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Face Meridians
« on: November 04, 2012, 06:27:08 PM »
Due to some growth or something directly to the side of my ear closest to the side burns I decided to apply Kambo to the face.  Seeing that this is also a micro system to replicate the entire body, I decided it only made sense. 

For reference I did all along the ear on the side of the side burns.  From the chart I had it included at least 7 meridians but according to charts on the internet it is only a few.  On this chart it is #21, #19, and #2.

Effects were WAY INTENSE.  Hard to explain and severely more potent than anywhere else I have applied to (even more potent than the lymph around armpits).  If you do this route figure doing 1/3 less dots than you would otherwise do. 

I felt like I was going to kick the can within 2 minutes of application, tore me up, I got frog faced so strong I didn't/don't resemble myself. 


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Re: Face Meridians
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2012, 01:13:18 AM »
How did you decide on those 3 points near the other as opposed to the other points on the face?

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: Face Meridians
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2012, 03:19:58 PM »
I chose actually 7 points according to my chart to which I couldn't find a corresponding one when making the post.

Was because of a mysterious "growth" I noticed the night before while with Mama Aya, turns out this "growth" was just a swollen gland.  Since my Sunday Kambo session the growth has drastically subsided.

By the way I feel super hue man.

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Re: Face Meridians
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2012, 01:02:39 AM »
first off i would advise everyone to not download or save images or anything from any site regarding chakras or meridians i have found a vast majority of them are filled with nasty trojan viruses, a better idea is to open the image and press control + print screen then open mspaint and press control + V this will save the image like a camera picture and put the image virus free into the mspaint file then save the mspaint file and viruses avoided (:

the best idea i have come up with to explain why so many chakra or meridian sites do this is because they want to make money off of selling you charts that cost ZERO dollars to copy and past, in other words these people don't want to heal these people want you to donate money to help them coddle their fear of not having accumulated X amount of money before Y date, because they are still running in the fear circle.

By the way I feel super hue man.

this has been my experience as well with working with meridians, when you clear and balance them all in one go you can see the actual meridians after a wile and you can FEEL them as if your arms are a container keeping in many individual arms. you truly are able to feel and understand the infinite microcosm that makes up all of your body and the universe.

i feel it my duty to warn: once you balance all the meridians there is no going back, you are given a taste of TRUE purity of state, actual balanced homeostasis of the body, when all the organs are clear and balanced, you are saturated with a profound feeling of pervasive satisfaction, this only leaves you partially as you ingest more toxins from unhealthy foods afterwards.

though it is unlikely you will decide to continue eating unhealthily for much longer after balancing and clearing all meridians, as the comparison of how at ease you feel inside your own body with the meridians clear and balanced makes going back to the toxin ridden lifestyle extremely unpleasant by comparison. eating unhealthily after this point is very temporary because once you have been healed it only takes touching the fire a short few times after that before you realize you don't want to keep getting burned. your body is the greatest gift we are afforded the luxury of, we should treat it as such.

i made this chart from 2 different internet sources one listed 6 meridian pairs the other listed 5 elements, but the terminology of the body parts corresponded.

this is less important in regards to essential oils and more important in regards to these herbs/spices can be eaten and will help heal and balance the respective meridian pairs they are listed under. the essential oils are simply a more concentrated form of the healing. they are mostly convenient because they can be applied directly to the meridians.

Organ Meridian: Lung/Large Intestine
Essential Oils:
Cypress, Juniperberry,Pine, Clary Sage, Hyssop, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Frankincense, Teatree, Sweet Marjoram, Pinus, peppermint, inula

Organ Meridian: Heart/Small Intestine
Essential Oils:
melissa, ylang ylang, anise, lemon verbena, rose
Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine, Uterus
Palmarosa, Lavender, Ylang ylang, Rosemary, Lemon, Laurel leaf, Teatree, Spikenard, Ginger, Cinnamon, Melissa

Organ Meridian: Stomach, Spleen
Essential Oils:
Lemon, Grapefruit, Lavender, Frankincense, Patchouli,
Geranium, Myrrh, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Fennel, Vetiver, Coriander, dill, roman chamomile, kewda

Organ Meridian: Gallbladder/Liver
Essential Oils:
Orange Sweet, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Yarrow, Peppermint, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Rosemary, neroli, rosemary verbenon, lemon

Organ Meridian: Kidney/Bladder
Essential Oils:
Basil, Black pepper, Cedarwood, Juniperberry, Clary Sage, Geranium, Ginger, Roman Chamomile, Cypress, sandalwood

Organ Meridian:
Umbilicus/Diaphragm (triple heater/paricardium)
Essential Oils:
inula, lavender, ud, frankincense, spikenard
Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine, Uterus
Palmarosa, Lavender, Ylang ylang, Rosemary, Lemon, Laurel leaf, Teatree, Spikenard, Ginger, Cinnamon, Melissa

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Re: Face Meridians
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2012, 05:40:11 AM »
I have been reading into Tui Na, Acupressure, & Acupuncture for awhile. All the meridians are mirrored on both sides of the body, correct? When you do a point on one side should you do it on the other as well? Does this help keep them balanced or make the work more effective?

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Re: Face Meridians
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2012, 01:43:35 PM »
yes doing both sides is key, this balances the flow of yin and yang, you know your doing acupressure correctly when it feels like your pulling a muscle when you press down on the spot, the real trick is using the bones as physical guides for locating the spots under the skin.

when i do the one on the links i provided that balances all the bodies chakras with 4 points, especially if on any entheogen, i am instantly able to recall very old dreams with strong clarity, this effect regardless of means of causing it i always attribute to strong spiritual or entheogenic effects, it means something very important when you remember your dream during the day.

search up all my posts on here, in one of them i explain that tapping, holding, and messaging do different things to points, and if you learn to feel the meridian on both sides of body and use those 3 techniques you can feel yourself if you get the meridian and its double on the other side balanced

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: Face Meridians
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2012, 01:59:48 PM »

When I have time (as promised) I will be re posting many of your posts here to make them more available to newcomers/members. 

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Re: Face Meridians
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2012, 03:05:46 PM »
Yes, I have read all the posts on this forum so far. Just have not posted much yet. About the tapping, massaging holding. why would u want to slow a meridian down. If it's overactive? I always thought the goal was to get them all fully active and open. And holding down, you said has something to do with the mind. but what do the different points have to do with calming the mind, or whatever you said it does?

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Re: Face Meridians
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2012, 04:11:10 PM »
"why would u want to slow a meridian down. If it's overactive?"

yes, we want balance

there is overactive, underactive, and balanced. balanced is basically open, these 3 are DIRECTIONS OF EXPLORATION they are not a single point that gets achieved, so you can over-activate a point as far as you want, you can also balance a point as far as you want, balance is inward, balance is not to be thought of something that gets accomplished, it is also able to become endlessly more balanced, wile active is up and underactive is down.

"And holding down, you said has something to do with the mind. but what do the different points have to do with calming the mind, or whatever you said it does?"

you don't press you just place your finger on the spot, if you properly hold 2 finger tips as close to one another as you possibly can without them touching for say 5-10 minutes you should be able to feel the electromagnetic energy passing between them. if you do this wile taking part in entheogens it will be much stronger, and it will be much much much stronger if you combine as many entheogens as possible simultaneously in micro doses but using the entheogen you are most familiar with in full dose.

it has to do with the fact that your thinking in the wrong manner here, the body is an electrical circuit that continuously flows through itself in a circle only increasing in power never reducing, when you put your finger tip on your skin some ware it creates a new circle inside the circuitry.

when you place your finger and don't press it in, it will make you better able to feel the disturbances to the balance of qi in the body, it will make it so you can feel it as you feel constipation, or as you feel diarrhea or as you feel normal health bowel functioning

"I always thought the goal was to get them all fully active and open"

not quite, you want to use as many modalities to open/balance points/chakras/meridians as possible, but for activation and underactivation you want to do this ONLY WITH YOUR MIND and nothing else, THIS IS KEY if you use other modalities to activate or unactivate points you will be doing a negative in the long term. in one of my posts i linked to a page with a meridian wheel, EVERYONE needs to memorize that, THAT IS EVERYTHING because of that wheel we are NOT supposed to activate or unactivate meridians/points/chakras and such unless we do it with our mind our self just by directing our imagination energy.

i recently aligned the circuitry in my body wile partaking in 8-10 psychedelics at once and when i put my hands in a position so as to amplify the current in particular areas i realized i can shoot big bangs with my right hand and that my left hand is a shield as reflective as night as in the story of Perseus, that shield is no ordinary mirror, its a portal like psychedelics are, it reflects with more clarify than the viewer could see themselves in beforehand. and through this you see your enemies clearer then they or anyone else sees them so you know all their weakness and strengths and then you gather your enemies energies through your left and fire them back at them with your right amplified infinite fold.

here is a hint (: ... make sure you ALWAYS shoot back with PURE WHITE LOVE/LIGHT