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Kambo and bio-identical hormonal replacement
« on: May 05, 2016, 07:59:36 AM »
3 Years ago, my hormones started going down for no apparent reason except a lifetime of stress sensitivity.  Now I know it may have been the breakthrough of lyme, or was it the heave hormonal supplementation I did which triggered lyme ?  Will never know.  Anyway,  I ended taking massive loads of bio-identical hormones (hormonal reaplacement therapy), and got worse. I did 3 kambo's, but I only felt a slight mental benefit, I would react physically heavily to the kambo, strung out for a full day. One year ago I did another kambo, when I was taking less hormones, but was still on the ones that affect directly the HPTA-axis (cortisol and thyroid replacement), and still didn't get a clear result.  6 Months ago I tried kambo again, being on just a few non-HPTA hormones and yes, I felt better, finally the medicine could do its work.  My shaman always told me to check my my hormones in the blood after the kambo, because I might be needing less, but my body was so messed up that I believe Kambo could not work properly.

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Re: Kambo and bio-identical hormonal replacement
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2016, 09:45:45 AM »
Are you male, female? What is the purpose you are taking hormones for? Perhaps you should stop taking synthetic hormones and let your body's natural intelligence try to find its balance again. I recently had a very bad experience taking some synthetic hormones and ended up in the hospital with jaundice.

I don't know much about thyroidal hormones but here's an example of a post I recently made on black cohosh:
It's selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) compounds were found to be non-estrogenic and anti-estrogenic at receptors in the hypothalmus, bone, liver, brain, and arteries primarily.

Synthetic SERMS are usually taken with prohormones and steroids by bodybuilders to minimize effects from excess testosterone being converted to estrogens.

Usually SERMs are estrogenic at some receptors and anti at others and the point is to get the benefits of estrogen and none of the negative effects by blocking the receptors from the free-flowing estrogens in the body. The fact that they bind at estrogen receptor sites still makes them estrogens (they still have estrogenic effects).

Natural black cohosh doesn't. It can be used all the time and to greater effect.

Black cohosh binds at these estrogen receptor sites but doesn't cause any estrogen-like effects and is anti-estrogenic, which would mean it would clean any natural estrogens in your body from effecting you by blocking the receptors. Like those artificial estrogens/hormone disrupters like those that are leached from plastic water bottles.

Most aphrodisiac herbs probably also play a role in gently boosting the body's natural sex hormones. Here is an herbalism podcast about hypothyroidism:

Offline strider

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Re: Kambo and bio-identical hormonal replacement
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2016, 11:07:54 AM »
Thanks for the input. 

I am female, now 43y-old. You are right about not messing up the hormones unless necessary, and sticking to bio-identical instead of synthetic.  Most hormones are available as bio-identical, it's just a pitty gynecologists prefer the synthetic, brainwashed as they are.  Always stay away from cortisol-like hormones, even the bio-identical hydrocortisone, which nearby killed me and probably procured me lyme. 
DHEA and pregnenolone are great to use when there is a lack,  which is always the case as we grow older.   And they do not mess up the hormonal balance.  It is a pitty doctors don't check nor prescribe them in belgium and vicinities.

The website you refer to praises iodized table salt.  I warn people to stay away from synthetic table salt because it is poisonous to the organism.  Choose unrefined sea salt or pink salt.
The iodine added to that salt is still for a lot of people not enough.  Lugol iodine, kelp in capsules (or Edgarcaycesremedy iodine?): they may do the trick.  Remember: iodine can only be checked
via 24h/urine.  Be aware that the FLUORIDE (industrial debris) in toothpaste gets absorbed in the thyroid and will never leave it, doing havoc.  That is I believe a major reason for thyroid dysfunction in the fluoride toothpaste-using-countries.  If you ingests a tube or half a tube, you could drop death.  Be aware as well, that eventhough you don't swallow, it is absorbed through the gums.  Alternatives for killing bacteria are neem, ratanhia, myrrh, xylitol.   One more thing: it is not because labtests are within the 'normal range', that a thyroid is not dysfunctional, there is a lot of underdiagnosing going on. 

Recently I was able to stop the fludrocortisone I was on, and I prescribe that victory to kambo.

Now, so much for toothpaste and kambo :-)

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Re: Kambo and bio-identical hormonal replacement
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2016, 11:56:11 AM »
Yup, I agree with everything you said including the salt. I enjoyed reading your posts. Please stick around!  :D

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Re: Kambo and bio-identical hormonal replacement
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2016, 01:52:23 PM »
Oh, and even more important: as I did kambo regularly over a few months time, finally I stopped feeling cortisol dips during the day. 
Now, for you who have adrenal depletion/burnout: you know how huge that is :-)

Wednesday I will try to kiss the frog thrice in one day, and turn myself into a princess.

I will start a thread soon on kambo and other nonconventional healing methods.

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Re: Kambo and bio-identical hormonal replacement
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2016, 03:47:42 PM »
Thanks for your warm welcome !
Gonna stick around and share !