Kambo Protocol's > Precautions

Getting home afterwards


For my first time, I'm planning on doing it in a secluded spot which is a 60 minute walk down a rocky beach. The reason this stretch of beach is so isolated is because every square inch of it is covered in rocks making it tricky to walk on. Will I have the energy to make it home after the experience? I can lay in the grass for an hour or so to regain my energy if I need to. I hear that one becomes very clear minded and energetic as a result of the experience but I don't know if this is directly after the experience or in the days that follow or what.


--- Quote from: mycotheologist on August 08, 2012, 06:41:48 PM ---I hear that one becomes very clear minded and energetic as a result of the experience but I don't know if this is directly after the experience or in the days that follow or what.

--- End quote ---

For me it was directly after each experience...all 3.  My brother struggled a bit, but still hiked for an hour or more 10 minutes after the experience.  You will be fine.  Are you applying yourself?  The first time I tried was difficult, but the second time I had it down pat.  If you have any questions ask KIAP or if he is bust (traveling, etc.) I can guide you through it.

BTW....it ain't THAT bad, and yes, you should be really in tune with your surroundings afterward.  How many dots are you applying and where?

I'll be on my own so I'll have to apply it myself. I'll be doing it next week so I don't have all the details down yet. I haven't read about how to apply it (i.e. how many dots and what part of the body). I also noticed you mention meridians a few times, I need to learn about all that too.


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