Author Topic: HIV and frog peptides  (Read 34907 times)

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Offline Bamaboy

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HIV and frog peptides
« on: January 08, 2013, 04:42:35 AM »
Hello new to this forum, I found about this forum from reading the antimicrobial properties of kambo after finding out that I was diagnosed with HIV.  I know little about the disease other than what is conventially taught as prevention, so since I have not been on medication for any chronic condition all my life I searched for 'frog peptides' and hiv and found something interesting in one study that could be similarly true in the kambo medicine.

I am currently on pharmaceutical meds that work pretty well (Atripla), so far it works pretty well as far as no severe side effects.  I get vivid dreams, some wooziness, and the most visible is a pale colored rash on my face and neck.  I will continue my meds because it has proven to reduce the hiv viral loads to undectectable in patients.  The problem is that these meds cost approx $2000/mo and I'm only getting them because I'm in a rehab housing program, with no income so the state pays for the meds for now.

The meds stop hiv from replicating and infecting the t-cells and slowly allows the immune system to rebuild.  I was told by the social worker and nurse that adherence to the drug everyday is crucial for working otherwise the virus can mutate and the meds stop working which id have to go on another med.

So eventually I am considering going off the meds after much contemplation, a risky move, because of some interesting properties of these frog peptides to not only kill the HIV virus but to go in the dendritic cell where it is hiding as a Trojan horse and disrupt it, thus making it more of a possible cure if it can be done within the whole immune system.

Dermaseptin in the P. bicolor frog secretion and only one study I found referenced in one study where it penetrated the dendritic cell, but not the more powerful peptides tested that showed 80-99% inhibited the HIV virus found in the c.  Interesting thing is that these two frogs look similar, both green and apparently the latter is a common 'pet frog' which makes me wonder if a 'frog peptide' stick can be easily created much like kambo is done.

Some interesting leads I found regarding all this.............
Frog Peptides Block HIV In Lab Study
A new weapon in the battle against HIV may come from an unusual source -- a small tropical frog.

Antimicrobial Peptides from Amphibian Skin Potently Inhibit Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Transfer of Virus from Dendritic Cells to T Cells


Topical antimicrobicides hold great promise in reducing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. Amphibian skin provides a rich source of broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptides including some that have antiviral activity. We tested 14 peptides derived from diverse amphibian species for the capacity to inhibit HIV infection. Three peptides (caerin 1.1, caerin 1.9, and maculatin 1.1) completely inhibited HIV infection of T cells within minutes of exposure to virus at concentrations that were not toxic to target cells. These peptides also suppressed infection by murine leukemia virus but not by reovirus, a structurally unrelated nonenveloped virus. Preincubation with peptides prevented viral fusion to target cells and disrupted the HIV envelope. Remarkably, these amphibian peptides also were highly effective in inhibiting the transfer of HIV by dendritic cells (DCs) to T cells, even when DCs were transiently exposed to peptides 8 h after virus capture. These data suggest that amphibian-derived peptides can access DC-sequestered HIV and destroy the virus before it can be transferred to T cells. Thus, amphibian-derived antimicrobial peptides show promise as topical inhibitors of mucosal HIV transmission and provide novel tools to understand the complex biology of HIV capture by DCs.

According to the graph on the full report, Dermaseptin (also found in P. bicolor aka kambo) inhibited the virus 40% which makes me wonder if repeated kambo treatments would have cumulative effects and since this is just one study what other peptides could be at work.

Glad to see the journals like Jox has set up, and am thinking of doing something similar once I can get my blood tests as a measure of my progress, this could be towards the end of the year.

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 07:36:12 AM »
Very interesting. I'd also load up on a bunch of antiviral herbs and such. I'd love to try the Litoria chloris frogs excretion in the same way as kambo. or mixed with kambo.  ;D
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 07:48:08 AM by Psilocybechild »

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2013, 08:09:19 AM »
Has anyone tried Kambo with a different species of frog's peptide excretions? This is majorly exciting imo. Too bad that australian red eyed tree frog seems pretty rare. I used to breed rare and delicate gecko species for years. I think it'd be very cool to get a couple of these frogs and treat em very well.

here's a very common pet store frog
Peptides protect from fungal infection: African clawed frog

Australian Green Eyed Frog Anti-microbial secretions

Rana nigrovittata anti-microbial

The skin secretions of the australian green tree frog have antibacterial and antiviral properties
this looks promising. one website lists 7 peptides. This is a popular pet store frog.
this page lists eleven different frogs and their peptides.

"One substance isolated from the skin secretions of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog — a species once common in California and Oregon but now facing extinction — shows promise for killing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria. MRSA is a 'superbug,' infamous for causing deadly outbreaks of infection among hospitalized patients. Now it is occurring in settings outside hospitals, including schools, nursing homes, and day care centers.

"The skin of the mink frog, likewise, contains secretions that show promise for fighting 'Iraqibacter,' caused by multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumanni.

interesting book. probably too scientific and over my head.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 08:30:12 AM by Psilocybechild »

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2013, 10:28:04 PM »
Thanks lots of interesting applications which look like it would be part of a medicine cabinet.  Been doing some more reading on the White Tree Frog and found this interesting bit which makes it seem possible of making a peptide stick

"Waxy skin secretions, similar to that of frogs of the genus Phyllomedusa, help to prevent dehydration. And like these frogs, L. caerulea will smear these excretions all over itself to protect its delicate skin from the elements."

cool beans :)  looks like I'd be a guinea pig to try this out

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2013, 06:58:48 AM »

Look into getting some Echinacea for the immune system. Echinacea stimulates T-cell production, in fact in as little as two or three weeks you can double, triple, even quadruple the amount of T-cells in your body with good quality Echinacea root. Poke root and ginseng as well.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2021, 05:57:58 PM by ―λlτεrηιτγ- »

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2013, 07:17:10 AM »
Garlic and Red Clover thins the blood to stop the spread of infection.

Look here for a good list of anti-virals;topicseen#msg996

load up on a few of good quality.
Juice some fresh fruits and veggies. Get those elemination pathways open. liver flushes, enemas.
And heal yourself  :)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 07:23:01 AM by Psilocybechild »

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2013, 08:24:08 PM »
I want to comment but my views on AIDS are quite alternative.  So if I were to say much it could very easily cause controversy and that I don't want to stir.  I have quite the minority viewpoint on the subject and how simple it could be to treat. 

Runs the risk of FDA BS if I were to come out strong saying Kambo is good for AIDS on an open forum.  I guess the best I can offer is that IMO Kambo is the healthiest thing one can do for themselves.  In basically every part of your life you will improve and get stronger with the proper use of Kambo.

Very interesting info on the other frogs!  So much though...wowee.

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2013, 07:07:21 AM »
So if I were to say much it could very easily cause controversy and that I don't want to stir.

That's okay, I'll do it for you ;]

"The most toxic drug that has ever been licensed
for long term consumption in the free world.
... AZT is a prescription drug and according to
the manufacturer itself it causes symptoms that are
indistinguishable from AIDS.
So I would say it is not arrogant for me
to say that AZT is AIDS by prescription."
~ Dr Peter Duesberg

Here is a documentary that shows important clips from 5 award-winning documentaries on the subject.
It basically states that what is claimed to be HIV-positive results are just actually auto-antibodies that are developed as a result of your body's immune stress.

The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS
Does HIV really cause AIDS?
Can we really believe the pharmaceutical industrial complex?

Could it be that after so many years of research, and so much money being spent, that the entire orthodox medical establishment has been wrong about AIDS, or even worse, has sought to profit from a system that it KNEW was flawed from the beginning?

Join legendary documentarian and best-selling author Gary "Mr. Natural" Null, Ph.D., for a journey into the darkest recesses of the medical industry - a journey that not only asks the most painful questions, but even proposes the most intriguing truths about a disease we continue to know so little about.

Note: William Cooper was killed on November 5th 2001 by law enforcement.

A.I.D.S. is Man-made
by William Cooper
DATE/TIME: 07/27/90 21:02

To All,

During my talks in Las Vegas last weekend I revealed a few things about
aids that I have been keeping close to my chest. I have already
revealed that I saw that AIDS was man made to eleminate the undesirable
elements of society while I was attached to Naval Security and
Intelligence. I stated this fact in my paper "The Secret Government."
Now for the rest of the story.

The first study was made in 1957 by scientists meeting in Huntsville
Alabama. That study resulted in "Alternative 3." Another study was made
 by the Club of Rome in 1968 to determine the limits to growth. The
result of the study was that civilization as we know it would collapse
shortly after the year 2000 unless the population was seriously
curtailed. Several Top Secret recommendations were made to the ruling
elite by Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome. The chief
recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the auto
immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible.
 The orders were given to develop the microbe and to also develop a
cure and a prophylactic. The microbe would be used against the general
 population and would be introduced by vaccine administered by the
World Health Organization. The prophylactic was to be used by the
ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when they
decide that enough people have died. It will be announced as newly
developed. This plan was called Global 2000. The cure and the
prophylactic are suppressed. Funding was obtained from the U.S.
Congress under H.B. 15090 where $10 million was given to the Department
 of Defense to produce "a synthetic biological agent, an agent that
does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have
been acquired." "Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be
possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in
certain important aspects from any known disease causing organisms.

Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to
maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease." The project was
carried out at Fort Detrick Maryland. Since large populations were to
be decimated the ruling elite decided to target the "undesirable
elements of society" for extermination. Specifically targeted were the
black, hispanic, and homosexual populations. The name of the project
that developed AIDS is MKNAOMI. The African continent was infected via
smallpox vaccine in 1977. The U.S. population was infected in 1978 with
the hepatitis B vaccine through the Centers for Disease Control and the
New York Blood Center. You now have the entire story. The order was
Switzerland. Other measures were also ordered. The one you will be able
to check the easiest is the Haig - Kissinger Depopulation Policy which
is administered by the State Department.

When you put this information out do not edit it and please give me and
this board full credit as the source of the information. Please post
the board phone number with this file. That is how I stay alive. This
COOPER, (602) 567-6725

To aid you in your research of this CRIME the name of the report was
PREDICAMENT OF MANKIND. In April 1968 the study began in the Accademia
dei Lincei in Rome Italy. They met at the instigation of Dr. Aurelio
Peccei. The Top Secret recommendations of the results of the study were
made by Dr. Aurelio Peccei who pledged not to use the prophylactic and
not to take the cure should the microbe be developed and should he
contract the disease. Dr. Peccei was hailed as a great hero for
deciding to take the same risk as the general population. The public
results of the study were published in 1972. The MIT project team that
participated in the study are listed below:

Dr. Dennis L. Meadows, director, United States

Dr. Alison A. Anderson, United States (pollution)

Dr. Jay M. Anderson, United States (pollution)

Ilyas Bayar, Turkey (agriculture)

William W. Behrens III, United States (resources)

Farhad Hakimzadeh, Iran (population)

Dr. Steffen Harbordt, Germany (socio-political trends)

Judith A Machen, United States (administration)

Dr. Donella H. Meadows, United States (population)

Peter Milling, Germany (capital)

Nirmala S. Murthy, India (population)

Roger F. Naill, United States (resources)

Jorgen Randers, Norway (population)

Stephen Shantzis, United States (agriculture)

John A. Seeger, United States (administration)

Marilyn Williams, United States (documentation)

Dr. Erich K. O. Zahn, Germany (agriculture)

When the study was completed in 1969 U.N. Secretary General U Thant
made this statement:

"I do not wish to seem overdramatic, but I can only conclude from the
information that is available to me as Secretary-General, that the
Members of the United Nations have perhaps ten years left in which to
subordinate their ancient quarrels and launch a global partnership to
curb the arms race, to defuse the population explosion, and to supply
the required momentum to development efforts. If such a global
partnership is not forged within the next decade, then I very much fear
that the problems I have mentioned will have reached such staggering
proportions that they will be beyond our capacity to control." U Thant,

MKNAOMI was developed by the Special Operations Division (SOD)
scientists at Ft. Detrick, Maryland under the supervision of the CIA
and for the CIA. A reference to the project MKNAOMI can be found in
"The Intelligence Community" By Fain et al, Bowker, 1977.

I swear that all of the above information is true and correct to the
best of my memory and knowledge. I give this information to the people
of the world in hopes that someone will have the courage and resources
to help me end this madness. The illuminati (the order) are in complete
control of most of the world and they have declared war against the
general populations of all nations. We must stop them at all costs.
Please help me for I cannot do it alone. Please send this file without
editing to everyone that you know and ask them to do the same. God
bless you all.

William Cooper
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 11:13:16 AM by Psilocybechild »

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2013, 02:36:36 PM »
I was diagnosed HIV positive 4 years ago ...they told me my CD4 count would only fall but I looked after myself
and it increased from 353 to 523  . It shot up a alot after Kambo last year but has now dropped dramatically
to 347 -my viral load has increased and the docs are pressuring me to go on meds .

 So I'm back to square one and at a crossroads and as I felt so wiped out was considering starting meds. I decided to have more Kambo and had a very intense session yesterday but with very deep healing and feel so good today -the best I have felt in months . My reason for more Kambo was to strengthen my immune system and cleanse my body so I am in the best position possible to start taking meds but now I'm thinking can Kambo CURE HIV?

It's a difficult situation to be in -I'm not a scientist or a doctor but something is telling me there HAS to be a natural way to deal with this damn HIV thing that has been created and something tells me Kambo may be at least part of that.

Does anyone know of anyone that has cured HIV with Kambo?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 08:03:33 AM by wonderfrog »

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2013, 02:47:25 PM »
you know, HIV control depends most on life style,  than from meds.
This means that more or less toxic life style makes a great difference, and it includes mainly nutricion issues, or in other terms the chances you gives to the immune system to clean up your blood and tissues. Kambo has surely a great role and potential in this process.
 BTW I'm more persuaded that HIV does not even exist as cause of illness.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 07:01:50 PM by caiano »

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2013, 06:44:04 PM »
I agree with caiano.

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2013, 08:23:39 AM »
HIV is a hex for sure . It's a complicated issue, I know someone that was diagnosed , took the 'denialist' route got very ill and almost died recently. He's on ARV's now and recovering -slowly . Having said that he didn't live a healthy lifestyle at all -His main downfall was the psychological burden of the diagnosis itself and his subsequent attempt at blocking it out .He eventually went down with the classic ' AIDS' illnesses-wasting, Karposis Sarcoma , Candida.

There's all sorts of conflicting info out there - The tests are very reliable/The tests aren't reliable /false positives / The virus does exist/has never been proven to exist. They all seem convincing at the time .
Who do I believe ? I can only listen to my body and what it's telling me I guess. I think the meds work -but at a price-the potential side effects aren't nice - but at the end of the day they are just a temporary patch for the problem .

The removal of the hex from the diagnosis itself and the underlying immune system failure has to be dealt with on a much deeper level. I think this journey for me with Kambo has probably only just begun.

Viva Kambo!

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2013, 10:20:09 PM »
Hello, just some more thoughts on this.  I was a denialist too, until I started to feel weak.  It took me 2 years, never got sick but I did try ayahuasca on a number of occassion which may have given me good health.  When i got my CD4 (t-cell) count, it showed that I had 10!  Less than 200 is dangerous, 300-600 is compromised, 800-1000+ is normal.  I was stubborn and said I wouldn't go on meds, but my only symptoms at that point were fatigue and not a full night of sleep.

The meds are the only proven way to reduce viral loads to 'undetectable', the machines can't count less than 20 virus particles in the blood.  Soon after the meds I started to sleep well and it took 2 months to look and feel normal, I added Life Extensions multi-vitamin with vegetable and fruit complex, and then reishi mushroom extract.  My CD4 started climbing up 43, with the supplements I will find in a couple weeks where my levels are at.  Viral load has been decreasing on a level that I should be undetectable soon...

So another thing I found out that honeybee venom, and scorpion venom has similar effects as the frog peptides.  The shamans were really up to something that science is now confirming.

The best that seems to be is a 'functional cure' by meds.  Taking it for a long time 2-3 years may lead to not needing meds anymore, despite the docs that told me id have to take meds every day for the rest of my life.

Baby 'cured', 14 out of 70 no longer need meds

So the best I can do is do what I'm doing now, and add kambo after a few months.  Maybe the frog peptides will attack the virus at the 'hidden cells' while the meds work on the blood (works very effectively)

Other methods now are stem cell, gene therapy not for now I'm doing very well.  Strange how I'm feeling so well when my CD4 is so slow, almost as normal.

As far as the price of meds, I feel guilty that the rest of the people pay for this burden, but the nurse says it is actually cheaper to give meds for free than treat a sick person in an emergency room at 2000/day.  Shows how messed up the healthcare is...

About 5% of the HIV infected are naturally resistant to HIV.  Rare 'elite controllers'.  Most develop symptoms within 5 years....

I get the best info by searching Sciencedaily, almost every week something very hopeful news pops up...

anyways my health update,

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2013, 01:50:34 AM »
waht are exactly the meds you have to take ?

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Re: HIV and frog peptides
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2013, 01:07:23 PM »
I'm on Atripla, a 3 in one pill med.  Must be taken every day at the same time of day, a few doses skipped can lead to mutation of the virus and ineffectiveness, and go on a different combo.   90% of ppl who take this have undectectable levels of the virus 3-6 mo.

Nurses said I'd had to go on antibiotics for a year, but I only lasted 2 months because I just didn't feel like taking them.  Maybe I'm lucky or maybe it's the prayers of my family, relatives.  Wish I could do more testing, but I have to stick to something simple to get on my life after rehab.