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The Cancer Thread
« on: March 05, 2013, 12:36:10 PM »
Anti-Cancer Foods thread at Dmt-nexus forum

The Beautiful Truth
"Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett's father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposed a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer. Fascinated, Garrett embarks in this documentary on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures."

The Gerson Miracle
"The Gerson Miracle examines many of the elements of the Gerson Therapy, explaining why we are so ill and how we have in our grasp the power to recover our health without expensive, toxic or mutilating treatments, using the restorative forces of our own immune systems. Even the most advanced cases of cancer can be successfully reversed using this method. While the results seem miraculous, the real "miracle" lies within our own body and its healing processes."
Get yourself some clean spring water

Anti-Tumor & Immune System mushrooms

Paul Stamets on Mushrooms & Cancer

David Wolfe on Chaga as Cancer Fighter

Cat's Claw & Jergon Sacha
"But that wasn’t the only time that happened. A friend of mine, Alan
moved to Peru in 1993 and within a year or
two learned that his mother, who lived in Kentucky, was dying of liver
cancer. She had been
given just a few weeks to live. In desperation,
Alan asked me to drink with him at Juan’s and
try to see his mother and see what she might
need to get healed.
It was a crazy request: I wasn't a curandero;
I didn't know his mother; I had no chance of
finding anything that might help her. Nonetheless, because he asked, I
agreed to try.
During that dream, I thought of Alan’s
mother and when I did found myself hurtling
through space and winding up on a street in a
small town in what felt like the United States.
I imagined Alan’s mother must live nearby and
wondered in which house she lived. Instantly I
was moving again, but surprisingly didn't come
out into a kitchen or living room. Instead I sort
of wound up in someone’s insides. I guessed
it was Alan’s mother’s insides. I’d never seen
a human liver before but was looking at one
the moment I thought of it. On top of the dark
brown mass was a twisted clump of some sort
of tubing. I thought it must be the cancer and
lifted it to see what it was made of. I realized it
didn't seem like cancer—whatever that would
seem like—but rather that the tubes bringing
things to the liver for cleaning were all tangled
and nothing could get through them and so
were sort of killing the liver. I thought that
if those tubes could get untangled somehow
then the junk in them could pass into the liver
to be eliminated. I silently asked if there was
anything that could do that. In a moment I
thought of uña de gato, cat’s claw, now well
known as a medicine but hardly known at all
15  years ago.
When I came out of the dream I wrote the
words “cat’s claw” down on a piece of paper.
In the morning Alan asked me what I’d
seen. I was embarrassed to tell him for fear of
misguiding him with the uña de gato. When I
relented I showed him the paper. He laughed.
“Yes. I saw uña de gato and I also saw sacha
jergon,” another Amazonian medicine.
That day or the next he made up a good
batch of the two medicines and sent it off to
his mom. She drank it religiously and within
a few weeks or months the cancer was in total


Also in the authors book Ayahuasca In My Blood: 25 Years of Medicine Dreaming,
they talk about combining Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
with Jergon Sacha (dracontium loretense) as effective against cancer
and aids.
You can go here and click search within this book for "claw" "jergon"
and "cancer" to see a bit of what they say about it.

The shaman gives it to a woman with cancer and declares that she will
be cancer free in a month of using the combination.

"The spirulina-treated children showed bone marrow, spinal fluid, blood cell and liver regeneration.
Dangerously low white blood cell counts of about 1,000 (typical of leukemia) rose to 3,000 in only 20 days.
Urine radioactivity levels decreased by 50 percent in 20 days."

"Spirulina has a number of blood-strengthening properties, as found by this 2001 animal study from China. The study concluded that spirulina has chemo-protective and radio-protective capabilities and shows potential for fighting cancer. Immune cells in your blood are highly radiosensitive and considered to be good indicators for biological effects taking place at the molecular level.

Spirulina somehow helps shield cells from gamma radiation, as shown by this study on the bone marrow of mice.

Spirulina helps to protect your kidneys, which are some of the FIRST organs to suffer damage after significant radiation exposure. Research suggests spirulina helps protect from the nephrotoxicity of cancer treatments, antibiotics and analgesics."

Agaricus Blazei for Cancer

Kava Anti-Cancer & Anti-Anxiety is one highly regarded vendor of kava.

"– Chaga – loose mushroom tea has a pleasant flavor (it is one of the best medicinal mushrooms
for the immune system) and Herbalist David Winston’s favorite for cancer."
"I believe that chaga may be the most powerful of the immune enhancing fungi” David Winston.  It grows on
birch and alder trees in the extreme northern latitudes of Russia, Canada, and Scandinavia.  Caga is a rich source of
betulinic acid. Betulinic acid has shown strong anti-tumor activity and virtually no toxicity in human trials. In Russia,
chaga is used to treat cancers of the breast, uterus, lip, stomach, lungs, skin, bowel, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and

"One of the primary ways exercise lowers your risk for cancer is by reducing elevated insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells. Controlling your insulin levels and optimizing your vitamin D level are two of the most powerful steps you can take to reduce your cancer risk. For example, physically active adults experience about half the incidence of colon cancer as their sedentary counterparts, and women who exercise regularly can reduce their breast cancer risk by 20 to 30 percent compared to those who are inactive.

Additionally, exercise improves the circulation of immune cells in your blood. Your immune system is your first line of defense against everything from minor illnesses like a cold right up to devastating, life-threatening diseases like cancer.

The trick about exercise, though, is understanding how to use it as a precise tool. This ensures you are getting enough to achieve the benefit, not too much to cause injury, and the right variety to balance your entire physical structure and maintain strength and flexibility, and aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels. This is why it is helpful to view exercise like a drug that needs to be carefully prescribed to achieve its maximum benefit."

« Last Edit: December 23, 2019, 11:44:02 AM by ―λlτεrηιτγ- »

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 02:49:27 AM »
Safe, Natural Tips for Cancer Patients

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2014, 02:46:48 PM »

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Reducing Radiation
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2014, 05:13:05 AM »
Removing Radiation from the body:

Baking Soda & Sea Salt
(half tsp of Baking soda contains 616mg of sodium, and shouldn't be taken at the same time with sea salt.
There are also sodium free alternative baking sodas, not sure if the healing benefits are the same)

Baking Soda also removes alkalizes acidity in the body. Oxygenates the blood, and increases cell voltage.



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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2014, 07:37:10 AM »
not sure if others can see this list without being logged into google.

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2015, 01:35:42 AM »
Parts Used: Root
Energy and Flavors:Bitter, acrid, hot, toxic
Systems Affected:  Lung, heart, liver, blood
Biochemical Constituents: Isoquinoline alkaloids, including sanguinarine, berberine, coptisine, and others
Properties:  Expectorant, stimulant, alterative, antibiotic, diuretic, febrifuge, sedative, emetic in larger doses
Dose:  0.5-2 grams of the powdered root; of the tincture, use 1-10 drops.
Used For:  Coughs, sore throat, skin eruptions, skin cancer, athlete's foot, gum disease
Notes: Bloodroot is used as an expectorant for acute and chronic coughs, sinus congestion, laryngitis, sore throat, asthma with thick white phlegm, and croup. For pneumonia use doses of one to two drops taken repeatedly throughout the day. It also combines well in cough syrups with eucalyptus, wild cherry bark, elecampane and honey.
      Externally, applied as a tincure, powder, or ointment. For the treatment of skin affections. Can be used as a dentrifice in small amounts with other herbs to treat gum disease and sensitive teeth. As a salve, removes tumors, skin cancers, miles, etc.

Parts Used: Aboveground portions
Energy and Flavors: Cool energy, bitter flavor
Systems Affected:  Liver, lungs,
Biochemical Constituents: Sesquiterpene lactones, eupafolin, euperfolitin, eufoliatorin, eperfolide and others; immunostimulatory polysaccharides; flavonoids, quercetin, kaempferol, hyperoside, astragalin, rutin, eupatorin; diterpenes including dendroidinic acid, hebenolide; Vitamin C, volatile oil and sterols,
Properties:  Febrifuge, diaphoretic, expectorant, laxative
Dose:  Standard infusion; of the powder, 0.5-20 grains
Used For: Fevers, colds and flu, tightness of the liver and abdomen
Notes: Boneset is a pure relaxant working on the muscular structures and the periphery.  Soothes and relaxes the stomach and liver aiding the secretion of bile. A gentle and reliable diaphoretic for the treatment of flu, colds and liver fever A.K.A. “breakbone fever” or dengue. It also relieves the aching pains of rheumatism.
Parts Used: Leaves
Energy and Flavors: Cool, bitter, sweetish and mildly acrid flavor
Systems Affected:  Lungs, heart
Biochemical Constituents: Porrolizidine alkaloid, including an intermedicine, and their acetyl derivatives with amabiline and supinine, choline. This group of alkaloids, and certain plants (some species of spring ha rvested comfrey, groundsel, and senecio species, coltsfoot) that contain them, are currently suspected as possible cures for liver toxicity and cancer. Though used by traditional people around the world for thousands of years, borage is not the type of nutritive tonic herb that one would want to take regularly over a period of months. Rather, it is more of an occasional acute remedy for acute fevers and might be considered safe to use as a sole agent for no more than three to seven days maximum. Other ingredients include mucilage, tannin, traces of essential oil.
Properties: Refrigerant, febrifuge, aperient, galactogogue, pectoral
Dose:  Standard infusion, of the infusion, 10-15 drops
Used For: Fevers, lung congestion, heart problems, increasing mother's milk
Notes: Borage is used for heart and lung congestion, fevers and to promote mother's milk. Its demulcent properties make it effective against ulcers both internal and external. The seeds, like evening primrose, have been found to be a rich source of gamma linolenic oil.

Cat’s claw
Parts Used: Edible inner bark of the vine
Energy and Flavors: Cool, bitter
Systems Affected:  Liver
Biochemical Constituents: Oxindole alkaloids, N-Oxide, rhyncophylline, N-Oxide, carboline alkaloid, hirustine N-Oxide triterpenes, polyphenols, phytosterols (stigmasterol and campsterol). Some studies have isolated the alkaloid isoteropodine as the primary constituent, but much more needs to be learned about this important botanical
Properties:  Antiinflammatory, antirheumatic, antioxidant, antiviral, antitumor, antimicrobial, contraceptive, cytostatic, immune tonic
      This is considered one of the most powerful botanicals of the Amazonian Peruvian rain forest. The natives have a wide use of applications, for it, ranging from such acute conditions as headaches, colds, influenza, and fevers to the treatment of gastrointestinal problems (especially colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and ulcers), tumors, arthritis, fibromylagia, asthma, and cardiovascular diseases, and as an immune tonic. This latter property has made it particularly useful for the tretment of AIDS. Cat's-claw is also a rich source of proanthocyanidin (pycnogenol), which is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger. By detoxifying the gastrointestinal tract, cat's claw is also helpful in fostering the replenishment of friendly bacteria. Cat's-claw is available in Planetary Formula's Cat's Claw combination.
Dose: Cat's-claw ia available dried and powdered form made into gelatin or compressed capsules. It can also be made into a tea using 1 tablespoon of the bark simmered in 1 cup of water. Take 1 cup three times daily or the equivelend dose in other forms. 
Used For: Colitis, Crohn's disease; influenza, colds, fevers (as an antiviral); AIDS; cancer; arthritis; cardiovascular conditions

Parts Used: Roots
Energy and Flavors: Bitter, astringent, cool
Systems Affected:  Lymphatic system, liver, spleen
Biochemical Constituents: Various alkaloids
Properties:  Lymphatic stimulant, expectorant, antispasmodic, astringent. Ceanothus can be used for lymphatic cleansing, enlarged spleen and liver, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, tonsilitis, diphtheria, sinus conditions, nosebleeds, uterine bleeding, and hemorrhoids. Red root increases platelet counts that may have been lowered as a result of chemotherapy. It also improves digestion and assimilation, and firms up stools.
Dose:  A decoction of 1 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water simmered for 20 minutes. Take ½ cup three times daily; or 10-30 drops of the fluid extract.
Used For: Lymphatic congestion, enlarged spleen or liver, bronchitis, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, increasing the platelet count as a result of chemotherapy, cancer

Parts Used: Aerial portions
Energy and Flavors: Bitter, cool
Systems Affected:  Liver, colon
Biochemical Constituents: Various alkaloids including allocryptopine, berberine, chelamine, chelidonine, coptisine, sanuinarine, sparteine and others. The root contains choline, hystamine, tyramine, saponins, chelidoniol, chelidonic acid, carotene and Vitamin C.
Properties:  Alterative, diuretic, purgative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anodyne, narcotic
Dose:  The dried herb is used in infusion of one-half ounce to a pint of boiling water. The tincture and fluid extract is best made from the fresh plant and 5-10 drops are taken as a single dose three times daily. Some mild side effects include dry mouth and occasional dizziness.
Used For: Liver congestion, hepatitis, gallstones, asthma and spasmodic coughs, skin problems.
Externally For: Cataracts (with milk) warts (the fresh juice of the herb)
Notes: Calendine is primarily used as a liver detoxifying herb for the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, cancer, psoriasis, eczema and skin problems. In addition to its blood-purifying properties, celandine also relieves muscle spasms and bronchospasms. It also seems to counteract mucus in the lungs and bronchioles, making it a possible treatment for asthma. It mildly lowers arterial blood pressure, produces diuresis, and delays the development of anaphylactic shock. The Chinese have done extensive studies demonstrating its effectiveness for the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough.
      The fresh juice mixed with milk is directly applied to remove cataracts and white spots that formon the cornea of the eye. The fresh acrid juice can also be directly applied to remove warts.

Parts Used: Leaves
Energy and Flavors: Bitter, acrid, slightly salty, cool
Systems Affected:  Kidneys, lung, liver
Biochemical Constituents: Contains a powerful antioxidant, NDGA (norihydroquaiaretic acid) which is partially responsible for its antitumor properites. It also has vasodepressent effects that will increase ascorbic acid in the adrenals.
Properties:  Alternative, blood purifier, antibiotic, antiseptic, parasiticide, expectorant, antitumor, diuretic
Dose:  One half-ounce infused in a pint of boiling water or 3-6 grams of the dried leaves infused in boiling water; of the tincture, 10-30 drops. It should be taken at least three times daily.
Used For: Blood purifier, cancer and tumors, antioxidant, arthritis and rheumatic pains, colds and flus, diarrhea, urinary tract infections
Notes: Chaparall is one of the best herbal antibiotics, being useful against bacteria, viruses and parasites. It may be imbibed for colds, flus, inflammation of the respiratory and intestinal tracts, diarrhea and urinary tract infections.
      It is considered an effective anticancer herb. Externally it is an antiseptic healing herb for wounds and injuries, as well as warts.

Parts Used: Whole plant
Energy and Flavors: Leaves are cool and bitter, the root is bitter, sweet and cool
Systems Affected:  Liver, spleen, stomach, kidney, bladder
Biochemical Constituents: Lactupicrine, a bitter principle, tannin, inulin and a latexlike substance, polysaccharides, carotene
Properties:  Alterative, cholagogue, diuretic, stomachic, aperient, tonic
Dose:  Standard decoction or 10-30 drops of the tincture
Used For: Liver problems, urinary tract infections, skin eruptions, stomach pains, breast cancer, beverage
Notes: The main benefits are exerted upon the liver. Dandelion clears obstructions of the liver, speen, pancreas, gallbladder and kidneys. It aids the liver in eliminating toxins from the blood. It also has a high mineral content.
      It is of tremendous benefit to the stomach and intestines. The tea treats stomach aches. In TCM this condition is considered as “liver attacking spleen-pancreas,” which refers to an imbalance of liver and pancreatic enzymes necessary for digestion. Thus it would seem that dandelion root helps to balance these enzymes necessary for digestion, assimilation, and elimination.
      Serious cases of hepatitis have been rapidly cured, sometimes within a week, with dandelion root tea taken upwards of 6 cups daily with simplified diet.
      Dandelion root contributes to remedying hypoglycemia, and onset diabetes, especially when combined with other herbs. Dandelion tea is one of the finest diuretics known. This dandelion tea can be taken for fluid retention, cystitis, nephritis, weight loss, and hepatitis.

Green tea
Parts Used: Young leaves and leaf buds
Energy and Flavors: mildly bitter, pleasant
Systems Affected: Liver
Biochemical Constituents: Caffeine, but less than in coffee, and tannins, the main one being epigallocatechin, which, when oxidized in black tea, tend to increase the caffeine bioavailability; flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol
Properties: Stimulant, diurestic, astringent
      Because of the tannins in green tea, it is useful for diarrhea. The caffeine content accounts for its stimulating properties. One of the distinguishing uses of tea in contrast to coffee is the traditional one as a stimulant of thought and conversation. Coffee, on the other hand is a more powerful stimulant providing more general alertness and excitement. Perhaps this is only a tradition, or perhaps one day we will find a biological explanation for this phonomenon. Catechins, other tannins found in green tea, have been shown to have antitumor effects. This is perhaps one of the most interesting recent discoveries about green tea that will certainly encourage more widespread use and appreciation of the beverage.
Dose: 1 or 2 cups daily.
Used For: Stimulant, diarrhea, preventing cancer

Parts Used: Seeds
Energy and Flavors: Hot, spicy
Systems Affected: Lungs, stomach, spleen
Biochemical Constituents: Alanine, arginine, ascorbic acid, asparagine, campesterol, caryone, cymene, cystine, dehydroascorbic acid, eicosodienaic acid, glucose, glutamic acid, glycine, iron, isoleucine, leucine, D-limonene, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, lipase, lysine, methionine, myristic acid, nigellin, nigellone, oleic acid, palmitic acid, phenylalanine, phytosterols, potassium, beta-sitosterol, alpha-spinaster, stearic acid, stigmasterol, tannin, threonine, thymohydroquinone, thymoquinone, tryptophan, tyrosine
Properties: Stimulant, aromatic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, excitant, galactagogue, purgative, resolvent, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, and vermifuge
Notes: The major uses are in treating upper respiratory conditions, allergies, coughs, colds, bronchitis, fevers, flu, asthma, emphysema, for which it is effective. Also, a wide variety of other conditions, including bilious ailments, calluses, cancer, colic, corns, coughs eruptions, headache, jaundice, mymecia, orchitis, puerperal fever, sclerosis, snakebit, stomachache, swellings, tumors of the abdomen and eyes, and warts.
      It is unusual for a hot, spicy herb to have a positive effect on liver diseases but the Lebanese use it this way. Of course, one of its most obvious uses is for diarrhea and dysentery in combination with astringents. The seeds can be made to be applied to abscesses, on the forehead for headache, to nasal ulcers, for orchitis, and for rheumatism.
      In India, nigella seeds are combined with various purgatives to allay the gripes and colic and also help kill and expel parasites. Middle Eastern Unani medicine affirms its abortifacient properties; it is also used as a diuretic to relieve ascites, for coughs, eye sores, hydrophobia, jaundice, paralysis, piles, and tertian fever.

Parts Used: Bark, leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds
Energy and Flavors: Sour, sweet, bitter
Biochemical Constituents: Various terpene compounds, L-asperuloside, aucubin, glucose, caproic and caprylic acids, Vitamin C. The leaf contains anthraquinones, glycosides, phenolic compounds, resins, B-sitosterol, urosolic acid; the flower contains acacetin 7-0-D; the fruit contains caproic and caprylic acids, essential oil, B-D-glucopyranose pentaacetate 2, asperuloside tetraacetate, glucose, ascorbic acid; the root and its bark contain alizarin, anthraquinones (morindone) carbonate, rubicholric acid, chrysophanol, soranjidol, chlororubin, phosphate, ,agnesium ferric iron, sodium glycosides, morindadiol, morindine, resins, rubiadin, sterols.
      Ralph Heinicke, Ph.D., a biochemist, discovered that noni fruit contains an alkaloid precursor to a vital compound called xeronine. Xeronine is an alkaloid that the body produces to activate enzymes and generally energize the body. It has never previously been found because it is immediately used and broken down by the body. However, without it we would die, since it is basic to the utilization of proteins. Lack of it, therefore, can give rise to many diseases. Noni is considered the best source of proxerone available.
Properties: Antibacterial, antimicrobial, alterative, tonic, antiparasitic, emmenagogic, stomachic, anticancer, antiinflammatory, antiarthritic, immune tonic, antioxidant, analgesic, antihypertensive.
      Noni is considered the major medicinal herb of the South Pacific. When the fruit is ripe, one will often find traditional Hawaiians picking the fruits. The leaf and leaf juice is good for various inflammations and fevers. It can be used for just about every acute and chronic disease, including such chronic respiratory conditions as tuberculosis, influenza, asthma, coughs, colds, sinusitus, and sore throat. It is also effective for digestive problems, including diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, gastric ulcers, intestinal parasites. It is also used for skin and gum diseases, including wounds, cuts, abscesses, boils, acne, burns, gingivitis and thrush. Noni uses extend to the urinary system for bladder and kidney infections, to the cardiovascular system for hypertension, and to the endocrine system for the treatment of diabetes. In fact, because of its ability to stimulate production of xeronine, Noni has been used for practically any and every condition one can think of.
      Noni fruit juice extract is the most commonly available form. The best-quality noni supplements are made from the unripened green fruit. Noni should be taken on an empty stomach before meals, since stomach acids and enzymes tend to destroy the specific enzyme that liberates the xeronine compound.
Dose: Currently noni is available in juice, dried, encapsulates, and oil forms. Follow the dose indicated on the package.
Used For: Tonic for various systems of the body, the immune system, chronic respiratory systems, hypertension, diabetes, digestive weakness, diarrhea, constipation, gum disease, infections—including urinary tract infections.

Parts Used: Oil and leaves
Energy and Flavors: Oil is sweet, leaves are bitter
Systems Affected: Large intestine, liver, gallblader
Biochemical Constituents: Approximately 75% oleic acid glycerides, with lesser amounts of linoleic, palmitic, stearic acid glycerides
Properties: Oil—nutritive, emollient, mild aperient; leaves—astringent, antiseptic, antihypertensive, antiinflammatory
      The oil can be applied externally for a liniment for dry skin and hair to help counteract dandruff. Internally, 1 tablespoon of the oil once or twice daily is a mild laxative. The leaves can be used internally as a tea for minor feverish conditions, nervous tension, and most commonly to lower blood pressure.
Dose: Simmer 1 tablespoon of the leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Take 2 cups daily.
Oil Used For: A nutritive, relieving abrasions, a mild laxative
Leaves Used For: Lowering blood pressure, treating inflammation, viruses and fevers.
Oregon grape root
Parts Used: Rhizome and root
Energy and Flavors: Cool energy, bitter while the berry is sour
Systems Affected: Liver and gallbladder
Biochemical Constituents: Berberine alkaloid
Properties:  Cholagogue, alterative, aniinflammatory
Dose: Standard decoction or 10-30 drops of the tincture three times daily
Notes: The yellow rhizome is used as a gentle hepatic-biliary stimulant. By enhancing the flow of bile through the liver and gallbladder, the entire function of the liver is improved. Thus the bood is purified of toxins.
       For this reason, Oregon grape root can be used for all liver diseases including hepatitis and gallstones. It is also used for skin diseases, bronchiol congestion, , arthritis, cancers, tumors and other serious diseases. It can be combined with other herbs to enhance treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, arthritis, cancer, heart problems, PMS. Oregon grape root is effective for any abnormal discharges.

from The Way of Herbs, Michael Tierra
"Notes" are shortened.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2015, 02:13:40 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2015, 02:06:04 AM »
Pau d’arco
Parts Used: Inner bark of the tree
Energy and Flavors: Cool energy, bitter flavor
Systems Affected:  Blood, liver, lungs
Biochemical Constituents: Quinones, principally lapachol. Lapachol and its derivatives have shown in vivo effects against various cancers. It is also good as a protective antibacterial.
Properties: Alterative, antifungal, hypotensive, antidiabetic, bitter tonic, digestive, antibacterial, antitumor
Dose:  A tea of the sifted inner-bark pieces is made by simmering one ounce in a pint of boiling water. One cup is taken three to four times a daily for acute conditions; for chronic conditions a half cup is taken three or four times daily. Of the tincture, 25-40 drops is taken three or more times daily.
Used For: Slowing and inhibiting the growth of cancers and tumors, for skin diseases
Notes: Pau d'arco seems to first eliminate the pain caused by the disease and then multiply the numbers of red corpuscles. Thus the range of its curative action is phenomenal. It is good for ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, osteomyelitis, leukemia, various cancers, ringworm, bronchitis and other respiratory problems, gonorrhea, hemorrhages, cystitis, colitis, gastritis, Parkinson's disease, arteriosclerosis, Hodgkin's disease, lupus, polyps, prostatis, leucorrhea, inflammations of the genital urinary tract and anemia.

Red clover
Parts Used: Blossoms
Energy and Flavors: Sweet, salty, cool
Systems Affected: Blood, liver, heart, lungs
Biochemical Constituents: Isoflavones, flavonoids, coumarins, resins, minerals, vitamins, etc.
Properties: Alterative, antispasmodic, expectorant, antitumor
Dose: Standard infusion or 6-15 grams; of the tincture, 10-30 drops
Used For: Cancer and tumors, skin diseases, fevers, colds, coughs
Notes: Red clover is used for the treatment of tumors and cancers of various types. The coumarins tend to have mild blood-thinning properties, which make it useful for many chronic degenerative complaints.

Parts Used: Root
Energy and Flavors: Sweet, mildly acrid, warm
Systems Affected: Spleen-pancreas, lung
Biochemical Constituents: Nortriterpenoid saponin in which pfaffic acid was identified as ahydrolysis product. Six saccharide derivatives of the pffafic acid structural type. Five of the six pfaffosides have been found to inhibit cultured tumor cell melanomas. It also contains sitosterol, stigmasterol, and allantoin. Further studies have shown the presence of fairly high concentrations of germanium.
Properties: Energy tonic, adaptogen, demulcent, nutrient
Dose: Tonic dosage, 3–6 grams two or three times daily, for treatment of conditions described above, I recommend beginning with approximately 3 grams with warm water every two waking hours or at least four times daily. Gradually increase this dose to 6 grams four times daily. The diet should be all cooked food, predominantly whole grains, beans, a little meat or cooked dairy if necessary.
Notes: As  an energy tonic adaptogen, suma is at least equal to that of Siberian ginseng. Research has been fone with the most outstanding results on many varieties of cancer, especially leukemia and Hodgkin's disease, and diabetes. It's effective for the relief of pains associated with cancer, leukemia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Parts Used: Leaves
Energy and Flavors: Warm, spicy
Systems Affected: Lymph, spleen, lungs
Biochemical Constituents: Thujone (major component), terpenic ketones, tannin, wax, sugars, bitter principle, thujic acid, thujin
Properties: Diuretic, insecticidal, anticarcinogenic.
      An infusion can be used as an expectorant for bronchial catarrh. It is also effective as a diuretic for cystitis and amenorrhea. One of its unique virtues is as a topical and internal treatment for warts. According to herbalist Donny Yance, thuja is particularly indicated for cancers of viral origin, including colo-rectal cancer, uterine cancer, and breast and lung cancer. It enhances the immune system by stimulating the T-lymphocytes and increasing interleukin-2 production. This makes it particularly useful for increasing tolerance of chemo- and radiotherapy.
Dose: 10 drops of the tincture three times daily
Used For: Warts, bronchial catarrh, lymphatic congestion, clearing intestinal parasites, stopped menstruation, cystitis, cancer

from The Way of Herbs, Michael Tierra
"Notes" are shortened.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2015, 02:13:53 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2016, 09:33:30 AM »
Madagascar Periwinkle

Extracts of Catharanthus roseus have significant anticancer activity against numerous cell types.
The greatest activity is seen against multi-drug resistant tumor types which suggest that there are compounds in Vinca rosea that are synergistic or additive with anti-neoplastic elements by inhibiting resistance to them.

Anti-cancer: Rosy periwinkle

This pretty plant from Madagascar gives us two very important cancer-fighting medicines: vinblastine and vincristine. Vinblastine has helped increase the chance of surviving childhood leukaemia from 10% to 95%, while vincristine is used to treat Hodgkins’ Disease.

Traditional Madagascan healers used the rosy periwinkle for treating diabetes. This led to its study by western scientists who then discovered its anti-cancer properties.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2016, 04:39:28 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2016, 04:02:33 AM »
"Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds and reduce risk of cancer by 50 percent"

Lemons, a great medicine.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 06:23:34 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2016, 07:33:10 AM »
Oregano and Garliic oil also great anti-cancer oils.

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2016, 04:36:57 AM »
Deep breathing oxygenates the body, which in turn alkalinizes the acidity of the body.

Kox, and his adviser, physician and study co-author Peter Pickkers, also at Radboud University Medical Center, invited Hof to their lab to investigate how he would react to their standard inflammation test. It involves exposure to a bacterial toxin, made by Escherichia coli, to induce temporary fever, headache and shivering.

To Kox’s surprise, Hof’s response to the toxin was milder than that of most people — he had less severe flu-like symptoms, for example, and lower levels of inflammatory proteins in his blood.

Next came the latest study, which included 24 volunteers. Half of them traveled to Poland to undergo Hof’s training program, which included swimming in frigid water and lying bare-chested in the snow, as well as breathing and meditation exercises. The recruits returned to the Netherlands and underwent the inflammation test, performing their breathing exercises as they received their toxin injections. The other 12 volunteers underwent the test without any training.

On average, recruits who underwent training by Hof reported fewer flu-like symptoms than those who did not. Trained recruits also produced lower amounts of several proteins associated with inflammation, and higher levels of an inflammation-fighting protein called interleukin-10.

Kox suspects that the breathing techniques were the biggest contributor to suppressing inflammatory responses. Thirty minutes after starting the breathing exercises — but before the toxin had been injected — trained participants began to produce more adrenaline, a hormone involved in stress and immune responses.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2016, 05:10:18 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2016, 07:46:34 PM »
"It’s widely known that olive oil has many health benefits, but only recently have scientists learned that important therapeutic attributes of olive oil are mediated by the endocannabinoid system.

Mauro Maccarone, a scientist at the University of Teramo, Italy, was aware of reports in the scientific literature that identified the cannabinoid receptor known as “CB-1” as a protein molecule able to control tumor growth in colon cancer. He set out to investigate whether olive oil conferred an anti-cancer effect by influencing CB-1 receptor expression."

“We found that olive oil, in particular the phenolic components of olive oil, can reactivate CB-1 expression. By adding olive oil to an animal’s diet, we can restore a normal CB-1 receptor level that will protect cells against cancer,”

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2016, 02:16:29 AM »
Acetic Acid in Vinegar Kills Mesothelioma Cells
Research shows acetic acid, the main ingredient in vinegar, rapidly kills mesothelioma cancer cells when applied directly to tumors.


Anticancer impacts of potentially probiotic acetic acid bacteria isolated from traditional dairy microbiota

• The Acetobacter indonesiensis and Acetobacter syzygii, isolated respectively from yogurt and curd, displayed favorable probiotic properties.
• The anticancer effect of the A. syzygii secretions was observed higher than A. indonesiensis on treated cancer cell lines.
• The anticancer bioactivity of A. syzygii secretions was interestingly similar to Taxol as the most famous anticancer drug.
• The A. syzygii secretions did not show the significant cytotoxic effects on human normal cells in in vitro condition.

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Re: The Cancer Thread
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2016, 02:34:34 AM »
Another possible mechanism has been raised by recent meta-analyses showing that serotonin signaling could prevent the type I IFN-mediated depressive behavior of HCV patients (86, 87). The signaling behind this phenomenon has not been uncovered yet; however, it is possible that chronic 5-HTR stimulation may block either the PRR-IRF3/7 or type I IFN receptor pathways. Since both NF-κB and type I IFN signaling contribute to the transcriptional regulation of genes that are involved in cellular proliferation and survival, and many psychedelics exhibit in vitro anti-cancer potential through 5-HTRs, these compounds could be promising candidates in novel therapies of cancer

Harmala Alkaloids
Harmala alkaloids, found in banisteriopsis caapi vine and peganum harmala seeds also show great potential for anti-cancer research:
Ethanol and chloroform extracts of P. harmala showed protective effects against thiourea-induced carcinogenicity by normalization of neuron-specific enolase and thyroglobulin levels in animal models.[64] Other effects of the plant extract such as anti-proliferative effect on Leukemic cell lines,[65] inhibitory action on the metastasis of melanoma cells, inducing apoptosis in melanoma cells,[66] tumor angiogenesis inhibition,[13] and binding to RNA[61] have also been reported by various authors. In some cases, P. harmala showed a higher selectivity towards malignant cells than common anticancer drugs like doxorubicin.[57] All of these data suggest that P. harmala and its alkaloids possess the potential to be used as novel antioxidant and anti-tumor agents in anti-cancer therapy.

It is well-established that cannabinoids exert palliative effects on some cancer-associated symptoms. In addition evidences obtained during the last fifteen years support that these compounds can reduce tumor growth in animal models of cancer. Cannabinoids have been shown to activate an ER-stress related pathway that leads to the stimulation of autophagy-mediated cancer cell death. In addition, cannabinoids inhibit tumor angiogenesis and decrease cancer cell migration. The mechanisms of resistance to cannabinoid anticancer action as well as the possible strategies to develop cannabinoid-based combinational therapies to fight cancer have also started to be explored. In this review we will summarize these observations (that have already helped to set the bases for the development of the first clinical studies to investigate the potential clinical benefit of using cannabinoids in anticancer therapies) and will discuss the possible future avenues of research in this area.

More info on Cannabis for cancer treatment: Cannabis as Medicine thread
« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 02:40:14 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »