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kambo after 2 years
« on: June 09, 2017, 06:25:00 AM »
Hi. For a long time I abstained from kambo, just over 2 years actually. 3 days ago I finally broke the ice and was really ecstatic because of that. Things are settling down now, but I still like to share some insights gained from it.

First of all I wasn't able to get this feeling, that it was okay to proceed with a session. All this time I was on the verge of doing it, but then aborting for I just was either too tired or noticed how I unconsciously sabotaged my attempt. This I didn't understand at first. However gradually I uncovered some subconscious issues that needed to be brought to light in order to get there.

It was like a a house that time after time just collapsed through a fault in the foundation. The house is your life, health and wellbeing. Each time I got it almost up, roofing it or wanting to start decorating or invite guests, whatever. The whole thing would collapse and I had to start all over. I found out the cause was foundation. Meaning, subconscious or unconscious issues that were preventing and sabotaging the effort. This continuous experience halted kambo and it was good to take a break for I would have wrecked things by carrying on.

What I found was a lot of debris related to ancestors or my own line of incarnations or whatever deposits might be there. Still not sure about all of it, but some things are very clear now. It took a lot of pain to be able to open eyes for these things. The most profound and lowest stone in the foundation proved to be a sort of cornerstone: phase 1 & 2 detoxification. It seems like my code says 'do not produce this enzyme through these and these amino acids' instead of 'produce it'. There are a lot of genes that code for detox enzymes and if you have this negation often you're left with little room for removing toxins. So they build up.

Kambo is ofcourse perfect for cleansing toxins, however the buildup wrecks the innate ability and if you can't address this. How are you able to cope with a harsh ride like kambo? I was tired all the time, still am often but things are getting better. What I gained was the knowledge to circumvent a lot of disability in detoxing through diet and practices. Last few I weeks I finally found the corner of this cornerstone and things sped up. So 3 days ago I felt confident that time had come for kambo.

I was a bit worried that 2 years might totally dissolve the link with the frog. That I would need to go somewhere to reinitiate myself. This proved to be nonsense.

Just 5 dots was all that it took. I had drank enough water, smudged and talked to my kambo stick for a long time. Basically covered the basic ritual. Within seconds I was vomiting. What a relief! To know that this response was still remembered was very nice. I can remember the first few times I couldn't puke. I did feel terrible and went through this phase were I wanted to renounce everything just because it all felt so bad. My puke looked good though, from light to dark green. No orange or darker colors. Took that as a good sign.

At the end I ran short of water but only a little and all in all it seemed good to cover all the needs before you start instead of having to force to drink during this ride.

What struck me was the distinct appearance of my unpolished raw and original personality. Like the root on which I cultivated all these refinements. They were blasted off and what remains was very familiar. It was back to the basics. Not entirely happy about that. However this is were I once started from, like the fool in tarot in a sense.

Another one was the psychedelic state that came after. Though not tripping as on psychedelics but this telltale immersement in the here and now which was very much like removing a schism that is normally present in waking state. The way things came in was just very different though I was still sober in way. A subtle psychedelic effect...

Last observation was this kind of heat. Through a lot of tai chi and yoga practice I've come to understand through feeling the yin/ yang - water/ fire - hot/ cold balance. There was sense of fieriness afterward. This was a bit rajasic in ayurvedic terms, where the kambo itself is very sattvic (bitter first, sweet afterward). I wondered if there are certain herbs to cool it down. Might be that aloe vera helps (by ingesting) I didn't try that it but will next time.

Was very tired afterward. I wanted to go for a sauna but had to wait. Just too much for one day. Things are getting better now. The insights gained over the past 2 years prove very helpful and I have the intention to re-establish a relationship with psychedelics sooner or later. Kambo has at least proved to be a very healthy tool and I will use it again soon I hope.

By the way. Does anyone care about lunar cycles with kambo use? I always have this feeling that it should between first quarter and full moon. That this is the proper time for it. But I am sceptical about the whole lunar influence thing. Am of the opinion the moon is an imposter trying to imitate the sun but is just a poor reflection of it. Like popular music is a poor imitation of real artistry. Another question is, what is the agenda of the frog? What does it want. It channels the forest through the insects and reflects amphibic consciousness, what does that bring out in us?

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Re: kambo after 2 years
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2017, 02:19:23 PM »
Really great post, thanks for sharing.

Mint is a really good cooling / yin herb. I think one tribe does their kambo rituals on the full moon and that there was a post about it somewhere here.
May add more later, gotta run.

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Re: kambo after 2 years
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2017, 06:52:50 AM »
As to how to cool. Got an idea about that.

First to chill the intestine tract by ingesting aloe vera pulp, fresh from the leaves. A little while later allow residual toxins to bind by ingesting a kind of edible earth or clay. Meditation is good as well, so is sleep.

The residual heat is much like the heat referred to as 'tapas' in the yoga sutras and other scriptures that talk about ascetic practice (which is also referred to as tapas in sanskrit). Yesterday I did about 3,5 hours of yoga in 3 sessions (with some food). At the end I was having a similar kind of heat. Doing such prolonged sessions takes some determination in the beginning but becomes easy at the end.

Kambo itself is very fiery and swift. The similar effect of yoga is much slower and takes a lot of time to build up. Right now I am considering to do a second session like this week, or to wait for the next moonphase.

Edit: Was reading some topic on treating CFS. I have something to say about that, from my own experience. Seems that lately I might be on the verge of breaking through this state of near constant fatigue.

The point is that whatever I did, the underlying condition was not resolved and it turns out this is due to genetic dispostion in regard to detoxing compounds, like alkaloids, hormones, pesticides, heavy metals. Basically endogenic and exogenic compounds in these rough classes.

So I would lapse right back after say doing a green coffee enema, liver cleanse or whatever. Kambo was left out deliberaty due to this. This was why I choose to avoid kambo for 2 years (through gut feeling). Now I finally figured out a lot of the foods which I avoid in order to stack things in my favour,. This way the underlying cause, ie genetic disinformation, is circumvented. Without this I might be able to do kambo once a week, have a period of energy - but in the end would literally burn up my reserves which is no long term solution.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 07:26:59 AM by n3ur0h@ck »

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Re: kambo after 2 years
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2017, 05:38:00 AM »
I'm looking for some advice on how to proceed along. It's because the previous condition of CFS has returned. Today it's back in full swing. This means waking up tired and having no energy at all. Also previous injuries flaring up and psychological negative spiral.

At first glance now: It seems that I've overlooked something. Although things were improving. There was something neglected and now it has found an opportunity to reassert itself. The lowest cornerstone of (liver) enzyme detox absence proved useful information to setup a diet that improve the fatigue symptoms. However there is something else, or more causes that on the physical lead to this fatigue.

What I found, that after kambo I felt great, had energy and was motivated for a great many things. Using the momentum to steer into the direction of healing & surpassing the issue. At the same time I noticed it also felt great to repeat past behavior that has always been hand in hand the fatigued state. That's why I wrote not being entirely happy about that 'kambo brings out the original personality'.

So I avoided it at first. But a few days later it came back in another guise and this time it carried me away. I involved somebody else with my 'problem'. Caused distress for when I saw it, it was already done and this distress was like the gateway back to the issue.

Yesterday would have been the day for session 2. Were it, I sabotaged it in the usual manner, by losing a lot of energy during sleep. Maybe it's also for releasing energies that otherwise cannot exit. But the point is that it's a no go for kambo.

Next my lower back injury of months past flares up. Right now I feel not good, like worse than before. Smoking a lot of cannabis. This inhibits the tendency to get carried away but may also weaken the ability to do so naturally.

So how to deal with this?

The usual strategy is to sit it out. Take it as a cold shower and don't flinch. Wait for the next moonphase. Attempt it again but also have patience for if sabotaged wait even longer.

I've picked up studying the yoga sutras of Patanjali again. The ideas and insights expressed help a lot to make sense of this deep conscious programming that flowers in subsconscious self-injury, sabotage and negative attitude. Also I'm amazed at time at how tenacious it can be. But overwhelmed by it.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 05:41:43 AM by n3ur0h@ck »

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Re: kambo after 2 years
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2018, 12:28:37 AM »
Hello, I am being told that it has been 120 days since your post yet I am fascinated by your sharing esp. around your comment that 'kambo brings out the original personality'! Can you elaborate on this or point me to a thread where this discussion sits?

I have not done this medicine and have opportunities to do it with trained practitioners in Victoria here on Vancouver Island.
After 5 years of doing Aya and other medicines in therapeutic form I am feeling called to do deeper energetic clearing with Kambo. I don't do any of these sacred medicines lightly and take a great deal of time to prepare myself emotionally, physically, and spiritually before bringing these forward.

I really appreciate your thought process as it feels close to home. Any direction is very welcome.
