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My third Kambo experience
« on: August 18, 2012, 04:20:50 PM »
My third experiecnce on Kambo and phew! that was the hardest one so far.  Unpleasant to say the least.

I had prepared by fasting for 20 hours but keeping well hydrated.  I took 500mg of Iboga root bark at 11.30am, and then did 9 dots at 4.30pm.  I had also taken Kambo 4 days prior - 7 dots.

After feeling pretty bad on 7 dots and nauseated but no actual vomitting, I decided to take it up to 9 dots this time. I did the burns on my upper arm as I am not yet properly trained in meridian points, and given that it is summertime, I don't want loads of symmetrical burn marks all over my arms and legs.

I have now got a routine whereby I lie on the floor of my bathroom with a bucket and the toilet fully ready.  I applied the dots and then started the timer - 1 hour and 1 minute.  It hit me fairly quickly but I managed to get all 9 dots on, and then started feeling gradually worse.  First came the usual pink flush and light headedness, but this time I felt my throat constrict so that swallowing was almost becoming difficult.  Also, the sheer discomfort was much higher.  For the first time I starting sweating and feeling generally too warm.  It was harsh.  I managed to measure my heart.  My resting heart rate before was 56, and this went up to 136 within 3 minutes!  I was breathing hard.  It felt like an effort and made me thankful that I have a strong heart and that I exercise regularly.

It was such an uncomfortable pain that I actually considered rubbing off the points for a minute, but hey, that would be no fun at all!  So I stuck with it.  I was just sitting there for ages, with my eyes closed (I couldn't focus on stuff), not being to be comfortable in any position and just getting through it.  I tried to meditate and just accept the pain, but I couldn't help scrunching up my face in pain, and rubbing my face with my hand. 

I thought I was going to throw up but nothing happened.  The urge came in small waves but at no point did I really feel the urge.  Strangely enough, throughout the entire hour it kept coming back. 

After 15 minutes, the worst of the feelings subsided, and at 20 minutes I felt a sudden calming, centering of my whole body....which was just as quickly taken over by the unpleasantness of wanting to vomit but not being able to.  When I was lying down and swallowing, the urge to vomit was there but as soon as I sat up it disappeared.

I eventually had bowel movements after an hour.  I'd expected it a lot sooner.  It was great when the timer rang and I could finally rub off the Kambo.  Short term gains - I've noticed the pain in my foot is gone - I think I may have broken a meta-tarsal - and my cough from the last 5 days has gone down very significantly.  I didn't cough a single time during the hour that the Kambo was on.

But unfortunately, despite upping the dosage to 9 points and all that discomfort, I still didn't vomit!  Which means I'm going to have to go to 11 points next time....arrrrghhhh!   It really does take will power to put yourself through a Kambo event multiple times, especially at high dosages.  I might wait a couple of weeks...or maybe I'll just do it when it feels right.  At the moment, I can't imagine doing that 3 times in a day!

Offline mycotheologist

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Re: My third Kambo experience
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2012, 05:54:08 PM »
lol, I like your routine. I'm quite fond of the toilet while on kambo myself too. I don't think I could remain standing for very long while on kambo, the toilet is perfect because its so low. This is the first time you overheated and started sweating? This has happened to me every time so far. I live in Ireland which doesn't get very hot, interesting that it only happened to you on 9 dots. Maybe I'm much more susceptible to the medicine than you. Or maybe your body just regulates temperature better. With a resting pulse like that, you must be pretty fit. I have a blood pressure testing device myself but I don't think I'd have the willpower to operate it while intoxicated. Today was my 3rd experience too and it was a lot like what you described. Why don't you try making yourself purge next time?   I did that today and I felt much better afterwards. I have a hiatal hernia so vomiting is very easy for me but I hear other people can do it by touching their tonsils with their finger. My voluntary purging wasn't enough though, about 10 minutes later severe nausea hit me and I threw up bile until there was absolutely nothing left to purge. I felt way better after that and felt this calmness that you described. I think maybe I'm having an easier time with kambo because I'm voluntarily purging when the agony gets too intense. I waited until around 10 minutes had passed before doing it today and the first 10 minutes were hell but it was relatively smooth sailing after that.

I notice that once I start vomiting, it becomes uncontrollable but before that, I can resist it. Before stepping up to 11 dots, I recommend you practice inducing vomiting then try it while on kambo and I bet that once you start, you will purge the entire contents of your stomach and small intestine and feel way better afterwards. This calmness you described, I only get that after purging, all my time up until then is spent rolling around in agony. The nauseating feeling is your body telling you to purge, you just have to go ahead and do it.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 06:14:02 PM by mycotheologist »

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Re: My third Kambo experience
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2012, 10:29:50 PM »
For what it's worth (or not worth depending on belief systems),
Forced purging is a basic taboo for indigenous tribes in reference to Kambo, Iboga or Ayahuasca.  At least by some tribes not sure if all.  But especially for Kambo it is a taboo to stick a finger down your throat.  Personally with Aya or Ibo if a person insists I would let them, but with Kambo I would prevent them from doing so.  It ruins the spiritual catharsis element, IMO.  Not to make this dogmatic but to state a strong personal opinion that I have on this subject.

The best way I have found to induce purging is with Rape', you can inquire Giovanni to purchase some.  What one does is snuff some in the moments of "if" to make the purge come.  One needs to make a hollow tube to snuff it or have someone else snuff it into their nose.  I use a rubber tube with a hollowed stalk at the end to snuff myself. 

Also getting as much Palo Santo blazing as possible on charcoal, switching body positions from lying down to on all fours, singing deep "icaros" to gutteral to high pitched, basically working to purge and earning it the hard way.  Sometimes when I have enough pre rest and energy I can go really deep just on will alone. 

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Re: My third Kambo experience
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2012, 04:38:43 AM »
Thanks for informing me about that. In my case, its very hard to tell whether I'm forcing it or not. I don't have to put any effort into it but next time I'll resist the urge until I can't hold it anymore, like what happened during my 3rd experience.

Offline avendagold

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Re: My third Kambo experience
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2012, 01:44:09 PM »
I was wondering about the rape'.  I felt like vomitting would have helped the experience.  Shouldn't it come naturally if the dose is right?  I'm guessing that if I don't just throw up, the dose is too light.

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Re: My third Kambo experience
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2012, 07:07:57 PM »
I don't know for sure on that one.  Some are naturally resistant to purging.  So I snuff them and if they don't purge I burn them 2 more times.  I make sure they purge unless they are fainters.  If I remember right your a slight fainter or exhibeted fainting symptoms of some sorts.  With that sort of issue I recommend having a sitter to slap you in the hands (back of hands) slap you in the shoulders and press a finger into acu points right below the nose.  Then you could do more but I really don't think it sounds safe for ones with fainting symptoms to press the limit so far. 

You seem to have a steel stomach.

Rape' has very good synergy with Kambo as well, also goes unbelievably well with either Iboga or Ayahuasca.  Not flooding with Iboga (not sure actually but wouldn't want to be the first to try it), but microdosing.  With Aya it is quite good just when you start to come down like 3-4 hours into it.  Brings it back up to a high level again. 

These medicines are like families, I swear. 

Offline mycotheologist

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Re: My third Kambo experience
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2012, 05:30:03 PM »
I just had my 4th experience (its the new moon here) and I ended up pretty much using your protocol avena. After applying, I stumbled into the bathroom to get ready for the purge but ended up lying on the bathroom floor for about 30 minutes. It was nice and cool and it seems solid surfaces are more comfortable while in that difficult state. Even though I was lying on the floor next to the toilet, I didn't have the energy to sit up at first so I puked on the floor lol. Is it just me or is it always at around the 15 minute mark that the stomach fills up with bile and one purges uncontrollably? I was struggling like mad at the start of the experience so I voluntarily purged and emptied my stomach and the vomit was clear, it was mainly water by the looks of it. About 10 minutes later I had to vomit, this time not so voluntarily and what came out was pure bile. I'm guessing it was pretty pure and undiluted because it was bright yellow and burned my throat.