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Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« on: February 21, 2014, 06:46:08 AM »
Hi all,

I've been homebound for about 10 months now due to a bad foot. It happened whilst running in a forest. I made a bad step and hurt my foot. Since then it's been very painful to walk and there's something inside the foot that is not really okay. By now I know it's not the bones, but probably with the ligaments and possibly cartilage tissue. The hospital despite their expensive equipment and so called 'doctors' were unable to give me any kind of diagnosis or treatment. So I'm looking for another way now. How could I use kambo for this? Should it be applied directly on the spot for example, or find the meridians that go through the spot or any other way of treating this?

Next to that I've been going on with a shoulder impingement for more than 3 years now. Despite my efforts not to use this shoulder in any way, it just won't go away. It's not infected but there is a inflammation going on. Basically it just hurts all the time and after 3 years and one therapist after the other I'm a bit out of ideas how to fix this. I did apply kambo directly on the spot but it made no difference at all. Somehow this shoulder won't come out of being inflammated or something, I really don't know anymore. Has anyone a idea how to treat this?

I would gladly come to know some suggestion as I'm increasingly more disturbed by the non healing of these issues... Thank you.

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2014, 07:30:43 AM »
Applying Kambo directly to injuries is a good technique, but mainly a high quality DMSO gel w/aloe will help get you back into shape.  Foot baths with Epsom salts and MSM will help as well.  I had a similar injury to my ankle and had miraculous results treating it nonstop with DMSO gel and foot baths.  I did Kambo on it too but that didn't 'solve' the issue under the tissue.

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2014, 07:35:18 AM »
Whoops forgot to mention I cut out almost all carbs because of the inflammation they cause and implemented tons of turmeric into everything.  Oddly enough it helped my tooth pains as well.  I had to take drastic measures having sprained this ankle for the umpteenth time and needing to work to pay the bills.  I had no choice but to heal quickly otherwise I was gonna be up a creek. 

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2014, 08:41:34 AM »
Fast healing is wanted yes, but the issues lie down the ankle in the foot on the outside. Down there it is due to a inflammation of the ligaments. Lately this has become more severe, but thanks to that I can be fairly certain the ligaments are the issue. The bones seemed to be allright on x-ray, if there was a microfracture it has healed already by now.
The DMSO, MSM and epsom baths are good advice. I have epsom at home so that's going to be a good idea. Did MgCl baths, but the salt is too expensive, really stupid I didn't thought of epsom instead. Right now I walk on crutches for lack of anything better.

But the part of cutting the carbs. I tried that a while ago. It resulted in sweating ammonia, so I brought back the carbs to my diet. I thought about this a lot and though I am not completely certain, but I think blood type may have to do with it. It could be that bloodtype O will benefit from a low carb diet, whereas certain other types won't.

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2014, 10:14:08 PM »
"But the part of cutting the carbs. I tried that a while ago. It resulted in sweating ammonia, so I brought back the carbs to my diet. I thought about this a lot and though I am not completely certain, but I think blood type may have to do with it. It could be that bloodtype O will benefit from a low carb diet, whereas certain other types won't. "

good idea about blood types

i would suggest you make a list of every food you commonly eat in your diet every spice, seasoning etc etc every liquid and then see how many of those are known to possibly cause inflammation.

then i would (if you have not already) shift your diet so that you maintain a slightly alkaline state in your tissues and blood, you may be overly acidic and this causes chronic inflammation and lowers the threshold that you feel inflammation and pain at.

any shift in tissue/blood ph should be done gradually this is important you do not rush.

during the periods when i was maintaining a slightly alkaline tissue state and avoiding most acidic things i reached a state of healthy well-being ware basically the longer i sustained this anti-acidic pro-alkaline diet the higher my pain and inflammation thresholds rose this also makes pain and inflammation heal much faster.

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2014, 10:33:52 AM »
Allright, I read a bit on those foods - some of them are in my list, others not. Maybe take a look and give a say on it:

- rice
- buckwheat
- germ spelt bread
- tahin
- natto miso
- eggs
- cheese
- quark
- kefir (both water and milk)
- meat
- chlorella
- spirulina
- kelp
- gelatin
- coconut fat
- dairy butter
- various nuts
- line seed
- bouillon without yeast
- pepper
- celtic sea salt
- green clay and loss soil
- sauerkraut
- buckthorn berries
- various vegetables (different each week depending on the season)

I use various herbs for tea, a very long list that would be - so I leave those out here.

Some things are acidic, like sauerkraut, buckthorn, kefir and quark. Those I choose for aiding digestion and vitamins. I also wanted to start kombucha, but that is for the future.

Due to this chronic inflammation I changed my diet into this. Before I have to recall, but I ate fish instead of meat and 'normal' fruits instead of buckthorn and sauerkraut. I removed all wheat products, all processed foods and unsuited oils. The kefirs came in about a year ago, together with the algea and kelp. But the shoulder inflammation has been consistent over the past 3 years.

Basically I've been working toward a so called 'Weston Price' diet, though reading the book I noticed that the alleged diet has not so much to do with what the man wrote there. But I try to eat as naturally as possible. Obtaining diary products from the best possible sources and such. For a while I seperated the more carb meals from the protein/ fat meals. Though recently I have combined both again.

So I have to find out about the acidic/ alkaline diet. The bloodgroup thing has to wait a bit, since I don't know my bloodtype right now. Hope to get some advice on how to proceed. I would prefer to skip the trial and error phase right now...
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 10:35:54 AM by macaco »

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2014, 08:20:15 PM »
to everyone other than macaco: sorry if some of this seems off topic if anyone wants i can move certain parts to separate threads. almost everything i mention in this post that seems unrelated was shared because i found it to improve my pain/inflammation tolerance and management especially in times when i was injured.

at one point i had compiled a decent list of pro-alkaline foods i will try to make another one.

the things i mention in this post are NOT a complete explanation of how to safely detox mercury there are more steps, ask me to explain further please to remind me to flesh this out IMPORTANT READ:

it is very important i highly advise you start reducing your chlorella dose by about 10-25% every 2-3 days or once every week until you get to 0 and then stop taking it altogether.

the reason i suggest this is because chlorella causes heavy metals like the extremely wide spread mercury to start mobilizing inside your body from any location it may be residing(this makes the entire system go haywire if not done properly). this is bad because a mercury detox needs to be done with extreme care it cannot be done in a sloppy half-assed manner.

if you have amalgam fillings in your teeth then you really MUST stop chlorella please that is extremely hazardous to brain and body. if you have amalgams then you must pay to have non-mercury amalgam fillings put in and the mercury ones removed (if you have them removed demand your dentist have a trained anesthetist in the room and that you are breathing air from a mask to avoid getting mercury vapors (from drilling it out) to go into your nose, mouth, lungs, eyes, face on skin, other skin etc etc

if you have no amalgam fillings then you should continue to take chlorella but you must take it with cilantro at the same time. i used to take 1 capsule of chlorella with 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cilantro so that is a reasonable starting dose. THIS IS IMPORTANT you should not take chlorella without cilantro, most of the people in the worlds bodies right now are heavily saturated with mercury especially in north america and any developed nation. if you do not take it with cilantro it just redeposits the mercury into other organs/tissues etc etc.

over the next few days i will try to search up and see what foods you listed that are alkalizing and what ones cause acidity. there are some foods like limes and lemons and juice from them that is acidic but causes alkalinity in the human body this makes them pro-alkaline.

the following things are highly probable to be large contributing factors to your lower inflammation and pain thresholds:
most dairy products
i will post more as i remember them

another issue is water quality do you use a filter jug to remove fluoride, chloride and others from your water? these chemicals cause inflammation and progressively worsening disruption of the body and brains master controls and most vital systems the longer you continue to ingest them.

there are a number of things you can do to make things a little better in the mean time if you do not have a filter jug or do not want to get one you can try avoiding all breads and if you have to eat bread eat it in the middle of the day and not the morning instead eat something with pink himalayan sea salt in it first thing in the morning and take some kelp or kelp capsules the trick here is that if you fill up the keyholes with the healthy natural intended minerals/vitamins (iodine, selenium) then it leaves less space for the fluoride, bromide, and chloride to get into those spots and instead they move to the lower body or are excreted. the organs these toxins attack likely produce massive amounts of extremely beneficial compounds for your body to work towards healing your injuries but with the toxins filling those keyholes the organs cannot do their intended function properly. making a tea out of half a lemon with the peel and all cut into slices along with a piece of peeled and chopper ginger about half the size of your thumb will detox some of these chemicals from the body and brain, it is best to only drink this tea for 2-7 days in a row then take a 2-7 day break from this tea to allow your body to relax itself from the strain of detox.

i rank a water filter jug on par with kambo, aya, iboga etc etc

every day when you drink water put a single slice of lemon with peel into your glass, this will massively trigger your body to shift into an alkaline state away from acidic inflammation and pain. gradually introduce this, shifting from acidic to alkaline to quickly is not safe. maybe only do a 1/4 or 1/3 of a SLICE of lemon for the first 3-7 days then increase by either 1/4 or 1/3 every 3-7 days.

there is a high probability the beverages you drink are acidic forming and alkaline depleting, now this part is important to pay attention. you need to buy/order coral magnesium/calcium it must be capsules/tablets that are magnesium and calcium that are both sourced from coral this is important because coral magnesium has properties that other forms of magnesium do not have. for one it is living yes it alive the magnesium when you take it, normal synthetic magnesium is nearly worthless for the human body and the body quickly recognizes its synthetic origin using systems that actually chemically determine synthetic or organic.


now if your BLOOD and TISSUES are ACIDIC then MAGNESIUM and other MINERALS are INCAPABLE of being TRANSPORTED through the tissues and blood that are acidic and it is even worse the worse the acidity. now this acidic blocking literally prevents your body from being able to deliver minerals and vitamins to bones, organs, deep tissues, etc etc to heal and repair them. mind you magnesium is literally one of the most integral minerals for inflammation and pain prevention.

you may find a product called icyhot may work on the painful spots not for just the pain but to help sort of disconnect your brain/body muscle tension habit long enough for the muscles to relax back into their original position another alternative is using peppermint tea or ground leaves mixed with a cream of some kind or essential oil. what i mention about using icyhot and or peppermint oil for muscle tension actually works wonders, i use a lot though and it is intense but it is worth it if you are in pain. one thing that works really well is using it several times in a row putting just enough time between each application for it to dry in then when its dry applying a little more it gets really deep in and settles all the rigidness this way.

please do not take any offense any of the times i use all caps it was because it helps our brain understand what parts are important to take note of. think of it like how italics can signify shift in tone.

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2014, 09:01:18 PM »
i forgot to mention that if you have been taking chlorella without cilantro regardless if you have mercury amalgams or not that is dangerous because almost everyone on earth has some degree of mercury poisoning at this point and mercury is EXTREMELY powerful in depleting magnesium and as i said magnesium is one of the most integral minerals for combating inflammation and pain.

it all works together into a giant chemical symphony of herd control, the gluten, wheat, and sugar all break your pancreas(and acidify your tissues and blood and the digestive tract preventing magnesium absorption) and give you diabetes then you crave sugars (endorphins, hyper addictive) and fats (endocannabinoids, hyper addictive) all the time and as a result of eating badly you get cavities that get filled with mercury and then the mercury toxicity gauges away your bodies magnesium reserves and eats up any that is ingested, and this is the kicker magnesium is almost the single most important mineral in the human body for combating addiction(mentally and chemically) to sugars, fats, drugs, and basically everything else so your willpower to fight the sugar and fat cravings ... i am just going to stop i figure you guys get the picture.... the layers upon layers of synergy for the pressure and disruption on most peoples willpower by these systems is beyond overkill.

oh ya i forgot to mention the sugars, they feed the candida yeast the mercury creates, and the candida further shuts down your intestines ability to absorb nutrients.

another big thing is you MUST NOT brush your teeth with anything other baking soda and water. toothpaste contains fluoride and as i explained above this is a extremely dangerous chemical. even the fluoride free brands usually contain a super small amount of fluoride and if not they contain other chemicals that make teeth brittle like glass. if you want fresh breath grind up peppermint leaves and mix them into the baking soda.

what if i told you... molecules inside the human body are votes, and you need to win the election...

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2014, 03:45:35 AM »
Hi, PW, <Enterosgel> is a product with high chelating properties: it has awesome features - search it out !
It costs less than 20 euros in the european market. But gastro-resistant capsules 000 filled with Clay,  and Charcoal could be a less expensive alternative: Zeolite could be a further ingredient of this mix.

Coriander, cilantro, tumeric, rosemary and cumin are all great enhancers of chelation and i guess that they should be used extensively with the food we daily eat, given that some absorbtion substance as those above mentioned be adopted  to grant the collection of the metal waste those plants mobilize.

A paste made mostly with white clay, adding baking soda and essential oils ( Nigella , Mint, Salvia, ...), distilled water or better Colloidal Silver and\or Hidrogen Peroxide is a good and safe alternative to clean the teeth that anyone can make by himself. Optional is adding to the paste a bit of green clay and kitchen salt. The water could be also a filtered decotion from cloves, salvia, etc.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 09:58:46 AM by caiano »

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2014, 08:13:23 AM »
thanks for all the info on other chelating foods.

unfortunately i have at least 2 or more mercury amalgam fillings and that means it is extremely dangerous for me to attempt to detox until these fillings are removed, i know this because i did not listen to the warnings before and went ahead with fillings still in and caused mercury to flood into most of the cells in my entire body(and brain) i can still feel the change today and that was like a year or two ago. mercury DESTROYS YOU, and unfortunately it is quite expensive to have mercury amalgam fillings removed and i am quite poor so it is going to be a LOT of years before i can afford something like that.

so many people without mercury fillings and who have access to non-mercury tainted food and almost all sorts of other things we come into contact with on a daily basis, most of these people who have the luxury to live a life without or with very little mercury have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE of how powerful a gift the universe is giving them by allowing them to be free from this toxin and the vast majority of them squander it beyond comprehension.

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2014, 11:03:50 AM »
also good idea on the baking soda + oils for toothpaste, i use the following oils mixed with baking soda for toothpaste because i am highly allergic(seizure inducing) to fluoride and xylitol and a few more.

lemon, peppermint, cinnamon, myrrh.

these kind of act as a balancing and repairing mixture when used as toothpaste because the teeth and skin inside the mouth are connected to every major part of the body and all the merideins, i would avoid using every day.

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2014, 10:19:21 AM »
He PW, this list is very helpful. It may be a very good way to go. But I have to find out which supplements I need. The coral magnesium/ calcium seems very okay. So I may try this first. On what you wrote, I may have something to add:

This fluoride detox might be worth looking into. I have been going without fluoride toothpaste for a while now. Going over to baking soda could be next step. But I'm not sure yet if baking soda is good for the gums as well. Mine have receded very far and I'm not too fond of this.

Anyway I do have the luck of not having mercury fillings. That's a relief. But I am certain the mercury poisoning is bad. Next to that, how about the radioactive elements? Living in Europa, Chernobyl is past now. But now Fukushima is going on and it's not too well.

I am getting the picture how all this is adding up to imflammation. Already found myself very sensitive to excessive street lights and wifi radiation. Besides that extreme bad neighbours for years. Extreme constipation and then continuous diarrhea/ A decade of insomnia as well. For it's a very complex issue. The most gain it seems I can derive from food. I did fix the insomnia by melatonin intake and stopped that as well, most nights I can get sleepy without. But overstimulation from bad neighbours is still a problem and this probably adds up the inflammation.

I don't know how this for you people, but for me living in our western society with all it's technology is a negative spiral. Progressively I find myself abandoning all these things, luxuries and niceties and instead go for hardship and more or less ascetic life. Just because all those things I grew up with prove to be so detrimental for health, enviroment and such. People are degrading over the generations, that I see so clearly now. I often think that if you don't choose an alternative, then you may find yourself or your children to be infertile.

But back to practical matters, I need to find a starting point. Whether it's a water filter or magnesium/calcium coral or DMSO etc... It's good to get advice, but choosing which will best help is hard. As well whether or not stop dairy (since I make my own quark and kefir from very good quality milk)...

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2014, 07:19:32 PM »
i agree in many ways about the technology, it is so bad for me i unplug every single thing from every outlet in my room before sleeping and wile they are not in use because the electromagnetic radiation i am so sensitive to. one good trick is opening a window for 30 minutes every day if you live indoors without getting out to often you are gradually killing brain cells(and starving the rest of the body) because the indoor air does not contain the levels of pure oxygen that outdoor air does because of all the trees.

also shifting to our ancestral breathing pattens may trigger your body to repair and regenerate ALMOST every single thing wrong with you usually mental issues are the last to be healed with physical injuries are the first to be repaired. the reason this is usually most peoples core issue is because in western society we breath shallowly meaning we are chronically keeping ourselves under partial oxygen deprivation meaning almost the entire body is continually breaking down and going haywire. think of it this way in a few days or weeks you can repair decades of deficit, from that point on its all up.

the pattern i have found to be most effective is:

7 seconds in only the nose at normal speed
then 11 seconds out the mouth but a slow 11 seconds with the goal being to progressively make only the exhale slower and slower and naturally it builds the lung muscles and after a short bit the exhale starts to require less and less muscle exertion but still produce the same amount of force and the point is to use this to get to a state ware the exhale literally falls out of your body like how you exhale as you are falling to sleep with literally zero effort mentally or physically but instead of effort after a bit it produces this massive boon to the entire system as you do the exhale the closer you get to the exhale being 1 continuous fluid unbroken release.
one massive trick to getting this to work really well is to sort of make a habit of controlling the reflex to inhale or exhale your body may urge you to follow and instead continuing your current pace and not altering, that did not sound as clear as i had hoped what i mean is as you get to the 7th second of the inhale only stop for a second before beginning the exhale and do not rush into the exhale it must not start quickly it must not have a rushed start to compensate for your body being used to breathing in and out both shortly, same for the exhale as you reach the 11th second you must fight your bodies urge to inhale right away quick and with force but instead you must start from the 11th second of exhale and very slowly begin the 1st second of inhaling.

in short do not change the rate at witch you are inhaling or exhaling near the end of the inhale or exhale just because your body is urging you to. you have to overcome the urge and control the muscles as they may reflexively try to rush the shift between inhale or exhale it must be as fluid and steady of a rate as possible without "hiccups". you want a continuous unbroken steady pace that is the important part a fluid steady unbroken pace, 7 seconds normal speed in and then 11 seconds slowly out.

i cannot even begin to put into words how many things i am capable of overcoming when i initiate this breathing pattern, i cannot really think of anything i have ever learned to do/use that comes anywhere near how powerfully healing this breathing pattern is.  this practice essentially will over time give you control over everything in your body and mind because the heart and lungs are connected so heavily to all the other parts of your body they set the rate of every systems ebb and flow and when you begin training this master control all the systems start to follow suit.

buying a crystal salt lamp and running it every day for a set time will do a massive help in absorbing and neutralizing electromagnetic radiation from things plugged in and the ambient electromagnetic radiation that is spilling out of the wiring of your house, if it is possible turn off your entire houses electrical breaker(aside from things like refrigerator) when you are not using things or when you go to bed or just the breaker for your bedroom at night the result are astounding.

a good way to become sensitive to these things is to walk within 10 feet of the fence surrounding an electrical substation every day or so for like a week or two then stop entirely, this will make it so you feel strongly inclined to be as far away from a running microwave as you can for a few weeks following.

"But back to practical matters, I need to find a starting point. Whether it's a water filter or magnesium/calcium coral or DMSO etc... It's good to get advice, but choosing which will best help is hard. As well whether or not stop dairy (since I make my own quark and kefir from very good quality milk)... "

the milk is not so important keep drinking/using the milk man especially if you are one of those lucky ones getting actual cows milk without fluoride in it or aspertame (THANKS north american dairy industry)

i can vouch for the coral magnesium/calcium will help massively after 1-2 weeks, after taking it i learned that non-coral sourced calcium and magnesium is essentially useless for the body because the bones are a living being inside our body and when you feed them inorganic(dead) synthetic vitamins they cannot properly utilize them but with coral mag/cal the bones can eat it readily and grow and repair themselves. for lack of better metaphor bones are like snakes, they prefer live food.

i mean i know some of the science of why coral mag/cal works so much better than synthetic mag/cal but i mostly am saying from personal experience once i started taking coral mag/cal it made it feel like when i was taking synthetic mag/cal that i was not actually taking any magnesium only the coral magnesium actually made me realize how bad my magnesium deficiency was in a way that synthetic did not help at all.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 07:50:46 PM by peacefull warrior »

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2014, 08:41:30 AM »
Most people probably don't find the matter of electromagnetic pollution to overly important to pay attention too. It's that the consciousness in the form of the individual and it's subconscious collective are the top layers of a kind of structure that has in some ways a connection to a pyramid, though don't go for the 1 on 1 analogy here.
Anyway, on the base level there are the cells, trillions of conscious units that form a solid base. The communication from this ground level up to the levels of subconscious, ego and above, is in most people not functioning. So the cells receive a battering each day but their messages do not reach high enough to get noticed. In this way the routines of the higher levels, ie waking and sleeping for example, are not affected right away. It usually takes a prolonged period of overload on those ground levels to upset a disbalance on the higher.
This way someone can go through life for years in excessive artificial lights, EM radiation and other pollutants. Only very few people have to sensitivity that in combination with periods of excessive overload trigger such a inbalance. I don't know what exactly defines such a inbalance, but my guess it has to do with hormones. When it goes awry then, it's not likely to settle back soon.

In light of this, I started this topic to look into healing possibilites for issues that won't heal properly. The shoulder impingement is a example of a inflammation that keeps going on. In other words, inbalance has been induced and the system as of yet has kept in this state.
As I've progressively moved through different variables that are connected to this manifest inflammation, such as diet, setting bones, resolving psycho-energetic issues (with aya, kambo & iboga), taking rest, reducing stress levels, yoga, tai chi and mediation etc - a process of development takes place. All kinds of detrimental influences on health, enviroment and consciousness become more and more obvious and ignorance is shed. This is something I don't see happening in those people who are in a so called positive spiral, those that are apparantly happy and seem to prosper.

So a absent healing does trigger a development and in the long run this could be the healing. But right now it's terribly upsetting, a state of inflammation triggers an inflamed mental, emotional and spiritual state. The presence of a throbbing pain in a particular spot drags all day long and this does not promote the release of feelgood hormones. Maybe the best healing right now would be a by girlfriend and moving to a hut in the forest...   :P Anyway, the epsom salt does help with footbaths and coral magnesium seems another good to treat it. Acid/ alkaline foods could a variable that may help tip the balance.

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Re: Kambo for healing damaged foot and shoulder impingement
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2014, 07:09:31 PM »
you would probably be able to ignore it and your body would heal the issue on its own if you were not feeling the pain that causes you to focus on the injury i have found this to often be the case.

you need actual REAL pain relief and strong pain killers will not provide this, the only way to actually overcome and kill the pain is to make yourself adapt to an even greater level of pain and then the initial injury will barely be felt and the loss of focus on the injury will allow the system to properly heal it for a number of reasons one being because the mind and emotions will not be sapping resources from the body to deal with the negative feelings brought on by the constant awareness of the injury from the pain.

a good way to do this is making a schedule of back and forth usage of kappa agonists and mu agonists (or the healthy option is to substitute the mu agonists with exercise instead), when you use them in an alternating pattern they increase one anothers potency and if you use the right agonists at the right doses with the right timing you can get to a state of not being able to feel pain at all for weeks at a time, and when you cannot feel the pain your body then has a massive influx of resources to divert into healing the actual injury instead of having to spread its resources to thin trying to deal with the pain and the emotional drain it induces at the same time.

mu agonists would be substances that induce a short lasting pain relief that is from an exogenous source, but in the long term they lower your pain threshold. the point of using them is not for the pain relief it is because they upregulate kappa receptors (increase the long term potency of kappa agonists by increasing the number of kappa receptors).

kappa agonists are substances that induce long lasting upregulation of the receptors that exogenous mu agonists often over-activate, this causes your body to raise its pain threshold long term.

the goal is very little mu agonism in between very often and very high dose kappa agonism. (start low with kappa agonism and work your way up to high dose kappa agonist intake).

another way of looking at the end goal is that you want high levels of mu receptors(long term) so normal endogenous endorphin activity is enhanced to the point of theraputic grade pain relief without the debilitating tolerance mu agonists induce.   

salvia is a potent kappa agonist but it is not ideal because it also hits things that reduce the good the kappa agonism would cause, what you want is something that is only kappa and also concentrated like peppermint essential oil, topical use is usually fine or inhalation, some brands are safe mixed with peanut butter sublingually or orally. you want a mu agonist that lasts 30 minutes ideally, peppermint oils kappa agonism lasts around 1 hour, from a state of total abstinence and sober at around 1 hour after taking 1 drop of peppermint oil sublingually with peanut butter you will begin to experience upregulation of your mu receptors that is quite noticeable because of natural everyday endorphin activity will be much much more pronounced, in fact most people have no clue what endorphins actually feel like on a totally endogenous level until they experience the kind of upregulation that peppermint oil can induce.

i have experienced terrors from peppermint oil that salvia is incapable of touching (mind you that was several high doses of peppermint), because salvia hits enjoyable receptors that reduce its tolerance reversing effects and suppress its kappa agonism from reaching to far, peppermint oil does not have these limiters it is pure kappa so you can go as far as you can handle if you are patient and re-dose peppermint every hour and a half or every 2 hours, 1 hour after dosing peppermint you want to dose a mu agonist that is short lasting like 30 minutes tops but only do this every 2nd peppermint dose. (or you can just exercise instead of taking a mu agonist, it is a much better option).

actually to be entirely honest i do not use mu agonists aside from the occasional beer, instead i just do exercise as a healthier alternative. the slow breathing i mentioned is a great example of a good physical exercise the idea is to take peppermint oil then exercise for like an hour or two then take it again and keep repeating this pattern, i find actually taking a mu agonist to cause negative drag on the long term goal of pain free you are aiming for essentially they might help a little in the short term but for the most part they are just a set back long term.   

exercise acts as a potent endorphin releasing agent that agonizes mu receptors in a much more healthy manner than exogenous substances that agonize mu.

i have mentioned some of these receptors because the entheogens have shown me that some of the receptors themselves are the actual entities and the plants are often just there to translate what our inner realities are trying to communicate to our directed awareness, in no way am i saying the medicines are not alive, what i am saying is it is a congregation of different entities some of them are inside of you some of them are the plants some of them are the entities that cause the plants to incarnate in the form they do as a communication medium into dimensions that ordinarily would not be communicable with (as in gifts from outside the 3rd dimension reaching in to help us, often at their expense).