Author Topic: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)  (Read 111838 times)

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New Ways of Administering Kambo?

UPDATE (Feb 2013): The warning posted by KP, about the fact that snorting kambo can lead cause what the Indian's call "frog's disease", is one that should be considered.

UPDATE (May 2013): The following information about catching frog's disease from snorting/sublingual kambo was posted by Galega:

Frog disease is a viral type illnes that cannot be gotten rid of. It is unknown to the outside world. Amongst other things, it can apparently weaken the heart muscles and cause cardiac arrest and have some effects on the brain - he described it as 'eating the brain'!. Indians who snort snuff with kambo in it do so only very occasionally and always in conjunction with heavy kambo sessions so the live kambo acts as a kind of anti venom/viral. Even so, it is still considered risky he says and only for those with strong hearts and systems (eg, regular kambo users). His view is that kambo taken orally could also cause the same problem.

I am interested in discussing/innovating new methods of administering kambo (other than the traditional method of mildly burning small areas on the skin with hot smoldering ash, and then putting kambo on the burnt skin where it is absorbed transdermally at the burn).

What other ways might there be to absorb a dose of kambo?

Well, I believe that the peptides in kambo readily cross the mucous membranes, since I have read reports of people successfully administering kambo intranasally (ie, snorting kambo into the nose). The nasal cavity is lined with a mucous membrane, and this is where the kambo would be absorbed. Mucous membranes are far more absorbent than normal skin.

Furthermore, there are several other useful mucous membranes to be found on the body, which should also absorb kambo. These mucous membranes include: the lining within the mouth, and the lining in the rectum.

I think it is these various mucous membrane areas that are most likely to facilitate successful kambo absorption.

There are also some normal skin areas that are more permeable than others, such as the skin of the scrotum, and to a lesser degree, the perhaps skin under the armpits. Many substances are absorbed transdermally through the skin, which is why you can get nicotine patches, testosterone patches, and so forth. However, my guess is these skin areas will not work for kambo.

Anyway, to get this discussion going, below is a list of places on the skin and the mucous membranes where kambo might well be absorbed.

Note that in any experiments on these areas of skin and mucous membrane, it is important to be cautious, and initially begin using a very low dose of kambo, just in case the method you use absorbs more kambo than you anticipated.

List of Experimental Kambo Administration Areas / Techniques

Mucous Membrane Areas:
Intranasal. Snorting up kambo powder via a drinking straw through the nose and into the nasal cavity, where there is a large mucous membrane. Test a small amount of powder in the nose first, to ensure it does not sting.

Note: for intranasal kambo insufflation (snorting kambo powder as snuff), see also this thread on taking kambo snuff.
On upper gums. There is a reasonably large area of mucous membrane on the upper gums (above your upper teeth) and on the inner cheeks inside the mouth that may well absorb kambo. You could put some kambo on your finger tip, and massage it on your upper gum area. Lower gum area may also work, but there is more saliva in the lower gum area that may wash away the kambo before it gets the chance to absorb.

Sublingual. The mucus membranes under the tongue and on the lower floor of the mouth may well absorb kambo. You could put some kambo on your finger tip, and massage it into these mucous membranes for a few minutes (the massage should mechanically aid absorption). Though again, saliva may wash away the kambo before it has a chance to absorb through these sublingual mucous membranes.

Intraurethral. Not for the faint hearted! The skin lining the urethra is a mucous membrane. The male urethra is around 18 cm long; the female urethra is around 4 cm long. Sounds possibly painful to administer here, but note that the urethral mucous membranes are not quite as sensitive as the nasal mucous membranes.

Glans and foreskin. The glans of the penis is a mucous membrane, and the inner foreskin is a mucous membrane (the outside of the foreskin is a continuation of the skin on the shaft of the penis, but the inner foreskin is a mucous membrane).
Intravaginal pessary. Such pessaries are a well-known and highly effective means of absorbing drugs or supplements.
Rectal suppository. Conceivably, the correct dose of kambo could be placed in the rectum as a suppository capsule. The rectum is lined with a mucous membrane (and this rectal mucous membrane is larger in area than the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity).

Skin Areas:
Transscrotal absorption. Whilst the scrotum is not a mucous membrane, it is more absorbent than other skin sites. Transscrotal absorption is employed by some transdermal testosterone patches, and scrotal skin permits 5 to 40 times greater absorption of testosterone than other skin sites. Perhaps kambo might be absorbed here?
Under armpits and underside of arms. The skin here is thinner and more absorbent than other areas of body skin. A shaved armpit is useful here.

Sonophoresis. Sonophoresis is a standard technique for increasing the transdermal absorption of vitamins, drugs and other compounds through the skin. Sonophoresis uses the ultrasonic vibrations of a small metal plate to push vitamins and drugs through the skin. Ultrasonic massagers which have a vibration frequency from 1 to 3 megahertz (MHz) can be used to perform sonophoresis. These ultrasonic vibrations cause temporary microscopic pores to open in the skin, which help the skin absorb compounds.
Safety Warning

Warning: There have been accounts of incorrect use of kambo leading to death.

To quote a Machineri Indian: "Our healers know how to use the frog's secretion. Now, it is being used in other places incorrectly, and this has led to the death of patients." Reference: here.

This should sound a strong warning to anyone considering experimenting with alternative routes of administration of kambo: you may be entering uncharted and risky territory.

Though I have been unable to find the particular details on why these deaths occurred, my guess is that these fatalities may have been caused by accidentally administering too much kambo.

Anyone who is going to experiment with alternative routes of kambo administration, such as the intranasal route, should buy a sensitive digital scales that measures down to 1 mg (= 0.001 grams) before they begin any experimentation, in order to measure doses accurately. You can buy such a scales for as little as $15.

If you don't feel confident about your ability to precisely weigh out tiny milligram amounts of kambo in an accurate manner, then you should not experiment with alternative routes route of kambo administration.

This is because, when using alternative routes of administration, there may be a very real danger of an overdose of kambo if you do not measure your kambo dosage precisely, using a sensitive digital scales that can weigh down to 1 mg.

Kambo contains the highly potent opioid compounds dermorphin and deltorphin. Dermorphin is 30 to 60 times more potent than morphine when taken orally, and 200 to 300 times more potent when taken intravenously. (As little as 200 mg of morphine can be fatal.) Just 1 mg of intravenous dermorphin will kill you instantly. Reference: Exotic Frog Drug Boosting Racing Horse’s Performance.

One might assume that the potency of dermorphin taken intranasally will be somewhere in between its oral and intravenous potency; so one might hazard a guess that intranasal dermorphin is say 100 times more potent than morphine. Therefore, as a rough guess, perhaps around 3 mg of dermorphin taken intranasally would kill you instantly. This is just to give a very rough idea of how tiny the lethal dose of dermorphin is.

I could not find any figures for the percentage dermorphin content of kambo, but if we knew this, we could work out what the lethal dose of intranasal kambo is, from the dermorphin perspective at least.

If you read this account by a person named "SuperJunky" injecting himself with pure dermorphin, you will see he used a tiny dose of 100 micrograms of dermorphin, and found this was as powerful as heroin. Dermorphin is extremely potent stuff.

The deltorphin component of kambo is another issue, as are its other active constituents.

So be very careful with measuring out your kambo doses, if you decide to experiment with taking kambo by alternative routes, such as the intranasal route.

Remember, when you are using the normal burn method of administration of kambo, this burn method has a built-in safety mechanism, in that each burn area will I think only absorb a limited amount of kambo. So I would think you cannot easily overdose with the burn method, because the total kambo dose administered is related to the number and size of the burn areas you make and use.

By contrast, if you are taking kambo powder by alternative routes, such as snorting it into the nose, there is no safety mechanism at all that prevents you from taking too much kambo, because everything you snort into your nose will be absorbed by the nasal mucous membranes. So it is entirely up to you to precisely measure the dose you take, and make sure you don't administer yourself a lethal dose.

Therefore, it is crucial to weigh the exact amount kambo powder in milligrams before you snort it. 

It may well be that doses of 50 to 100 mg of kambo powder taken intranasally might be a lethal for some people. But this is purely a guess, because we don't know the lethal dose of kambo; we need to find some reliable info on this. It seems that 15 mg of pure kambo powder taken intranasally is a tried and tested dose for one person: Romanesco has taken this 15 mg dose level several times intranasally (see his posts on page 1 of this thread). But going much beyond that dose is probably not advisable. This reference provided by KP on page 1 of this thread says the Kaxinawa Indians snort Kambo as a snuff, but the this reference does not provide dosing information.

Finally, if you are going to experiment with alternative routes of administration of kambo, such the intranasal method, remember to observe the normal preparations before taking a full dose of kambo, which requires being on diet without solids or salt for at least 12 hours. Reference: Kambô, The Spirit of the Shaman.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 09:42:45 AM by caiano »

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 06:17:04 PM »
I've heard from KP very recently on another board that sniffing Kambo might be an option.  Can you perhaps enlighten us on that KP?

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2012, 10:01:30 PM »
Well it was actually rOm who snuffed 15mg to great success.  So he would have to describe his experience but it is secretely known that the Kaxinawa do it...

Kampú can be used to make snuff - the Indians would take scrape off some of the dried milk with a stick and mix it into tobacco. Just before going into the forest, they would take some of the snuff, and then go hunt.

Kambo eye drops...
Check this video out and listen very close to seconds 40 through minute 1:35 ... ybvVdHZrsN

I will be doing this soon, trust me it is safe and will be visionary.  Sananga just told me so.  Mega dilluted in between a homeopathic and a regular recipe with some MSM and Neti Salt. 

I had reasonable success with DMSO but I think to make it significantly worthwhile one would need to do the 20x DMSO gel that Mary Poppins told me about...

One would put the DMSO on first and wait a bit and then put the Kambo on.  I will do that too when I get around to it. 

Thanks for the innovative and creative thread, we need more of you's here!!!

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2012, 02:41:20 PM »
can we get some details on the insulfating
how much
how it compares
where to source it as a powder
did you mix it with tobacco

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2012, 05:17:06 PM »
Snuff was made simply by scrapping the kambo stick in my case and made into fine powder.
First 15 mg weight then repeated over two weeks or three.
After one or two times I also mixed with voacanga seeds snuff while on low doses of iboga, it was more comfortable.
You can mix with nunu or tsuné or Rapé (Hapé) snuff also.
Or snuff a bit of nunu before to help your sensitive nostril and synergize a bit.
 Once snuffed, prepair to inflate like a balloon and feel nauseous (it won't make for a easy experience even if you do'nt burn, it is uncomfortable).

But as usual past this stage you feel better.

Offline Hip

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2012, 11:22:06 PM »
Thanks very much Kambogahuasca Panacea and Romanesco for your replies.

Regarding the 15 mg of dried kambo secretions, scrapped from the kambo stick and snorted into the nose: is this amount enough to produce the full kambo experience — ie, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea for 30 minutes — that you get using the skin burn method of kambo administration? Or does snorting 15 mg of dried kambo produce a much milder effect?

I would also like to know if anybody has microdosed kambo, taking small daily kambo doses that produce very few symptoms, rather than taking one full kambo dose every month that produces strong symptoms.

If microdosing very small daily amounts of kambo (via snorting, or perhaps sublingually) provides the same health and curative benefits as a single strong monthly dose, then this microdosing might be an easier way of taking kambo (especially for people like me that have chronic fatigue syndrome or other health conditions, who don't quite feel fit enough to go through the intense experience you get with the full kambo dose).

« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 11:24:52 PM by Hip »

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2012, 11:34:41 PM »
Kambo eye drops...
Check this video out and listen very close to seconds 40 through minute 1:35 ... ybvVdHZrsN

I will be doing this soon, trust me it is safe and will be visionary.  Sananga just told me so.  Mega dilluted in between a homeopathic and a regular recipe with some MSM and Neti Salt. 

Sounds very interesting, KP, though the youTube weblink given does not work — could you post this link again please.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2012, 02:40:42 AM »
Sorry about that.  So right around :40-1:30

Also Gloriadeo microdoses with Kambo.  I plain on doing 1 per day for 7 days here soon and I will let you know it goes. 

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2012, 10:55:31 AM »
the 15mg intranasal didn't gove the full kambo experience, it was nausea, swollen face, then diarrhea for me.
Each time I repeat this I didn't purge orally. I don't know why.
I still want to do it fully the traditionnal way though.
I feel this was an introduction, and an allergy test.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2012, 04:05:38 PM »
Sorry about that.  So right around :40-1:30

Also Gloriadeo microdoses with Kambo.  I plain on doing 1 per day for 7 days here soon and I will let you know it goes.

Thanks KP. So the guy in the video got some kambo in his eye while handling the frog, and this produced a full kambo experience.  Wow.

I guess that makes sense, though, since the eye socket and inner eye lid is a mucous membrane, so would likely absorb kambo just as well as the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity.

I am thinking that smearing kambo with your finger all around the gum area above your upper teeth should also be effective — and is very easy to do. 

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2012, 04:24:34 PM »
It's said that the frog save its life releasing its secretion in the fauces of snakes: so we can argue that mouth's  mucoses are suited to absorb well the medicine.

EDIT: But the collateral problem would be that vomiting one risks to expell easily also the kambò he keeps in the mouth.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 04:26:09 AM by caiano »

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2012, 12:49:30 PM »
One thought: might there be a danger of taking too much kambo if you administer it via the mucous membranes?

Might the main purpose of the skin burning administration used by the Amazonian Indians in fact be to precisely control the kambo dose?

Perhaps on small areas of burnt skin, only a controlled and consistent amount of kambo is absorbed. Even if you were to place much higher amounts of kambo on the burn skin area, this may not substantially increase the dose you receive (but I am just guessing). In other words, the skin burning administration of kambo used by the Amazonian Indians might actually be done for safety, in order to prevent accidental overdose, and in order to achieve consistent dosing.

But with administration through the mucous membranes (nasal cavity, mouth, etc), perhaps if you were to accidentally apply a very high amount of kambo in this way, most of this kambo might be absorbed, giving you an overdose.

Consider that, if kambo can be easily administered via the mucous membranes where it is well absorbed, there must be a good reason why these Amazonian Indians choose to use the more complex skin burning approach, instead of just say snorting kambo into the nose, or just smearing kambo onto the upper gums. My guess is that they employ the skin burning administration because helps to deliver a controlled, consistent dosage.

Of course, with precise digital scales, you may be able to measure the correct and consistent dose for mucous membrane administration — provided that your source of kambo does not vary much in its concentration.

I just mention all this, because it is important to consider safety.

For microdosing kambo, obviously there is not so much concern about taking a little too much, as you are only using small doses anyway.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2012, 02:06:15 PM »
yes  Hip, I agree with your arguments: the burning dots method is a very smart solution to the many variables that kambò intake has to face.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2012, 04:25:48 PM »
I love the burning application and consider it unsurpassable technology.  I want to put other things in the burns too, as I have heard the Matses use other medicines in that way.  Iboga TA to the burn???  I'll find out within the year. 

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2012, 05:58:56 PM »
I love the burning application and consider it unsurpassable technology.  I want to put other things in the burns too, as I have heard the Matses use other medicines in that way.  Iboga TA to the burn???  I'll find out within the year.

One unconfirmed thing I read was that it is not actually the burn itself that allows the kambo peptides to enter the body, but rather the local inflammatory response that kicks into action at the burn site. Though I have not seen any solid references for this, so it remains unconfirmed in my mind.

If true, though, it suggests that kambo could be administered via other types of inflammatory skin responses, like say a nickel contact allergy on the skin (for those allergic to nickel: 17% of women and 3% of men are allergic to nickel).

« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 01:36:28 PM by Hip »