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Topics - Dkunkel84

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Depression and interactions with Ketamine
« on: June 16, 2019, 09:16:12 AM »
I am currently struggling with suicidal depression.  I no longer take any psych meds but am prescribed 60mg lozenges of ketamine to help with my depression.  I went through 7 iv infusions which only helped for a few months.  I dont have the money to keep doing infusions or to try a functional medicine dr.  I am wondering if kambo would interact with ketamine being in my system.  I was planning to at least skip my daily dose when I do kambo again.  I have self administered a handful of times but it was before I started the ketamine.  Does anyone know if this will be safe?  I may just try one dot a week and slowly build up if i have no issues but wanted to hear aome feedback first.

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