Author Topic: New kambo user in France  (Read 5432 times)

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Offline mucky

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New kambo user in France
« on: August 11, 2017, 12:07:37 PM »
Hi everyone,
first of all thanks everyone for making this forum exist.

I had been searching for help through conventional medicine since about 15 years, with little results, for what seems to be a strange kind of Lyme disease / zoonosis.
It's been now 5 months since i've had my first kambo sessions with an excellent healer.
7 dots on left arm - Hardcore purging, don't really understand, not so much of a healing.
- 25 days -
9 dots on right arm - A short but effective introspective vision, beginning of the healing.
- 25 days -
11 dots on left arm - Healing improvement.
1,5 month -
13 dots on right arm - Stabilizating the healing.
1,5 month later I've decided to apply it myself : 9 little dots on left arm, just some normal purge but not the real thing, 30 minutes later I applied 15 normal dots on my right arm, that was the real awesome thing.
Now I feel like I'm healed from physical symptoms, but I'm discovering some kind of psychological symptoms that were totally hidden by the physical symptoms.
My issue now is that I really have trouble sleeping : my brain can't stop thinking about everything, and when I finally take some benzos to rest a bit, I have dreamless sleep and wake up even more tired.
Sananga+rapé seems to help a bit about dreamless sleep but I just can't switch my brain off at night.
I'm taking a lot of herbs (valerian, houblon, melatonin, passiflora, millpertuis...) and it helps only a little.

I'm going to keep on self-applying kambo because it's healing me a lot, but I'm beginning to consider attacking psychological issues. First I began thinking about Iboga but I'm afraid it won't help my insomnias, and I'm not addicted to anything. Now I'm considering Ayahuasca, any advice welcomed  :)
Already took a lot of LSD/mushrooms when I was young, but in a recreational way.

Have a nice and intense healing :)

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Re: New kambo user in France
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2017, 02:53:32 PM »
Welcome, glad to have you! ;D

I know about insomnia, I'm a total nocturnal insomniac.
I don't fight it, I've been this way my whole life -- a moonchild.
I just use the peace and calm of the night to try and get a lot of stuff done, my creative spirit comes out.
I do a lot of my research and writing / creating at night.

My ritual before sleep is to lie in bed with my laptop on a chair next to my bed and watch something, for 15 minutes to an hour and then drift off.
A show called MST3K / Mystery Science Theater 3000 is very good for it.

It's a show about a guy who works for "Gizmonic Institute" and his boss/bosses are evil and the main one, a woman named Pearl, wants to rule the world and they send him into space on a satellite; He makes robot friends and his bosses pick out the worst most cheesy old movies, mostly sci-fi movies and make him watch them. Him and the robots riff and ad-lib over the movies, and it's really funny, a brilliant show, my favorite ever. Each episode is a movie-length long. and they talk very calmly and the sound is very consistent without too many highs in the sound. It always helps me to sleep.

Also check out the site called
Try pink oscillating noise at a low volume; It sounds like calm waves washing up on the shore of a beach.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 02:56:48 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline mucky

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Re: New kambo user in France
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2017, 01:22:54 PM »
Hi Alternity and thanks a lot for your advices  :)

Unfortunately I do not have the possibility to sleep whenever I want, I have to fit in some kind of social schedule.

The MST3K seems great, I'll surely enjoy watching it !

Yes pink noise can help, as can the noise of some electric fans.

I'm now using Sananga+Rapé daily and it helps me a lot.