Author Topic: My first kambo purge  (Read 8729 times)

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My first kambo purge
« on: August 17, 2012, 09:47:10 AM »
I did it at home because it was too impractical to do it outdoors for my first time. I made 3 intense burns (way too big and intense I think) on my left arm, the burns were nearly 1cm in diameter, and very intense. I scraped the skin off each burn and the skin underneath was bright white. I then I covered two of the burns with kambo. I was cautious about covering the 3rd one and instead waited to see if I felt something. Literally in under a minute I started to feel very light headed and dizzy. I also started sweating profusely so I got scared and removed the kambo from my arms. At that point I had to lie down because I was feeling really weak so I went to a cool room and lay in the bed and noticed I was covered in sweat. Then I knew I was about to puke so I went to the bathroom and purged violently. Something strange is that the vomit was yellow. I haven't eaten anything today and I drank 1.5L of water about 10 minutes before applying the kambo, I should have just vomited up water. After puking I felt WAY better but still drained of energy so I lay down for about 10 minutes and noticed that I could see mild psychedelic visuals. I'm not frog faced but when I looked in the mirror after purging my eyes were completely bloodshot. I don't know whether to regret taking the medicine off now or not. The whole thing only lasted about 15 minutes. I feel pretty good now but my plan is to do it 3 times in a row to reap maximum benefits and tonight, I won't chicken out and remove the medicine.

EDIT: I'm thinking of doing it again since these burns are still fresh and since I completely overdid it with these burns, I want to make use of them. I'm going to drink another 1.5L of water and give it another go.

That yellow stuff that I puked up must be bial. It only took around 5 minutes before I had to purge, is that normal? Is purging all that bial a sign that I will get some therapeutic benefits from this experience? I'm going to do it again tonight but go easier on the burns. The kambo stick I ordered came with two wooden sticks which I think are for burning, they are about 3 times smaller than the chopstick I am using. Can anyone tell me the exact diameter in millimeters that these burns should be? If I'm making bigger burns then more medicine will be getting absorbed through each spot. I want to get a full on experience but I don't want to overdo it and overdose. The two burns where I applied the kambo are blood red and are stinging but the  other one is barely noticeable.

EDIT2: I was braver this time, I applied the medicine on all 3 spots and left it there. I didn't get light headed or dizzy at all this time but I felt pretty bad and got aches and pains all over. I didn't feel any urgent need to vomit this time but I decided to try and induce purging myself and I noticed that it was just water that came out so I stopped. After about 5 minutes I got a sharp pain in my abdomen like I got the first time and shortly after that I felt a slight need to vomit so I did and when I started, I couldn't stop and more yellow stuff came out. My eyes went completely bloodshot again and I got pretty weak but it was nowhere near as intense as the first time. Very strange since I applied 3 dots instead of 2 this time and held it there. Now my 3rd burn has turned blood red so it is definitely the medicine that does this.

I got hit with this wave of dejavu right before deciding to give the kambo another try and when I started feeling better and decided to give this update, it was 3:33. I timed it this time and it lasted around 30 minutes, not 15. I'm going to do the meridian method next time, maybe auricular. I'll either do it tonight or else I'll do my next 2 experiences tomorrow.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 03:24:56 PM by mycotheologist »

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Re: My first kambo purge
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2012, 12:07:20 PM »
Its too early to tell whether it is curing the benzo PAWS or not because I took xanax last night but I get these waves of aggitation throughout the day, I had it this morning before doing the kambo but I don't feel it at all now. I'll give it a few days and if the aggitation/anxiety doesn't come back, then I'll be sure that the kambo cured the symptoms. I'm going to do it again tomorrow morning to maximize the effectiveness. This time I'll do it right. My face didn't swell, I assume thats because I wiped off the medicine so quickly. I got a fright because the effects came on so rapidly, I wasn't expecting that to happen at all but tomorrow I'll know thats all part of the process.

EDIT: Something I forgot to mention was when I applied the kambo the second time, the skin on both of my arms turned orange. This happens to my hands sometimes in very cold whether but never like this, the orange covered my whole arms. This happened within seconds of applying the kambo. Also I should mention that when I had a bath, the stinging stopped and the burns turned white again.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 12:19:07 PM by mycotheologist »

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Re: My first kambo purge
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2012, 05:44:30 AM »
1cm burns are too big.  From my online research, they should measure no larger than 5mm.  The surface area of a 5mm burn is 19.6mm squared, and the surface area of a 10mm burn is a whooping 78.5mm squared!!  That's a fourfold increase.

Did you fill your 1cm burns completely with Kambo? If you did, you may have effectively been doing an 8-dot dose, rather than the 2-dot dose you were aiming for.

Also, yes, the yellow in your vomit is from bile.  This is an extract from Giovanni's paper where he is quoting scientific research:

 "So far, researchers have found nine bio-active peptides that have a potent effect on the gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation, and on the stimulation of the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland."

It therefore seems very likely that when people vomit on Kambo, they don't simply vomit the contents of their stomachs, but also vomit the contents of their intestines, specifically the duodenum.   If you then shit as well, it is a complete flush from both ends!  I'm guessing that's another reason why drinking water is so important - it not only stops the pain of dry heaving but it also helps to flush out your intestines as you vomit and shit out the watery fluid.

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Re: My first kambo purge
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2012, 06:42:55 AM »
Yeah I completely covered the 1cm diameter dots. My first experience was the most intense, I thought that I may die so I rubbed the dots off after a minute or so. I'm glad I didn't apply the 3rd dot. My 2nd time, the dots were 5mm in diameter. I had diarrhea the first time and my ass was hurting for the rest of the day because it seemed to be pure bile. I drank the water around 15 minutes before applying the kambo, that may have been my mistake. I didn't give the water time to reach the intestines. From what I read in a pharmacology book, drugs take 20 minutes to pass through the stomach, and take 6 hours to pass through the intestines. I'd say the same goes for water.

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Re: My first kambo purge
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2012, 10:19:47 AM »
Proper hydration does seem to be essential from what I've read.  I've heard that it takes about 45-60 minutes for water to pass through the body into the large intestine where it is absorbed into the body.  6 hours for water sounds way too long just from common sense since my peeing correlates with my water/tea consumption - I can hang on 2-3 hours but then I really need to pee!

I'm sure there's always quite a lot of water left inside your bowels at any given time. I once purged during an Iboga trip, after having fasted more than 24 hours and hardly drunk much water during the previous 12 hours of tripping, and I was surprised how much I vomitted considering (bile included).  I think that if you have been fasting and have an empty stomach, water goes through your system very quickly since there are no proteins that need breaking down in stomach.  I am not a doctor and this is just my understanding.

Dying is how you are meant to feel according to our resident experts, but I can imagine getting that strong feeling the first time could freak you out! Maybe we should all try 1cm burns!