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Low Acid Coffee
« on: January 17, 2015, 02:19:52 PM »
For those looking to lower the acid content of their diet. whom may have problems like heartburn, acid reflux, GERD, IC, IBS, ulcers, ect.

There are a couple of brands that do a "natural" steam wash of their coffee. This is said to remove a significant quantity of acidic content of the coffee.
They say that this process removes more than 70 different irritants.

There's a coffee website that sells this low acid coffee that has quite a bit of info on the subject.

Benefits of Low-Acid Coffee
Coffee Acidity
The Effect of Acidity on the Flavor of Coffee
How Low Acid Coffee Helps People with Heartburn, GERD and Acid Reflux

There is a cheaper brand on amazon that is also organic called Healthwise low acid coffee.
Although the Hevla brand above starts with Guatemalan beans which is a strain/locality that is naturally less acidic. Although probably not by much.
Healthwise uses columbian, which is delicious. These low acid coffees can be purchased as whole beans for a fresher grind, or pre-ground.

I have read that the more you reduce the acidity of coffee, the more flavor comes out. I can confirm, at least, that this coffee tastes delicious.
It's one of the best flavored coffees I've purchased, if not the best. It has a really smooth flavor.

You can also use or supplement low acid coffee with a cold brew system. Toddy brand claims cold brewing coffee removes approximately 67% of it's acidity.

Decaffeinated coffee will further reduce acidity, although caffeine content may already be somewhat lowered by the above processes.

Coffee perks you up, lowers your risk of heart disease, and has antioxidants that ward off cancer. It's even a mild painkiller: Drinking a few cups before you exercise can prevent post-workout muscle aches and pains
For this study, the researchers took human cells that regulate acid secretion in the stomach and exposed them to different types of coffee: regular, dark-roast, mild, decaffeinated, and low-acid. They found that different compounds in the different roasts had compounds that do indeed cause stomach cells to produce more acid. The main culprits were caffeine and two different plant compounds, catechols and N-alkanoly-5-hydroxytryptamides. But they also found that another compound, N-methylpyridinium (NMP), had the opposite effect. NMP was generated as the coffee beans were roasted, and the longer they roasted, the higher the levels of NMP that were present.

So darker should also be better as well. I was getting some stomach discomfort when drinking a lot of coffee and overly sugared iced tea.
I'll update this again with how i feel, after drinking it for a while.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 02:24:18 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »