you can always breathe through your nose.

Best wishes,



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